The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 154 The Domineering of the Blood Origin Fruit Tree

Chapter 154 The Domineering of the Blood Origin Fruit Tree
Chu Moyan was really different from her before.Although Chu Muyu's father is married, he is very capable, and he is affectionate with his mother. Since childhood, Chu Muyu grew up in the honeypot that his parents loved.Later, his parents were gone, and the people around him were also the confidantes left by his parents, and they were all people who treated him wholeheartedly.

Chu Xi is a young lady with a bright face.In fact, although there is nothing lacking inside, there is nothing.Even the eldest brother from the same mother treats her indifferently.

The elder grandpa who really loves her is also complicated in his mind, and more is planning to train her to be the future pillar of the Chu family.

If Chu Xi hadn't been smart and thoughtful since he was a child, he might not know what he would look like.

So it's not surprising that she can put all the things she really likes in Qingtao Bieyuan.For Chu Xi, the Chu family mansion is just a place for acting, everyone is acting, it all depends on who has better acting skills, and there will be no mistakes.

But now she is Chu Taohua, not Chu Xi, and the Changyang Chu Sect doesn't need her to carry on, which is really gratifying.

"It's as if I had a good life later on. Without parents, and no close elders to take care of me, my life in the future is not as good as yours." Chu Moyan complained.

"Actually, your little family property is really worthless. It would be nice if you could bring your Qingmu refining cauldron to be reborn." Tao Hua said.

Chu Moyan's face darkened, "You don't know how to say something nice."

"I didn't say anything harsh. What I said was the truth."

"Can we still chat happily together?" Chu Moyan bared his teeth.

"Okay." Picking Flowers compromised.

"Then what about this set of pots and cups? Do you still plan to use it on Bibo Lake?" Chu Moyan asked.

"It depends on the situation. Last time, the big spirit veins in Bibo Lake were almost all for nothing." Taohua frowned, "My original plan was to gather the spirit veins, and then recruit a group of monsters. The Chu family cleaned up the monsters and occupied the big spiritual veins. But the Chu family... I really can’t explain it. Some monsters have occupied the big spiritual veins, and they can’t be beaten for many years."

Chu Moyan rolled his eyes speechlessly, that's what he can't help!

"With the experience of my previous life, I don't plan to open up resources for my family at will this time, so let's do it steadily."

Chu Moyan laughed when he heard this, "By the way, if there is nothing wrong in Bibo Lake, someone will go to check it out, and point to the birth of the Great Spirit Vein here."

"Even if there is no big spiritual vein in Bibo Lake, other spiritual veins will be born." Taohua laughed.

After all, there are countless large lakes with a radius of hundreds of miles.

"By the way, let's see what kind of tree this is, is it a blood-origin fruit tree?" Chu Moyan took out a jade box from his body and handed it to Taohua. "Can I use it to exchange some spirit stones with you? By the way, can you share one with Zhu Chen and me after you cultivate the fruit to maturity."

The peach blossom fruit box opened and looked inside.

"Hey, it's really a blood-origin fruit tree here, and it's all first-order. Where did you find it? Have you found a spiritual source near this fruit tree?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"It was found in the lair of a second-order wild boar monster. No spiritual source was found nearby. It is estimated that this small tree was also discovered by a wild boar and then transplanted to the lair itself." Chu Moyan said.

Taohua nodded, "This little tree is already at the first level, it should have been born from a wild spiritual source. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to grow so fast! The spiritual fruit trees I raise at home still have reached the first level.

How many spirit stones do you want to change?When the fruit is ripe, I will leave one for you and Zhu Chen. "

"How many spirit stones can this little tree be exchanged for?" Chu Moyan asked.

"One thousand spirit stones, no more. Although this blood fruit tree is rare and has a high-grade spirit root, it is only first-order now."

Chu Moyan immediately smiled and said, "Yes."

The current spirit stones are very valuable, they can be cultivated, and they can also buy many high-value things.

In Baicao Pavilion, a bottle of 100 drops of high-purity first-order Yimu spirit liquid costs only [-] yuan of spirit stones.

At that time, Zhu Chen will be divided into half, and he will earn a net profit of 500 yuan in spirit stones!
Seeing that Chu Moyan agreed, Taohua took the box away.

When I went back, I showed it directly to my brother, and said that Chu Moyan harvested it in Xiongshan, and planned to sell it to his family. He planned to ask for two ripe fruits and a thousand spirit stones.

"Is this little tree worth a thousand spirit stones?" Chu Shiluo was no longer the young gentleman of a farmer's family in the past. He now has a broad vision and fully understands the value of spirit stones today.

"It's worth it. Now this tree is small and of low value. The fruit it bears can also refine blood and improve physique. It is more useful to monsters than to humans. But as this small tree continues to upgrade, wait until it If it is raised to level three or above, the spiritual fruit will become a spiritual fruit that can change the cultivation talent of the human race.

Every bite can slightly increase a person's cultivation talent to a higher level.

It is safe and has no side effects. A spiritual fruit can only improve a person's cultivation talent.It is useless to eat too many fruits of the same rank.Only by eating higher-level spiritual fruits can the cultivation talent be improved again.

Although the improvement is the cultivation talent, but whether the improvement is the spiritual root or the root bone, I don't know.Let it go! "

Chu Shiluo closed the jade box with a click in surprise, not because he thought the little tree in the box was bad, but because the little tree was so good. "Then if our family planted a piece of this kind of small tree, wouldn't it be about to send money?"

Peach Blossom Black Face "This kind of small tree is very unique. If it does not die, then at least within a radius of ten thousand miles, no second tree will be born in the vicinity of Xiongshan Mountain. It is the same as the fairy root and cannot be rooted or cut. Unless you like it, otherwise even if you want to As a result, no ripe seeds will appear.

Even if there are seeds, it may not necessarily be able to germinate.

This kind of thing is almost born, whether it can be born or not depends on the mood of God. "

Chu Shiluo was helpless, "What kind of spiritual plant is this?"

"He is the top-ranking spiritual root, almost an immortal root." Tao Hua said.

"Then what are you going to do with the little tree in the box?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"Get a cover formation and find a place to plant it."

Chu Shiluo hurriedly threw the jade box to Taohua like a hot potato. "Okay, then I will hand it over to you, and you will be responsible for taking care of it in the future. As for the materials for arranging the formation, you can make a list, and my brother will go to Miyang Baicao Pavilion and you will get it back."

Taohua said helplessly, "That's fine."

This is a typical example of lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot, causing yourself a big trouble and coming back.But this little tree is still good, and it can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

If this little tree falls into the hands of the demon clan, it is designated to be regarded as a treasure, and it will never be seen by the clan.Hehe, it seems that there are still many treasures in Xiongshan at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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