Chapter 1524 Duel

"Who is that?" the general of the rear army asked puzzledly.

"He's mine." Hou Wanshan pinched his forehead.

"Then it's still you."

"But my people didn't lose either."

"Then did your people win?" the general of the rear army asked again.


"You still haven't won. If you haven't won, then you've lost."

"Are you looking for trouble?" Hou Wanshan was furious.

"I, Dajun Ni, are looking for trouble. What's wrong?" Your army, the general of the rear army, replied domineeringly.

"How about we go out and practice?" Hou Wanshan gritted his teeth.

Even if you can't beat it, it still takes one round. Otherwise, he will become a piece of dough in the general, and anyone can bully him.

"Come on, I'll give you one hand, and you can't even take five moves in my hands. If I fight you, I'll lose too much. I have many young generals under my command who have pretty good cultivation. How about I let them play with you?" Ni Dajun said mockingly.

"Ni Dajun."

"Quiet, please calm down. I summoned you here to solve the problem, not to continue the internal strife." Ding Wuzhao said angrily.

"Finally, we managed to create a good situation. We saw that everyone was able to complete the task, receive awards, get promotions and make a fortune. As a result, you actually started fighting. And a general was involved.

Hou Wanshan, what's the matter with you?

Why are you fighting with the Chu family? Have you ever thought about the bad effects of blatant internal strife? "

"How dare Mrs. Chu disobey my orders? I am a general, but no one pays attention to my orders. How can I still have any dignity?" Hou Wanshan said angrily.

"Chu family? Who do you think you are? You ignored the general in the army. Are you Chu family tired of living?" Ding Wuzhao immediately went to criticize Chu Shinian again. And he sprayed it very hard, and his tone was very vicious and domineering.

"How can our Chu family, a weak family, fight against a great general? The other party is really too vicious and he wants to silence him. We have no choice but to stand up and resist."

"What? Silence you." Ding Wuzhao was shocked.

"Yes, I want to report that Hou Wanshan, as a general, colluded with the demon spies and betrayed various military operation intelligence of our army. We have evidence in our hands." Chu Shinian said.

"What?" The whole tent was in an uproar.

Many generals and generals stood up one after another and looked at Chu Shinian and Hou Wanshan with horrified expressions.

"Nonsense, you are presumptuous. You actually slandered me? I will summon the army right now and crush your Chu family. No one can stop me."

"Did you see? He is anxious, he is anxious again. He will definitely not be willing to silence us until we are silenced.

Don't you all know what kind of harm a high-level demon spy like him can bring to our army? "

Chu Shinian said with a mocking tone.

"You...I'm going to kill you." Hou Wanshan was so angry that he was shaking all over, but in the eyes of others, it might be fear.

In recent years, there have been many human military officers who have taken refuge with the demons.

Who knows if Hou Wanshan can?

"Hou Wanshan, please calm down. Someone, please give me Hou Wanshan's weapons and armor."

"Ding Wuzhao!" Hou Wanshan was filled with grief and anger. Isn't this doubting him in public?


"Hou Wanshan, you are also a veteran. Faced with such a real-name report, even I will treat him the same as you. Unless he reports falsely." Ding Wuzhao said.

Hou Wanshan suddenly turned pale.

A group of Ding Wuzhao's personal guards came up and roughly touched the weapons and armor of Hou Wanshan and his close personal guards.

"Show evidence, otherwise you and your whole family will die." Ding Wuzhao said with a gloomy face. .

"Come here, bring the evidence." Chu Shinian didn't waste any words. Witnesses and physical evidence sent directly by others. Things were laid out one by one.

"Is Li Kaiyuan one of yours?" Chu Shinian asked.

The person he was asking was Hou Wanshan.

"He is my subordinate."

"He is still your confidant. Otherwise, how could you leave the matter of secretly selling ordnance and armaments to him?" Chu Shinian immediately exploded, and exposed Hou Wanshan's face as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Nonsense, nonsense. He is not my confidant."

"Do you think we are all fools? Come and take a look at the account books that our family copied from Li Kaiyuan. Take a look, in less than a year, since you received the mechanical armaments, what have you dragged away from the logistics warehouse? How many things were sold to the demon army.

Can you be said to have no idea that so many things have disappeared? You, a general, have so many supplies disappearing under your nose. Did you do it for nothing? "

Chu Shinian made dozens of copies of the thick account book copied by others and let the generals present to see it.

"Why did you make so many copies of this ledger?" a general asked.

"I'm afraid that there is someone behind Hou Wanshan who is too powerful. If I just have one account book, they might burn it or destroy the evidence. Now I will give everyone a copy as a souvenir.

Even if our Chu family is gone, the evidence that he colluded with the demon army will not disappear completely. There will always be some traces left, right? "

Chu Shinian also looked at Ding Wuzhao and other generals with deep meaning.

Obviously don't trust them either.

Who knows if they have a role in this.

"After all, I know that the generals in other regions have also done this with the demon army, acted out love dramas with the demon army, and defrauded them of merit. It was the young prince Yang Yuan who provided me with this information."

Yang Yuan smiled at everyone.

There really might be something like this here.

He felt that there could not be only one Hou Wanshan.

Ding Wuzhao's face could instantly turn black with ink.

Bastard, trash, trash, these are not enough to describe the way he looked at Hou Wanshan at this moment.

Hou Wanshan was immediately stunned.

He also wanted to explain that he didn't have it and that he didn't know, but when he saw a few records on the opened account book, it was like being struck by lightning.

The key is that the quantity is too large.

Even transporting so many things out of the warehouse would take several days. There was no way he was unaware of this.

"In addition, this is a video of Li Kaiyuan and the high-level demon spies meeting each other and trading with each other. Because we Chu people are not good at cultivation, we dare not get too close and can only leave the impact of their meeting from a distance. But we can Look at the records compiled by our Chu family.

Every time they met, our troops were attacked. And they all just arranged tasks.

The demon army was also attacked. It is said that our army's spies accurately found the direction and route of the demon army.

But what is very suspicious is that there is no record of any deployment at night in our army. The person who provided the information was named Li Kaiyuan.

Li Kaiyuan was in charge of logistics. How did he develop another powerful military spy system?

Isn’t this just teasing us and deceiving our IQ?

This was clearly a showdown between him and the demon spies.

Selling out information allowed both the sergeant and the demon army to suffer losses due to the script. "

(End of this chapter)

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