The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1526 Arrangement

Chapter 1526 Arrangement

"When Li Kaiyuan sent me armaments, he obviously only sent us a batch of shabby cotton quilts, but the pick-up list said brand new cotton quilts. I want to ask, did we receive those tattered ones that couldn't even be covered? I had to hold the quilt up by myself. Was the new one also sent to the demon camp?

In addition, the cotton bedding we received smelled like the stench of the demon pig man from across the street.

What if the two sides are really connected?

So whose quilt are we sleeping on? A stinky pig?

This is too disgusting.

It is simply unimaginable. "

After Song Er heard this, he also felt that he couldn't think about it.

Just thinking about it makes me want to kill Li Kaiyuan and Hou Wanshan.

Moreover, Li Kaiyuan was arrested and had already committed suicide.

When Hou Wanshan heard that Li Kaiyuan was dead, he had been very quiet recently and kept silent.

If you don't speak up, then really don't blame him.

Song Er thought of the various statistical evidences sent by the Chu family.

He is so good at it. He used data to compare various information and guessed the content of the original transaction.

Military operations, various private transactions of old for new, etc.

Replace armaments and ordnance with old ones if possible, and then resell new ones.

Make a fortune, old guys.

Even if you don't play with me, you should at least hide your vests.

Besides, even if there is no confirmation, according to Chu's reasoning, it is enough for you to drink a pot.

Even Song Er could imagine that once this kind of inference data comes to the Dragon Emperor's desk, what kind of evidence will the Dragon Emperor believe in you?

No, he will definitely rely on real data.

As soon as you meet, our entire army will disappear within the next two months, and there will be no shortage of elite armies.

You want me to believe that you have no connection with the demons and have not sold military intelligence to them. Can I believe you?

Could it be that you think I, the Dragon King, am a fool?

Song Er directly copied Chu's inference data into his own notebook.

That’s how I reported it.

I will write how Chu family reasoned.

He didn't know how this letter, which was transferred to the Dragon Emperor through special channels, caused such an uproar.

A minister of household affairs resigned because of this.

Because he was the one who recommended Hou Wanshan in the first place.

And if the big boss who recommended Ding Wuzhao was not a veteran of the Three Dynasties and had already retired from office, the end would not be very good. At any rate, he had retired a long time ago, so the Dragon Emperor gave him some face and did not directly issue an imperial edict to spray it.

Ding Wuzhao and Hou Wanshan were beaten to the end, but they did not lose their lives.

The General Manager's Office has already written a letter to let them return home.

It's just that this journey is not peaceful.

If you have relatives who died in the war, can you let these two guys go?

Unexpectedly, just after Li Kaiyuan died, his family was slaughtered by several groups of men in black overnight.

Even the newborn baby who was less than one month old was not spared.

However, both Ding Wuzhao and Hou Wanshan became generals, so they had some ability to protect themselves. Besides, they still had personal guards.

The departure of Ding Wuzhao and Hou Wanshan was truly an earth-shattering earthquake.

They and their cronies suddenly had many vacant positions.

After some selection, Song Er replaced many famous generals.

It can be regarded as a promotion, and it can also be regarded as a kind of compensation. After all, everyone has clan members or relatives who died in the war. But this matter is not over, it is just the beginning.

The Chu family made such a big splash and killed two generals at once, which was an incredible feat. But at the same time, he was also feared by many generals. It is so rare to find generals who are completely innocent.

There are too many generals selling things privately. Everyone is also afraid that the Chu family will suddenly have another big explosion.

He blew himself up too.

Of course, there are those who hate and fear the Chu family, and there are those who like and favor the Chu family very much.

This time, my relatives got their revenge and killed the two generals who killed them, and the Chu family was indispensable.

This Chu family is definitely worth winning over and getting close to.

In short, the Chu family opened up the situation with this resistance.

The most important thing is that the Tiger Pattern Clan has not been driven away. It also allowed the Tiger Pattern tribe to see Chu's methods with their own eyes.

As a result, the relationship between the Tiger Stripe Tribe and them became even closer.

The speed of city wall construction is also maintained at a certain high speed.

At least it seems that they will be able to complete the project before the specified date.

However, the Demon Army did not play their cards according to the rules at all.

Just when the human army was still undergoing a major blood change and was a little confused, they dispatched a large army and several seventh-level masters. One body destroyed millions of miles of city walls.

When Chu Shinian rushed over, the border area was in a mess. There are large and small modules flying out everywhere. He scanned carefully and many modules were broken.

This destruction was done very carefully.

However, there are also a large number of modules that can still be used.

He simply organized a small number of craftsmen to come over and lead the team. He led the craftsmen in the army and spent a few days to repair the city wall again.

The key is that this time a team was also trained to quickly repair the city wall.

If the demons come to cause damage in the future, they can repair it themselves.

It will not affect the Chu family's project of building the city wall at all.

When the demons discovered it, the city wall they destroyed was quickly repaired.

Even more angry.

The Demon Commander said to his confidants, "The Chu family's city walls are all assembled piece by piece. It's not a whole wall. If it's broken, it's not easy to repair. It's made of pieces with slots spliced ​​together. It's strong and has Toughness. Even if we destroy a wall, it can be easily repaired. Just replace the broken components and assemble a new one.

Very difficult to deal with. "

"Then how can we prevent the Chu family from building the city wall?" the Demon Commander asked back.

Many demons stopped talking.

Everyone should think more about this matter.

"In fact, the best thing to do is to communicate with the senior generals in the other side's army as before." Someone said.

"It's not easy to deal with. The last batch has been taken down, and I don't dare to touch the rest."

"Then get rid of Chu's people completely. Anyway, without them, their city wall can't be repaired."

"We have also organized and attacked the craftsmen of the Chu family many times. The results were not great. As soon as we showed up, they ran away. They fled very fast. They set up a large number of teleportation arrays at every attack. They also set up demons. Inaccessible restrictions.”

"Then we develop some human spies to attack them?" the Demon Commander asked again.

"This is a good idea. The humans we gathered are of no use for the time being and have been used as slaves. Now they finally have a place to use." A demon general said carelessly.

"Then organize it well and rearrange the sneak attack plan." The Demon Commander said again.

(End of this chapter)

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