The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1529 Young General

Chapter 1529 Young General

The night is deep and the cold wind blows.

There were numerous figures in the darkness, climbing up and down the path of mud, rocks and grass.

Oops, someone suddenly missed the step and fell directly from the path into the thousands of feet of canyon next door.

There was no sign of anyone, and the screams continued.

This is entirely because the mountain gorge here is so deep that the deepest part cracks directly into the depths of the earth.

Hiss, his companions gasped.

Damn, it’s so scary. Why did your feet slip so late at night?

After a while, another person screamed and fell into the deep gorge.

Damn it, why didn’t you hold on?

Doesn't this increase everyone's tension?

Not more than a quarter of an hour later, someone screamed and fell down.

The whole procession was in a commotion.

It's so scary.

Is this mountain so steep and smooth?

Why do you always lose people?

"It's late at night, everyone, please pay attention to your steps. Don't fall. If you fall here, you will definitely die." The leader of the army shouted and warned them.

The result...ahhh...

He also stumbled and fell.


They were all trembling.

"What's going on?" The leader next door walked over nervously.

"Our heads suddenly tilted and our feet fell."

"Suddenly, my feet staggered. Where are they?" asked the new military leader.

Someone pointed him to the place.

He went over to take a closer look.

It turns out that there is a small hole dug diagonally here. As soon as you step on it, it slides out smoothly.

The new military leader gasped instinctively.

Are there even natural traps on the mountain roads now?

The key is who chose this path?

Isn't this a trap for the army?

"Please pay attention. There are some natural pits in some places. Once your feet step down, it will easily slip out." He quickly warned everyone in a loud voice.

After hearing this, all the sergeants gasped and stood up vigilantly.

After a while, another sound came out, and it went off again.

Everyone got closer and took a closer look, and found that there was a small, half-covered hole. This small hole was not exposed, so the man stepped on it without noticing it.

The sergeants looked at the small hole and felt a chill in their hearts.

How many holes like this are there in the mountains?

They continued to march cautiously.

As a result, I fell all the way.

All kinds of small holes, all kinds of cover-ups, one can't be avoided at all, but none can be avoided.

Every time someone fell, the army paused slightly.

This seriously delayed the march, and it was not easy for the army to arrive within the scheduled time.

A certain army lieutenant general thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and increased his speed.

In this way, more people will fall.

It was so scary that no one dared to lift their feet in the middle of the night.

However, under the management and urging of the military leaders, they still had to leave. After all, people use whips to manage you. If you don't leave, you will be whipped away. Or pump it directly into the canyon.

Choose one. Should we fall now, or should we wait and fall again later.

Without sympathy or pity, they can only bite the bullet.

It was easy to run over Dongdong Mountain. A certain general stood at the foot of the mountain and checked his team. At least one-twelfth of the survivors were missing.

If there is no battle, there will be attrition.

He has to finish the ball when he goes back.

Now what? Still have to go. After all, if he made a great contribution, he might be able to save himself. If he turned back now, he would designate the end goal.

The general was filled with fear and anger. He angrily urged the sergeants to get up again and ran as fast as possible to the assembly point.

As a result, the army started running. Before they could run through the woods, they felt that large areas of the ground suddenly collapsed.

A group of sergeants fell into the ground one after another.

There are traps underground, and air-forbidden formations and gravity formations have also been set up. This trap can only be climbed up, there is no other way to get up.

Ouch ouch, many people's feet and chrysanthemums were punctured by something sharp.

The blood was mixed with the screams. It devastated many people.

They went crazy and killed their comrades, using their corpses as stepping stones and stepping on them. It's so soft, I finally don't have a place to put my foot down, and it doesn't hurt so much anymore.

As long as they kill enough people, they will have a chance to survive on the ground again.

This led more sergeants to take action against their former comrades and friends.

Melee, fighting, blood and survival.

Let the whole army explode.

No one was obeying the general's orders. At this time, the people in the trap just wanted to survive.

The general stood tremblingly in front of the large pit, his face pale.

If he keeps killing like this, how many of his soldiers will be able to climb up?

"Don't kill, I asked you not to kill."

In the dark, a sharp arrow flew away from the bowstring, flew silently through the gaps between a dozen dense trees, and pierced the back of a certain general's neck.

The other party made a few uh-huh sounds and fell into the pit.

The sergeants below, whose eyes were filled with bloodshed, trampled his body directly into the soles of their feet without saying a word, and then continued to kill their colleagues.

"Okay, this is an ordinary human rebel army with little combat effectiveness. They are probably sent as cannon fodder to make up for the loss." A young boy from the Chu family said to a confidant beside him, "You can have someone contact the nearby legion to come over and earn merits. "

"Won't you wait a little longer?"

"No, their military morale has collapsed. And they are crazy. After this kind of killing, it would be good if only one-tenth of the army can be left in the end." The young general said disdainfully.

"We dug the trap slowly this time, but the effect is good. In the future, we should ask more veterans for advice on how to dig traps." The young general seemed to have thought of something again and said with interest.

"Those old guys are thinking about how to trick people and beast herds every day. In the past, those void beast herds in our area were frightened when they saw the Chu family's fleet coming, and they ran faster than Void Thunder. The rabbit is even faster.

The void beasts here have not yet experienced the power of our Chu army. They are still a bit stupid and do not know the importance of escaping. "The confidant beside the young general said.

The young general was immediately amused.

"No wonder my father was so confident in sending you here. He knew that I would be amused by you every day, and he would be reluctant to send you back."

"Pull it down, you thought I didn't know you were here every now and then, so I wrote to your father and asked him to transfer me back. You said you don't have to keep me to continue to monitor you, making you uncomfortable in everything you do and not delicious in your meals. "The little confidant complained directly in anger.

What if he is willing to come over and serve as the commander of this man's bodyguard?

The young general was immediately embarrassed.

What should I do if I'm caught secretly informing my father and betraying my comrades?

(End of this chapter)

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