The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1531: Victory in the Second Battle

Chapter 1531 The Great Victory in the Second Battle

Some rebels collapsed midway.

However, some rebels successfully arrived outside the construction point where they were preparing to attack.

Sent a signal to myself.

There seems to be a response in the creation point.

Many rebels hiding in the caves took out their weapons and rushed out of the entrance of the cave where they were resting, intending to kill the surrounding caves. Especially the resting place for important craftsmen.

As a result, they just broke through the cave gate.

He was shot directly into a hedgehog by the archers ambushing outside.

Hedgehog one, hedgehog two, hedgehog five and so on...

The people behind were so frightened that they immediately stepped back.

"There is an ambush, and there is an ambush outside."

This kind of scene happened one by one in the camp.

This immediately dealt a severe blow to the originally high-spirited rebels.

Why were they prepared and ambushed them?

"Did one of us leak the secret?" The surviving rebels were almost furious and began to wonder if their comrades were collaborators.

"Everyone, please think about that first. I'm worried that the troops outside won't see our cooperation and will rush in. If the Chu family has an ambush, what's the point of them rushing in?"

"Yeah, we have to find a way to notify them that there's an ambush here, right?"

"How to notify? Do you still have the messenger charm?"

"Are you stupid? In this case, the Chu army will seal the camp. No messenger talisman can be sent out. Even if it flies in the air, it will be knocked down."

"No, let's try. After all, the wind is too strong tonight. Maybe the messenger talisman can fly out. As long as we release more, and at the same time." Someone else said.

"Then it's done."

In some large caves that were dozens of rebels away, various flying messenger talismans were released all at once.

As a result, as soon as these talismans were released, they followed the birds in the cage and were attracted by some inexplicable force and fell into the giant tanks that had been placed in the camp.

I brushed and brushed and quickly landed on the first layer.

Immediately, someone from the Chu army rushed over despite the strong wind and took away the messenger talisman inside.

The rebels outside who didn't wait for a response were driven into the camp after the general's expression changed one after another.

No matter whether the spies inside can succeed or not, they have to attack, attack.


They were dumbfounded.

Before starting to attack the construction point, I first accepted various traps.

As soon as the charging cavalry approached the camp, they were immediately intercepted by various super-thin steel wires.

Under the impact of the powerful speed, the military horse could not stop at all.

They didn't even notice it.

Then all four legs of the military horse were cut off.

The army horse was running with all four legs gone. It was bleeding and screaming miserably to the end.

The person on the back was even worse, being thrown directly to the ground.

Behind him were more galloping military horses.

Fortunately, due to the strong wind, the speed of the military horse did not increase to the point where it completely lost control.

After the army horses in front all fell, the last third of the army horses could still turn around and run away.

But they were not happy for long, because the grass next door was full of small holes designed to trap the hooves of military horses.

As long as you step on a hoof, you will definitely fall over.

The key is that if the hoof is definitely broken, the horse is definitely dead.


A large number of soldiers and horses screamed.

That shrill voice simply made the people who heard it tremble with fear.

And those infantry troops were also severely deceived. There are various hidden traps scattered all over the ground.

There are poisonous crossbow arrows, poisonous pits, poisonous thorns, etc., all appearing and disappearing. If you want to fly, there are also various small poisonous insects, poisonous bird puppets and the like waiting for you in the sky.

The main thing is that if you get entangled, you won’t stop.

Don't even think about running away.

It makes people not collapse. As the elites of the human race, they also did similar things to deceive the demon army. But after becoming a rebel and being ambushed, he truly realized the hardships of the demon army.

Too bad.

All kinds of wanting to die.

If you want to escape, don't even think about it. There are people from the military law team following behind. If you see anyone who wants to turn around and escape, you will raise your butcher knife and kill them.

They are really more vicious than the demons.

Therefore, the demon rebels could only rush forward desperately.

Rush forward.

Most of the Chu troops were in strong bunkers. Whenever they found any rebels approaching, they would shoot merciless poisonous arrows.

Although strong wind can deflect arrows, as long as there are more arrows. Just deflect and shoot at the rebels next to you.

You can always cum anyway.

The ones that couldn't be shot were blown away. We'll just go find them tomorrow.

Nothing is ever wasted.

The fighting lasted from night to dawn.

Basically it was a one-sided massacre.

The Chu family has laid too many traps. It was so dense that it was almost inhuman.

The Chu army has been killing the human rebels while waiting for work.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Chu army's foreign aid arrived one by one, and they began to attack the human rebels from behind.

In the end, only a few rebels were able to escape the massacre.

At dawn, just as the human army began to sweep away and massacre the human rebels, the Chu army in the construction point also began to massacre. Opening the restrictions on the caves one by one, after all, the Chu family set up the caves themselves, so you said that the formation restrictions cannot be unlocked, right?

Something that doesn't exist, something that doesn't exist.

Any formation restrictions can be unlocked.

Even if someone changes the internal formation, we still have formation masters.

Who is pretending to be a master? Hurry up and get rid of the formation that he adapted.

The high-level formation mages who originally pretended to be down-to-earth craftsmen were once again put on the robes of formation mages and started working.

Array Master: These barbarians in the family are really unreasonable in their actions.

My good master is still warm under the quilt, and he has become an array master again.

However, with their actions, the caves occupied by spies were broken open one after another. The spies had no choice but to die or surrender.

Those who refused to surrender were not counted. Those who were captured alive were given by the Chu family to the legions who came to help from outside the construction site.

Just for military merit. Spies are worth much more than ordinary soldiers, both alive and dead.

Each construction point and each small-scale battle is breaking out and ending.

No one knew how many human legions were mobilized that night.

Chu family? What does Chu's statistics do?

We are not generals.

Song Er almost didn't go crazy when he saw the huge pile of war achievements certificates suddenly sent away.

I didn’t design the second linkage battle at all.

Who did this big thing for me?

What made him even more unexpected was that soon even his brother felt that he had quietly planned this second battle.

A great victory for our army!

Many people said it, and some legions on the battlefield believed it.

Our army has achieved a great victory in the second battle!

Song Er has something.

(End of this chapter)

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