The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1541: Fishing

Chapter 1541: Fishing

Chu's transport ship, clan leader's flagship, and frigate left.

Song Er got the news the next day.

"It's running pretty fast. My successor hasn't come yet." Song Er looked surprised.

I deeply felt that Chu Shinian was quite obedient.

As long as you are obedient, you are a good tool person.

If Song Er was just surprised. So within three days, whether it was the tiger stripe tribe, other demihuman tribes, or more legion soldiers on the battlefield, they all felt that it was suddenly inconvenient.

If you want to eat delicious food, no one will come to deliver it.

I want to buy something I like, but suddenly I find that the price has increased.

The new armor, new weapons, etc. that Shangguan agreed to give them had turned into old second-hand goods.

Fortunately, I bought some small parts, such as new quilts and so on. Fortunately, I got a piece of modified inner armor. Very useful, life is important.

Fortunately, I exchanged all the spiritual coins on hand for various resources.

What kind of elixir, what kind of talisman, etc.

If you want to buy now, either the price will go up or it won’t.

Even sending letters home is not the same as before, someone would take it away and send it back every three days. Now it is back to the original state and I will send it to you once every six months.

Oh my God.

This day is really unbearable.

The new successor is the rear army general Ni Dajun.

He came over and continued to preside over the Central Army. There is another new member of the rear army. Everyone recognized each other and it was Ding Wuzhao.

This guy is awesome.

They have just been punished, and they are coming up.

What an amazing speed.

But except for himself, the other generals around him looked at him coldly throughout.

Even Ni Dajun treated him the same way.

Moreover, Ni Dajun took out the logistics alone and put his confidants in charge.

He is not afraid of death. If Ding Wuzhao causes trouble for him in logistics, he will definitely be killed.

When Ding Wuzhao came back this time, he kept a much lower profile.

Don't speak easily.

Until Ni Dajun and Song Er completed the handover. Song Er left with his team. He then asked Ni Dajun, "Where is the Chu family? Did they finish the job and evacuate?"

"Left early." Ni Dajun said coldly.

"Do you believe me when I say I was set up by the Chu family?" Ding Wuzhao said with a bitter smile.

Ni Dajun: I believe you, I am a ghost.

Silly ghost! !

"The Chu family doesn't have that much energy to design you." Ni Dajun sneered. "Do you think I really don't know anything about the business you did with Hou Wanshan? I just don't have as detailed evidence as the Chu family."

"Slanders, those are all slanders. They are not detailed evidence. I haven't done it, I really haven't done it."

"Ding Wuzhao, don't let me lift you up to the point where you are no longer a man. You must be a bit bloody. Don't always blame others for your own faults and accuse them of slandering you." Ni Dajun snorted coldly and asked people to put him down. Ding Wuzhao asked to leave alone.

Ding Wuzhao: Why are you so stubborn and so convinced that it’s me?

That guy Hou Wanshan really killed him.

In fact, he really just wanted to make some money.

This is why he was able to escape and come back so quickly.

In fact, the demon spies are basically placed with Hou Wanshan. Ahem, maybe there are people above who want to abandon Hou Wanshan and try their best to save him.

But anyway, he is back.

As long as he works hard and starts over. If he doesn't believe it, he has no future at all.

But Chu, you think I can't do anything to you if you run away.



The Chu family's fleet quickly passed by the prosperous places in Wenlan Tianyu.

He didn't show any signs of stopping and just ran away.

Wait until Chu Shinian and others return to the void area where their own Qingze world is located.

I found that this place had changed drastically again.

Various large and small floating islands shining like stars are connected and scattered under the starry sky.

A large number of spiritual creatures are stocked in various void planting areas and breeding areas.

And every time the protective formation on the floating island is obviously strengthened and thickened.

Even the connection formation that stabilizes the floating island has been changed from one-level anchoring to five-level anchoring.

Although floating islands can float freely in a certain area. But it cannot move significantly to other areas because it has been completely anchored in a certain area.

In addition, the old floating continent, Lingshan, and cave heavens have also strengthened their defense formations.

The battleship base and so on were almost overhauled, and the battleship base was completely transformed into a void battle fortress. From the original flat base, it was modified into a multi-layer honeycomb system. Outside the battle fort are all kinds of terrifying attack weapons.

Taohua used the formation to carefully observe the scene outside. Nodding very satisfied.

"That guy Lin Changge is pretty good at work. The renovations at home are pretty good."

"I heard that Jun Shu and Mo Yan did quite well with him. I heard that they robbed a lot of territory belonging to the void beast herd and discovered a lot of rare mineral deposits. Finally, they also solved the problem of floating stones. In a certain ruins, a large floating stone vein was discovered." Chu Shinian looked at the information compiled by his family and read it to Taohua with satisfaction.

"Floating Stone, haha, I should have thought of it a long time ago. If they hadn't discovered a new mineral vein, they wouldn't have dared to use the family's last reserve of floating stones to build so many floating islands.

It seems that the huge profits of this floating island are really recognized by everyone. "

"The maturity period of void crops is short, and the output is large. At first, everyone may have doubts about the safety and longevity of the floating island. But after seeing that we have used it for so long, we have earned so many spiritual stones. . Naturally, I am excited. Besides, the technology for building floating islands is advancing with each passing day, and many people in the family have confidence in us." Chu Shinian said.

"That's fine. With this year-long secret deal, coupled with the development of the floating island during this period, our family should be based on Qingzhou Island and the Qingze world."

Taohua said with a smile.

Building a line of defense for the imperial court has its pros and cons.

On the one hand, there are not many disadvantages. People are almost gone.

There are so many advantages.

The two-hundred-year observation period was gone, Chu Shinian was granted the title of County Marquis, and he also had the fiefdom of Nanxiang Island.

The family broke the blockade of those local families. Privately sell a large amount of resources and trade a large amount of resources on the battlefield.

We also secretly contacted a group of trading partners.

Who stipulated that the human race must trade with the human race?

The same goes for the transactions between humans and demihuman forces.

Moreover, large-scale barter transactions are much more profitable than transactions of spiritual stone coins.

It is said that when they were about to leave the battlefield area, they were grabbed by the major tiger stripe tribes and traded the last batch of minerals.

In order to trade for more Chu family items, those demi-humans directly took out all their money. But it made her make a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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