The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1528 The Design of the Pit

Chapter 1528 The Design of the Pit

After calling everyone over, Chu Shinian explained the abnormalities at various construction points.

"It should be that the Demon Commander wants to make another big move."

"What do you think?"

"The main spies who appeared this time are all humans. Could it be that the demons are planning to attack us with human rebels? After all, the human rebels are also humans, and it is easier to infiltrate into various construction sites." A general said.

"Human traitors, these people hum."

"How about we set up a joint bureau? I've been hoarding a lot of dirty tricks recently." A general chuckled evilly.

"I know you don't have good intentions," another general said jokingly. "Ahem, cough, actually, I have a lot of experience in digging traps. How about we communicate. I like to pretend to be iron nails, iron thorns, etc. at the bottom of various places.

I can't walk if I wear it. "

"Yeah, I need this routine."

"Ahem, I want it too."

"I prefer to install thin steel wires next to the traps. They are all added with spiritual materials, which are particularly easy to use for horse stoppers. And the steel wires I installed are all very thin, not to mention impossible to find in the dark. Even in the daytime, it’s difficult to detect.”

"That's fine too. But is the thin wire in your hand enough? Can you give us a little more?"

"Don't worry, I've done enough in the beginning."

"I prefer to use clamps. I have specially adjusted the bite force of various animal leg clamps. Once a foot is clamped off, it will be the same for humans and animals. Neither humans nor demons can break their legs. ”

"I like this so much, I just like all kinds of clips. I like to watch people dance the most."

"I prefer the automatic hidden arrows. They are poisoned. Once they hit, they will lose all their strength. If they are poisoned to death, it will have no effect on the human rebels and the demon army. But if they are weak and unable to move.

That is a matter of choice for the human rebels and the demon army. "

"Kill your own people. You are so insidious."

When everyone sums it up, we are dealing with the human rebels anyway. Why do we talk about loyalty to them? Others will not talk about loyalty to them.

It's still a dirty trick, so be it.

When Chu Shinian heard this, he thought these ideas were good. "Everyone has finally grown up. Work hard and try to keep as many human rebels in the pit as possible, and then contact the legion to earn military merit."

"We don't need military skills, but this time I plan to exchange some basic military skills with them. I changed a few books last time and went back to let everyone practice them. It is indeed stronger than the military skills we gained before.

Even the side effects are stronger. Fortunately, our family has enough elixirs, otherwise we would be risking our lives. "

"Are you talking about the violent blood technique?"

"It's that violent blood technique. It's too fierce. If you don't take pills, you'll be dead if you do it once. But when you're desperate, it's still best to use it."

"I also mastered the violent blood technique. When I went back and let the sergeants practice it, I discovered how powerful this thing is. You can try using the bleeding pill. The blood bleeding pill in our family is like it was specially made for the violent blood technique. The package is the same.

Take one pill and you can last for a quarter of an hour.

Take four pills for an hour. It can be used properly. "

"However, although the violent blood spell has a powerful improvement effect, it can also explode the attack power. It can also be used by taking drugs. But this secret technique has some serious sequelae in the end. After the violent blood spell was used, my sergeant's meridians and blood vessels in the body were all damaged. Signs of bursting.

There were also cracks and bursts in some meridians. "

"Use the improved Jiao bone soup. Not only can you train your body, but drinking it can also wash away all kinds of hidden injuries in the body, allowing the injuries in the meridians and blood vessels to quickly recover." Chu Shinian thought for a while and said.

"It turns out that the Grand Governor has also mastered the violent blood technique?" The generals were surprised.

"How could I not get a copy of such a good secret technique? Anyway, people don't prohibit it from spreading in the camp." Chu Shinian said.

"It's the Jiao Bone Soup. Didn't you hear that the number of Jiao Bones in our family's treasury has gradually decreased?" a general asked. "It's okay, we've found a substitute. But it's also called Jiao Bone Soup. You can feel free to use it. It's also good to clean up the inventory in some of the family's warehouses." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"Then we won't be polite."

"Soldiers can use it as they please. The newly improved Jiao Bone Decoction is quite effective in refining the body. It can also build capital and enhance everyone's talents. Drink it as you please." Chu Shinian said.

Hey, generals.

"As for what you want to exchange with them, you have to think about it yourself. The family doesn't care anyway. I don't know. These are things you do in private." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

Everyone: I understand, we understand.

After plotting for a long time, everyone felt that there were almost no omissions in the plan, so they began to go back to prepare.

Then there are places at some construction sites that are not open to the public due to various projects.

This kind of thing often happens at construction points, so it doesn't attract much attention.

That night, the cold wind blew.

The key is that the wind is too strong. As soon as people go out, they are immediately beaten by the strong wind.

So people were reluctant to go out.

Even the construction work on the construction site was stopped as soon as it got dark due to strong winds today.

The master craftsman in charge of the progress of the project said that safety must be the top priority. So everyone should have a good rest tonight and continue working with full energy tomorrow.

Yes, when the master said this, everyone was at peace.

Who can't live with Xiao Ming?

Let's do it tomorrow.

The hired workers and craftsmen returned to their temporary homes.

Some guys hidden in the crowd are also gathering secretly. Groups of three or five of them hid in small caves.

There are countless small caves built in various construction sites, and these construction sites will eventually be transferred to the Tiger Stripe tribe.

Therefore, the tiger pattern people cherish these small caves very much.

If there is something about not cherishing and truly loving their little cave. Getting too dirty or causing damage. Even without Chu's sergeants coming forward, the Tiger Pattern Clan came to teach them a lesson.

Therefore, the people who secretly gathered and hid did not dare to do anything outside the small cave house.

But as soon as they entered the small cave, they became free and loose.

All of them are careless, and they look like soldiers at first glance.

"Oh, my days of working so hard all day long that I don't even want to move are finally coming to an end." A black-faced man complained. "My waist is exhausted. I don't want to get up every day. It's so tiring."

"Although I'm a little tired from working, the conditions here are really good. Not to mention the food, you can also exchange for various elixirs and medicinal teas." Another person expressed a different opinion.

And they don’t treat us like slaves.

But he couldn't say these words.

They are traitors to the human race, and if they want to cherish their memories, they should also cherish their demon masters.

(End of this chapter)

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