The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1525 Thunder Exploded

Chapter 1525 Thunder Exploded

Because the script was damaged, there was no such thing as a duet.

The entire camp became silent.

The generals all looked sharply at Hou Wanshan and Ding Wuzhao.

Ding Wuzhao was sitting on pins and needles.

"I swear that I will never participate in the show. If I violate my oath, my descendants will be cut off, and my entire family will be wiped out."

"Then you'd better get involved in other things." Deng Wen said coldly.

Ding Wuzhao was silent for a moment. Caidao said, "Actually, the Chu family didn't provide any evidence here, such as what they said when they met. What are the details? What if it's not what you guessed?"

"General Ding, aren't you also a high-level spy of the demon clan?" Chu Shinian asked in a particularly unkind tone. "Li Kaiyuan, sixth level. That high-ranking demon spy, seventh level. Among the people from our Chu clan, I am the one with the highest cultivation level. I just broke through the sixth level.

You let us weak spies get closer and eavesdrop on the private conversations of such a powerful master. Do you think that as long as we listen, we will be dead, and we can alert the enemy, so that you can be prepared? "

Chu Shinian's question immediately made Ding Wuzhao's face look even uglier.

"You are a little Chu family member, Bai Ding, you have no missions, honors and achievements..."

"I knew you would say that, General Ding. Anyway, our Chu family is just little ants at your feet that can be crushed to death at any time. Then I'll ask, I'll ask all the generals present, if you would like to know one day, I don’t know whose script it was, but was it sacrificed?

Are you willing that your heirs, nephews, and clan members will be sacrificed like this?

Your comrades and old friends are being used as pawns against the demon army just like they are playing. Are you happy with that? "

"I'm not happy." A general who immediately lost a relative said angrily.

"Don't think about it."

"Ding Wuzhao, what do you mean? Are you a high-level spy of the demon clan?"

"Ding Wuzhao, did you collude with the demons and betray your comrades?"

The crowd is furious.

Many generals angrily criticized Ding Wuzhao.

His general was completely disgraced.

Ding Wuzhao almost hated Chu Shinian for making trouble.

"I didn't collude with the demons, I swore to you."

Everyone sneered.

Song Er glanced at the confidants beside him, then stood up with a majestic look.

"Your Majesty's secret decree. All generals will accept the decree."

The voice is not angry but powerful.

This was another amazing surprise.

Even Chu Shinian didn't expect it.

He received the order together with everyone.

On the second day of the Song Dynasty, an imperial edict was issued: "Order, Song Xiaosheng shall be the general of the central army and control all armies. The date when the secret edict is read will take effect."

Generals: Damn, Song Er is indeed coming with great force, and he actually has such an astonishingly important trump card in his hand.

The key is that it didn't say how Ding Wuzhao would deal with it.

Ding Wuzhao also turned pale. He shouldn't have spoken just now.

Chu Shinian should not be questioned.

Chu Shinian really dared to say anything. And he is particularly good at sowing discord.

Based on what he just said, the generals below began to silently doubt him.

After all, it was he who was in charge of military affairs before. Because he suffered heavy losses in the battle against the demons, he was also the one who lost a large number of generals and elite soldiers.

If the previous series of battles turned into a duel.

So except for him and Hou Wanshan, the other generals who were defeated or died in the battle were all heroes.

Not only would his entire clan be wiped out, but he would still be in disgrace for thousands of years.

"Since I have His Majesty's secret order, I will hand over the Chinese military seal. But I still have the same words. Without evidence, it cannot prove that Hou Wanshan is guilty. Maybe these things were done by Li Kaiyuan."

"Shifting the blame, right?" Chu Shinian couldn't help but sneer after hearing this.

"I really should have asked someone to help you massacre the clan." Ding Wuzhao sneered.

"It's not certain who will be slaughtered. Even people like the General can survive safely against the demons. Then our Chu family will definitely be able to continue to live."

Chu Shinian wanted to kick Ding Wuzhao and Hou Wanshan away from all the generals on the battlefield.

"I told you, I didn't."

"General, do you have proof? You can prove it to yourself, don't you? I swear, who can't? As long as I can play with words, I can do any experiment.

General, do you dare to swear that you have no connection with the demons, no private transactions, and no private transmission of information? If you dare to make such an oath, I will believe you. My whole Chu family can die. "

Ding Wuzhao was immediately choked.

Everyone immediately discovered that Ding Wuzhao was not that clean either.

He was just involved.

"Ding Wuzhao and Hou Wanshan are temporarily suspended from duty to recuperate. Someone, send them to the tent next door to rest." Song Er decisively ordered.

Now that two generals are involved, the situation is quite bad, involving colluding with the demons, acting as spies, performing duels, killing families, stealing large quantities of weapons and equipment, and so on.

The two of them were having so much fun that they couldn't handle this mess.

Song Er thought with a headache.

"Chu Shinian can leave first after leaving all the evidence and spies. The city wall is a top priority. It must be repaired before the specified period. Does Young Master Yang plan to stay?"

"No, Chu Shinian and I will go back." Yang Yuan said.

Song Er nodded, "Other generals will go back temporarily. This matter is of great importance and must be investigated and evidence collected.

But I will give you an explanation. "

"In addition, immediately arrest Li Kaiyuan, immediately arrest Ding Wuzhao and Hou Wanshan's confidant generals, personal guards and other related persons."

This conference ended hastily, and everyone was stunned by Chu Shinian's thunder.

Acting against each other.

Moreover, it is a scripted duel, which is really scary and full of malice.

Thinking about who had died in battle before, had he offended Hou Wanshan, Ding Wuzhao, and their cronies before?

I simply dare not think deeply about the truth.

Many generals did not dare to sleep all night after returning to the camp.

Early the next morning, they all ran to Song Er and told them any suspicious things they had done since they came to the battlefield.

"When we first came into contact with the Demon Army, their armor was still very tattered. But within two months, they had complete armor, and it looked like it was newly forged.

As for our human army, each sergeant should have received two collars of armor, but in fact we only received one collar, which was a tattered old armor. So where did the new one go? "

"After my brother died in the battle, his bodyguards fled back and told me personally that the demon army found their legion with great accuracy. If they didn't know the marching route, how could they have found the enemy so accurately in the dark night? What was the original marching route? , designated by Ding Wuzhao."

(End of this chapter)

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