The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1532 Laughing to Tears

Chapter 1532 Laughing to Tears

Ni Dajun, the general of the rear army, also rushed over from the rear army with his men overnight.

Pulled Song Er out of bed in the middle of the night.

"Song Er, what do you mean? Can you be reasonable?"

"What's wrong with me?" Song Er looked confused. He was asleep just now, but now he is also confused. What was going on? Ni Dajun ran over in a hurry and dragged him out of bed.

You really asked me to wear an extra coat.

If I chat with you while wearing Chinese clothes, I won't be afraid that rumors will become true the next day, and I will become good friends with you.

I don't want to have a male-to-male relationship.

"What are you talking about? Can you say hello to us before planning the battle? Why, you can plan the battle, so we are all just useless waste?" Ni Dajun said angrily.

"That's right, it's you." At this time, another strong and majestic general from the left army also opened the curtain and stepped in first.

The one who is one step behind becomes the general on the right.

At this time, both of them looked not very good. The eyes looking at Song Er were full of anger.

"I told you before that we will also conduct a counterattack on the left. What are you talking about? Your side is not ready yet and needs to wait. What's the result? The second battle on your side has already been planned. It's all done now. My counterattack hasn't started yet," the general of the Zuo Army said angrily.

Song Er is really not a good person.

Song Er had a headache.

Can I say that this second battle was not caused by me?

"The fight lasted only one night, and they were all human rebels." Song Er said, rubbing his forehead.

"It's okay. I don't mind that the battle is small, nor do I mind fighting the human rebels. The key is to say something in advance." The general of the Zuo Army roared angrily.

"I said, Lao Gao, we are all good friends. We won't get into a fight just because of something like this, right? It's so ugly." Song Er said quickly.

"What? You still know it doesn't look good. When you launched the first major counterattack, Ding Wuzhao was in power at that time. It's okay if you don't get us to act together.

We can only watch helplessly as your Chinese army continues to gain military honors. Get promoted and make a fortune.

Now you make your own decisions, but you still only know how to eat alone and don’t know how to share with your brothers.

Tell me, what on earth are you making?

When did we offend you? "

"That's right, let's not talk about that disgusting man Ding Wuzhao. There's nothing we can do about him forcing himself into the position behind the scenes. But you, Old Song, weren't such a person before? How could you do such an unkind thing?

Why, have you suffered any kind of oppression or suffering in Longting?

It's your fault to come back and use it on your brothers. "The general of the right army was also furious.

Song Er: I am more unjust than Dou E.

It really wasn't me.

What do you want me to say?

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. I admit it.

If anything good happens in the future, it will definitely not be without you. You are designated to be called. "

General Zuo: "Oh, what you said sounds like a human voice."

Song Er: I dare not say it in human words before. What are those words?

"Since everyone is here, you can't let us come in vain. Is it okay for you to entertain me with a good meal of wine and food?" The right general said with a smile.

Are you here to make love?

Okay, I'll accommodate you uninvited guests.

"What a good idea. Let's have a drink and let Song Er talk about how he started planning the human rebellion campaign?" General Ni Dajun laughed and became interested.

Song Er: What should I do?

who am I?

I didn't do anything, so why do I have to make up stories?


On the other side, here at the Chu family's temporary clan mansion, various gains, achievements and losses are also being counted continuously.

"We harvested sixty-four mineral veins alone. You all did a good job this time." Taohua said to the backbones of the Chu family in the dojo with a smile.

"It's a pity that it's either a small mine or a small mine. There isn't even a medium-sized mineral vein." Chu Zizhan said with a smile. "The only thing that is surprisingly bubbling is that among these small mines, seven of them are spirit stone mines, and ten of them are spirit stone mines." Come to a spiritual crystal mine.

There are too many spiritual stone mines and spiritual crystal mines in this land. "

"People here are not very fond of using spiritual crystal ore. They prefer to use various kinds of amethyst." Chu Shinian said, "Amethyst is a spiritual ore with a hint of the original power of the world, whether it is spiritual energy or The purity and quality are superior to all kinds of spiritual crystals.”

"I heard that amethyst can only be found in the starry sky. And every time a purple crystal vein is found, it will be taken away by the court." Another Chu general said.

"Well, amethyst is not something that our Chu family can touch yet. The imperial court monitors them very strictly, and I have never seen a real amethyst vein." Chu Shinian added.

"But let's just stay in the front line area for the time being and dig hard. Now we have been building the city for almost eight and a half months, and we have built more than 70 million miles of city walls. It is expected that by the time we enter the battlefield for 12 months, except for some particularly difficult Where repairs are needed, we can complete the entire city defense.

But I'm not going to do that.

I'm going to pretend that we're building as hard as we can, but it's still slowing down.

While secretly allocating manpower to fix the most difficult points first.

In this way, if there are any changes in the future, it should not affect our final completion.

Otherwise, in the final stage, the General Manager's Office will do something else. Our final completion will be far away. "

"With the speed at which we are building faster and faster now, how can we pretend that we are building very slowly even though we are trying our best?" Chu Zizhan asked puzzledly.

"We pretended to be the demon army. We carried out sneak attacks and stole the city walls. We stole them in sections," Taohua said.

Cough cough cough...

All the Chu officers laughed so hard that tears came to their eyes.

By the way, Clan Leader, why are you so wicked?

"Then what's the use of the stolen modules?" A high-level formation mage from the Chu family asked in confusion.

"Those modules are all standard parts. You array masters may not pay attention to them. If those modules are taken back, we can just use them to make a suspended continent. Installed on the base of the suspended continent, it is very stable. It will be better than the suspended continent we built before. It’s much safer and more stable.” A master said directly.

"Isn't that the module you made to build the city wall?" an officer asked in horror.

"Modules, they are just modules anyway. They can be assembled and combined in any way. Do you think those modules are specially made for building city walls? You underestimate us craftsmen too much." We have been working for so many years, how can we continue to work together? Even this little thing can't be done well.

In other words, since the mass production of Dongfu began, these master craftsmen have begun to study modules and building blocks.

Various modules are assembled to build caves, floating islands, spiritual mountains, and suspended continents.

I can still fix a lot of things.

Even the city walls were built using modules. There are also courtyards, palaces, pavilions, etc. everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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