Chapter 1527 Spy

He Jiu is the guard general at the Zero 075 construction site.

His family has produced four generations of generals in the Chu army, and they almost have their own small family.

In fact, the He family has always debated whether to establish their own small family.

He family was born as a commoner. The whole family is mud-legged.

It’s different from the Chu family. Don't look at most branches of the Chu family. They were originally village-level mud-legged people from poor families.

However, the direct branch of the Chu family is a clan that has excelled in both civil and military affairs in the past dynasties.

Although the last few generations of the family have declined, they have not completely declined.

Even the current Chu family members who were originally direct descendants have always been reserved and proud.

Even if the people in power now are not direct descendants.

But everyone knows they want to regain control of the family. It’s almost as if Sima Zhao’s heart is known to everyone!

However, as the leader of the clan, Chu Taohua did not openly exclude or suppress them.

Of course, it's better not to know whether there is a young general of his level secretly promoted by He Jiu.

Besides, the new direct descendants of the Chu family established by the clan leader all rose through the ranks based on their achievements. Who would buy the honor of the original direct descendants of the Chu family?

What kind of face do you really have?

If you have the ability, come up. If you don't, just keep squatting down below.

Even though it has been two hundred years, the original direct branch of the Chu family still has not changed its style.

He has always been cultivating men, women, old and young of his own branch to be both civil and military.

The question is, what did the Chu family rely on for its rise?

Planting and alchemy.

Therefore, the powerful elders who can hold power in the Chu family are all technical talents. Some are even technical masters and subject leaders.

For example, the powerful elder in charge of marine farming, Chu Jindan. This old man himself is a master of marine farming. This misfortune now also works part-time as the boss of void breeding authority.

Nine-star coral was the first one he discovered and cultivated.

Later, the family accepted it and invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and finally cultivated the weird and trouble-making Nine Star Coral.

Now this little greedy and shameless person is still fighting for his family in those polluted sea areas. Ahem, actually I just eat like crazy.

Although Mr. Chu Jindan himself doesn’t think he is that powerful.

But there are many young people in the Chu family who admire him and hope to become a big boss like him in the future.

So the little old man is deeply loved no matter where he goes.

There are many people who are confused about their grandsons and granddaughters.

Everyone likes to call him Grandpa Jindan.

Because there are too many technical bosses as foils, the original direct descendants of the Chu family seem a bit stupid and conservative.

But if they themselves are unwilling to change, then other Chu clan members will not do anything annoying or annoying.

The He family compared the complex and changeable situation in the Chu family. A large part of the clan felt that there was no need for the He family to build a small family.

Why bother? They were originally serving under the Chu family. What could they do if they established their own family?

Can it produce a powerful family head, or can it produce one or two capable people?

both are not.

Everyone’s talents are there.

They are pure mud-legs.

Isn’t it good to make money and enjoy life in an unobtrusive way?

Under the Chu family, there are actually countless people with minor surnames who established their families.

But everyone's development is not as expected.

The key is that once you develop your family to a certain extent, your interests will collide with those of the Chu family.

Can you collide with the Chu family? The Chu family is a real comet, and you are at most a small meteorite.

It's not clear who hit whom.

Of course, even most tribesmen like to live in peace and contentment. There are still many ambitious tribesmen who are very unwilling to do so.

They believe that if a person has no ideals, how is he any different from a salted fish? (Actually, salted fish is just waiting to be eaten. I really don’t want to use it as a reference for you. Don’t believe it? Why don’t you ask salted fish.)

In short, they have strength and want to unite all the strength of the clan to fight.

But to be honest, we all have young parents. Who is willing to let go of a good life and go bankrupt to fight for you?

Besides, the family named He is too small, and there has never been a soul figure, such as Chu Taohua or Chu Shinian. Even if there is a guy who can match the quality of those two, there has never been one.

How to do this?

So every clan festival ended with lively quarrels and then a lively ending, but in the end nothing was accomplished.

"General, I noticed something unusual. I would like you to report it." A tiger-striped demi-human came to him quietly.

"What's abnormal?"

"Is there any reward?" the tiger-striped demi-human asked in a low voice, mysteriously.

"As long as the information is valuable, there will be at least three spiritual stones as a reward." He Jiu said.

"Okay, then I'll tell you. Yesterday, a human came, saying they were defeated troops dispersed by the demon army. He came here to make a living. But I don't think he wants to. He often goes around to check on you at the venue. The status of nearby guard patrols.

He also gave me food and asked me to tell him the patrol times of your army. There are also names of military lieutenant generals and so on.

He is still secretly counting the weapons you have.

How many crossbows are there, and how many bundles of crossbow arrows are there.

By the way, he also specifically asked me who the master craftsman responsible for building the points was? What does it look like. He deliberately moved closer to recognize the person.

I think that although he looks like a human, he is most likely a spy of the demons.

Demons often use special methods to disguise themselves as humans.

So I came here to give you a heads up. "

"Brother, our relationship is as deep as the ocean. Next time you have this kind of information, you must tell me. This time I will give you ten spiritual stones."

The other party's eyes suddenly widened and he said, "You actually gave me ten yuan. That's quite interesting."

"If you help me find a spy from the demon clan, you might be able to save us a lot of losses. You deserve the ten spirit stones." He Jiu quickly handed over the spirit stones. Also, thank you very much.

After that, several other demi-humans who were not tiger stripes but were recruited from other places by the Chu family came to tell him privately about some problematic people.

These people are all humans on the surface.

All they do is spy stuff.

The targets are the patrol and defense situation of the Chu family's escorts, as well as the list of craftsmen in charge of various construction sites.

Obviously, people are eyeing these craftsmen again.

There are also formation mages, this group of scammers, who also like to disguise themselves as craftsmen and master craftsmen on the battlefield.

There are powerful craftsmen and master craftsmen everywhere in the camp.

Ah bah!

He Jiu thought about it for a while and figured out that the demon clan was about to make a big move. Then he has to report it quickly and make careful arrangements.

Chu Shinian soon received urgent reports from various construction sites.

They are all saying that the demons are going to cause trouble again.

This time it is likely to focus on human traitors sneaking attacks on humans.

Chu Shinian thought for a moment and then summoned the generals who escorted the fleet to come over for a meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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