The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1523 I heard you lost the fight

Chapter 1523 I heard you lost the fight

"So all these goods are made by the Tiger Pattern Tribe themselves?" Song Er asked in surprise.

"No, it is said that they are all sold from the Chu family. It is cheaper to wholesale in large quantities from the Chu family." Chang Sui said with a smile. “I didn’t expect that when the Chu family was building the city wall, they would still be in the mood to help the Tiger Pattern Clan make something like this.

The tiger-striped tribe is even more interesting. They took advantage of their familiarity with geography and became second-rate dealers, specializing in selling things made by the Chu family to our camp.

I also saw someone making a special reservation for the Tiger Pattern Tribe and getting themselves a new bedding set. All are extremely cheap.

To be honest, the quality of the bedding is newer and much warmer than the bedding issued to us by the military. "

"As long as you know what's missing, remember to count it out for me." Song Er said.

"Okay, master."

"I remember Ding Wuzhao said that the tiger-striped tribe is unruly and has no possibility of communication. But what I saw is that the tiger-striped tribe has set up business at the gate of our camp. What is going on? Ding Wuzhao is Don't know at all, or are you just pretending not to know?

What prejudice does he have against the tiger-striped tribe? "

"Master, I feel that Hou Wanshan is even more unkind to the Tiger Pattern Tribe. Many generals saw the large number of Tiger Pattern Tribe employed by the Chu family and wanted to hire the Tiger Pattern Tribe to do things for themselves. Who would have known that this kind of thing would come into Hou Wanshan's hands? .

It was dismissed.

Hou Wanshan also said that anyone who insists on asking the Tiger Stripe tribe to do work for him is going against him. "

"Why?" Song Er was puzzled.

"I don't know." Chang Sui couldn't answer.


On Chu's side, Taohua also received orders or warnings from Hou Wanshan.

Tell them to stop using the Tiger Pattern tribe to build the city wall. If not, they will be punished.

Maohuaxin said, otherwise you can punish me. I'm worried that I can't finish the project, so how can I find someone to take the blame?

If you get on the pole and deliver it, I will be very happy.

"Ignore him."

"Clan leader, what should we do if this person really takes action against us?" Chu Zixian frowned. He was also one of the Chu family bosses who came to take charge of the construction.

"Then go to the general in the army and sue him. Just say that he colluded with the demons to prevent us from completing the project."


Chu Zixian held his forehead.

So there's another lawsuit, right?

A few days later, Hou Wanshan sent someone to give orders to Chu Taohua.

It's a pity that Chu Taohua didn't listen at all with her left ear, but her right ear irritated, so she didn't take it seriously.

If you give me an order, just give me an order.

A few days later, he sent someone again, strongly demanding that Chu Taohua stop using tiger-striped people, otherwise they would completely stop Chu's construction.

"Okay, let him come and stop it. Everyone is watching anyway. It really can't be completed. It took so many frontline generals bleeding and crying to get a good situation and a short opportunity to build a defense line. Who is at fault? Not me anyway.

I didn't let the shutdown happen. "

"You..." The visitor threw up his sleeves angrily and left.

After hearing this, Hou Wanshan's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Are you, the Chu family, planning to take the blame?

Huh, you think I won't be afraid if you blame me.

When all of your clan is dead and there is a scapegoat, I will naturally be able to escape safely.

So an order was issued to stop work.

It's a pity that Taohua doesn't like him at all.

Hou Wanshan was so angry that he simply asked the army to go and force you to stop work.

Chu Shinian suddenly appeared at this time, bringing his legions and battleship formations with him. Confrontation!

If you want to forcefully stop the construction, we will fight.

Anyway, everyone is willing to fight.

Even several large tribes of the Tiger Pattern Tribe secretly sent troops to target the team sent by Hou Wanshan.

People's wealth is ruined by killing their parents.

But the general Hou Wanshan auctioned was a dead-headed man.

He gave the direct order to fire. Then the fight really started.

Both sides exchanged fire with all their strength.

Although Chu's warships are a little more rugged. Not as good as the elite battleships in the military.

But fortunately there are many ships.

In addition, there is the confusion and help from the Tiger Stripe Clan.

When Hou Wanshan's troops arrived, they were in a hurry.

The fight between the two sides was too lively. Even Ding Wuzhao brought an army to force a ceasefire without giving face. In the end, Ding Wuzhao directly sent an army to suppress both sides. This is the end.

But this matter has become a big deal.

All the generals in the army ran over from their own ranks, including the two generals on the two wings and their generals.

"What's going on? Isn't the Chu family's city wall repaired very well? Why are you fighting with General Hou Wanshan again?"

The first ones went around asking for details, and the later ones asked acquaintances around them.

What the hell is going on?

"Why did the Chu family get involved with Hou Wanshan?"

"I heard that Hou Wanshan suddenly ordered the Chu family to stop work. They were not allowed to continue building the city wall."

"What? More than half of the repairs have been completed, so why are they suddenly not allowed to be repaired? Did the higher-ups change their strategy and no longer plan to retake the front? Then we have sacrificed so many people in vain?"

"What does Hou Wanshan mean? Who is he from? A spy of the demon clan?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Hou Wanshan is also a general."

"How did he become a general? He is not from our Wenlan Tianyu, right? I have been a general all my life, how come I don't know that there is a general named Hou in our Wenlan Tianyu?"

"He was originally a junior general. He was later promoted by nobles.

It does not rely on military merit but on noble people. "

"I understand, it's the general who came up through the back door. Hehe."

Hou Wanshan's face turned dark as he listened to their whispers, discussing how he became a general.

These bastards.

To be honest, things were a bit unexpected.

Things got bigger.

Even Ding Wuzhao had to lead an army to quell the chaos between the two sides.

This is a bit out of his control.

This is not good!

Not long after he came in, Chu Shinian also came.

Behind him followed a group of people from the Chu family and Yang Yuan. Yang Yuan also brought his chief strategist Han Xiangzhi with him. It happened that Han Xiangzhi came to report various family affairs to him.

Although he is here in Chu Shinian, he still has to take care of his family's business and cannot let go.

Fortunately, Han Xiangzhi is very capable and can handle many affairs on his behalf.

However, Han Xiangzhi did not dare to make decisions on his behalf for a long time. If you don't rush to report, Yang Yuan still has to make his own decisions on many things.

The last ones to appear were Ding Wuzhao and Song Er, who arrived late and had dark faces.

Song Er sat directly in the position of the first deputy.

This location used to belong to Hou Wanshan.

Hou Wanshan was stunned for a moment before sitting down again.

The other two generals also took their seats one after another. When the rear army general also arrived, they simply went to Hou Wanshan's side.

"What's the matter, Lao Hou? I heard that you sailed a battleship to fight with others and lost." The general of the rear army asked with a teasing tone.

"not me."

(End of this chapter)

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