The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1540 Private Sale

Chapter 1540 Private Sale

"At that time, our family's power in the military was far greater than theirs. So if they didn't want to seek death, they had to restrain their temper and methods and live in harmony with our family.

But how can I put it, there is harmony in appearance.

But secretly, our two families also used some tricks.

On the one hand, I suspect that your father's poison was done by spies from the demon clan, and on the other hand, I also suspect that it was done by Ding Wuzhao. "

A certain eldest nephew took a deep breath.

"Is there any evidence?"

“It can’t be found, and even if he did it, he would sweep his tail clean and not let us find the evidence.

But Ding Mo, when I received the order from the Dragon Emperor to complete the city defense front within two months and hand over the army, he deliberately used the insufficient pension to pay for it and asked me to stop the war and stop covering the Chu family's construction. .

If the Chu family failed, the whole family might be gone.

If I fail, I will lose the Dragon King's trust in me.

Who will gain the greatest benefit at that time? "

"It's Ding Mo." The eldest nephew said calmly.

"Yes, that's him. This chief manager is not that simple." Song Er said equally calmly.

"So I can't let him continue to be so arrogant and wanton in Wenlan Tianyu."

Song Er continued with a more rational voice, "So I have to find him an opponent. Even if I can't be his opponent, I still have to deliberately disgust him."

"Mr. Chu is the tool you selected for your second uncle?" The eldest nephew immediately understood.

"Yes, the Chu family is just right."

"I see, then I will secretly send someone to keep in touch with the Chu family." The eldest nephew said.

"Okay, no wonder your father said that you can be his successor in the future and the future pillar of the family." Song Er looked at his eldest nephew with approval.

The eldest nephew was immediately praised and felt a little shy.

"I still have to learn more from my father and second uncle."

Song Er nodded.


On the other side, Chu Shinian hurried back to his home.

In fact, all the transport ships that can move here have already set off.

That's the last part left.

As for some unfinished mines and finishing touches on some things.

Now most of them have been handed over to the tiger stripe tribe.

Peach Blossom was simply transferred to the major tribes of the Tiger Pattern Tribe at a low price in exchange for some rare mineral deposits.

After all, all the major tribes are local tigers. It will not be surprising at all that there are some rare mineral deposits hidden among the tribes.

As soon as Chu Shinian came back, he went directly to the clan leader's flagship.

Because of Chu Shinian's arrival on board, the flagship slowly took off, completely away from this continent full of battles and killings.

Taohua is sitting on the clan leader's throne in the main cabin on the top floor. Through the formation, she can clearly see the entire view below the flagship on the jade wall.

Of course, you can also choose other directions of vision and let them be projected on the jade.

"It's finally over. I have expressed my intention to surrender to him. General Song Er seems to be interested in us." Chu Shinian sat on the wooden couch next to Taohua as soon as he came back.

Lean back, very comfortable and leisurely.

"It's just that the waiting time for the meeting took a long time, and I almost delayed the departure time of our last batch of warships." "It's finally completed. Although we have experienced a lot this year, and crises have often appeared, it was finally completed. If you don't get the job, you'll also lose two hundred years of probation for nothing, especially since you became the governor of Qingze World.

Many things will be much easier to handle in the future. "

"Hey, what's going on?"

“Since Qingzhou Island recovered, Qingze World has been slowly recovering bit by bit.

This time the Dragon Emperor has granted you Nanxiang Island as a real fiefdom, which is a great thing that surprised me.

The most interesting thing is that the Dragon Emperor has given you all the forty or so small islands near Nanxiang Island this time.

Let's go back and work hard. Nanxiang Island will definitely not be worse than Qingzhou Island.

Although it is said that the original Nanxiang Island was less than one-third of Qingzhou Island. Not even the top ten islands are included.

But I have seen the nautical chart. The bottom of Nanxiang Island and its nearby islands is less than 200 meters away from the sea surface.

At this distance, using some earth vein growth formations, we can directly lift the sea floor and turn it into a continent.

Then rearrange the Xingzhou Earth Wall Spiritual Forbidden City and let it revive like Qingzhou Island.

By then, we will have two places to stand on. Besides, you are now the Marquis of Nanxiang. If we build Nanxiang Island better, they will not dare to touch your real fiefdom. In comparison, it is even safer than Qingzhou Island.

This is the benefit of the title awarded by the Dragon King. Of course, this is what we worked hard to earn. "

"Have you asked Zixian and the others to calculate how big the gap between our payment and income is this time? Is the loss big?"

"It's okay, there's a slight profit."

Taohua took out a thin booklet and handed it to Chu Shinian to read.

"We still have an advantage in minerals. The continent here actually has a lot of precious high-grade ores. Although the veins are relatively small, the ores dug out are not small. In addition, we have dealt with a lot of sedimentary assets.

Some I had planned to trade in.

This time there was no discount, everything was calculated normally and included in the cost we paid.

So strictly speaking, we should still make a small profit. "

"I see that we have sold a lot of various medicinal powders, powders, and elixirs?"

"Well, anyway, in recent years, we didn't have a place to trade. Instead, we sold a lot of various medicinal powders, powders, and elixirs that were secretly brought here. The demi-humans wanted it, and the human race also wanted it. Especially the military. Many soldiers like to buy all kinds of private soft armor, private weapons and equipment, elixirs, talismans, etc.

Various commodities and profits secretly sold and traded are still being counted.

This will not be calculated into our project costs.

It is simply income earned. "

"It's really strange. We have been selling secretly for so long and no one has taken care of it." Chu Shinian said with a surprised expression.

"Who knows what's going on? I thought that even if General Song Er didn't say a word, he wouldn't give us encouragement or secret support for our real secret selling behavior. But in fact, it's completely the opposite. Many military camps secretly came to us to imitate Various standard equipment of the General Administration.

We even asked craftsmen who were good at making military equipment to come and serve as temporary masters for our craftsmen.

Just to allow us to refine more armaments and sell them secretly.

General Song Er must know. But there was no hint of discipline or restriction at all.

They even secretly encouraged some military camps to hoard more equipment. "Chu Taohua said.

"This may be related to his upcoming transfer. After all, if he is transferred, he will also bring some local sergeants and generals with him, right? Their equipment will be better, and they will give him greater confidence and voice."

"I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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