The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1539 Asking

Chapter 1539 Asking

After receiving the imperial edict, Chu Shinian took the initiative to run to the tent of General Song II.

"General, you also know that our Chu family is from outside, and we don't know much about Wenlan Tianyu and Cangqing Sky Realm. I, the Governor of the Great World, am a fourth-grade official. What does it mean to be a fourth-grade official?"

He looked at the other person as if he was asking for advice humbly.

Song Xiaosheng was very satisfied.

"My eldest brother is recovering well in your Chu family. I thank you."

“It should, it should.

General Baisheng is very funny, and all the doctors there like him, no matter how big or small. Besides, I have always admired the generals and sergeants who sincerely fought for the country and the people.

General Bai Sheng is such a person. I feel honored to be able to do something for him. "

After Song Xiaosheng heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Chu Shinian, you are very interesting." Song Xiaosheng thought to himself, I don't think I know how you get along with Yang Yuan and Yang Hui?

"A long journey can tell a horse's power, and time can tell a person's heart. I believe that after getting along for a period of time, the general will be able to understand what kind of person I, Chu Shinian, am." Chu Shinian said with profound meaning.

"The road is far away to tell the horse's power, and the passage of time can tell the people's heart. What you said is very insightful. Come on, let me tell you.

Our court is divided into nine levels of officials. What is implemented is the law of governing the heavenly domain.

Except where Dragon Court is.

The other regions are governed by the general manager of Tianyu.

Each Tianyu is equivalent to a county in the original Little Court period.

Under the General Manager of the Heavenly Realm are the governors of various worlds, large and small. These big and small worlds are equivalent to a county in the Little Imperial Period.

The Governor manages all affairs within the world.

Even the General Manager has no way to bypass the Governor and directly intervene in the world's internal affairs.

Therefore, he, the general manager of Wenlan Tianyu, is an official with real power, and you, the governor of Qingze World, are also an official with real power. As long as you are not satisfied with the future, even the general manager cannot buy properties in your world at will. "

Chu Shinian's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

Song Er clicked him directly.

"It turns out that you may not understand the period of the small imperial court, but it doesn't matter. I will ask someone to send you some history books later. They are all the history of our Cangqing Sky Zone. You can take a good look at it. From the rise of Longting to the final unification of the entire Cangqing , that took a long time.

During this period, the war of unification was also repeated.

This resulted in His Majesty the Dragon Emperor not fully trusting his general managers.

However, these general managers generally have very good backgrounds and are supported by alliances of large and small forces behind them. Therefore, they are generally very arrogant and feel that no one except the Dragon King can do anything to them.

That's true, but the general manager doesn't really take the emperor seriously.

The Dragon King also placed a large number of clans in various heavens to check and balance them. At the same time, use them to weaken and restrict the clan.

So if you want your family's future development to continue to improve, don't get too close to the Grand Steward's Mansion and the clan.

Otherwise, the Dragon King will think that you have surrendered to them, or have some secret alliance with them.

In this way, it is impossible for your family to enter the Dragon Court in the future.

The best way for your family is to get close to the military general.

A large number of his sons were sent to serve as soldiers and generals.

Make a knife for His Majesty the Dragon King.

Only in this way can your family have the opportunity to become the Dragon King’s confidants. "

After hearing this, Chu Shinian suddenly realized.

"So this is ah."

"That's it. One more thing, you are now a person with a lord. Even if you don't side with the army, you can join the lord's side. Don't think that the number of lords is small or underestimate it because of its small power.

This is not the case. You have to know that any lord is from a family whose ancestors have made great contributions to the Dragon King.

After so many years of privileged and low-key development, these people know how much power they have hidden underwater. Now that you have the title of Marquis of Wanhu and the actual fiefdom, it is normal to join them.

They will also accept you easily.

After all, you belong to one country.

But you joined the Lord's side. Then members of your family will not be able to go far in the military.

His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, please give the generals real titles. If he doesn't actually get a title, he will be raised in honor from then on and will never have the chance to lead troops in war.

If you come from a noble family, you will never be able to become a general in your life. "

Oh, I see, the ceiling is the general.

"Thank you, General Song, for your advice." Chu Shinian said respectfully.

"Well, if you want to leave, please leave quickly. If you continue to stay, my successor may still cause trouble for you. You should evacuate while I can stay for a few days." Song Er expressed his good intentions again.

Chu Shinian suddenly showed joy and gratitude.

"Thank you for taking care of me. This is a little thought from our Chu family. Please accept it." Chu Shinian directly gave Song Er a space jade pendant.

Song Er took a look at the results and said, oh wow, Yu Peng, you actually have a space the size of nearly ten acres of land, as well as a clear mountain stream, a pool and a spiritual spring.

What a good thing.

This thing is practical and flattering.

It is impossible to obtain such a high-quality space jade pendant without special channels.

Suddenly Song Er felt that Chu Shinian looked much more pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, we will keep in touch in the future. If you have any questions, you can write to me and ask me."

"Thank you, General." Chu Shinian even smiled a little cordially.

Song Er was very satisfied and asked his confidants to send him away.

After he left, Song Er's nephew said to his second uncle in confusion, "Second uncle, do you really want to support this Chu family?"

"Then it depends on the quality of the Chu family."

"Second uncle, you seem to be very optimistic about this Chu family?"

"Eldest nephew, do you know the name of the current general manager of Wenlan Tianyu?"

"I know, my name is Ding Mo."

"Do you know who Ding Wuzhao is?"

"Second uncle, what do you mean?"

"Ding Wuzhao is his distant cousin. If Ding Wuzhao hadn't been quite talented, he would have been promoted to general before Ding Mo was promoted to general manager. It would have been difficult for Ding Wuzhao to become a general in his life.

There are no more than two noble owners in a family.

This is the tacit understanding among the Longting bosses. "

"The two of them actually have this kind of relationship?" the eldest nephew said in surprise.

"There's one more thing you don't know. But those who know it will never forget it. Do you understand? Ding Mo's father and your grandfather once fought side by side. But he died on the battlefield. You Grandpa survived.

The Ding family immediately turned their backs, feeling that your grandfather had killed the pillar of their Ding family by refusing to save him. So he would cause trouble for our family whenever he had nothing to do.

Later, your grandfather retired and his family restrained themselves.

Because your grandpa might buy their face and show mercy.

But your father and I will no longer be polite to them. "

(End of this chapter)

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