The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 155 Resignation

Chapter 155 Resignation
Taohua chose a small place near Liangxiangen.The main reason is that there are fairy roots here, which are rich in innate yimu qi, and it is easier to nourish blood source fruit trees.

Besides, there are Xuanhuang gas wells here!
After replanting the young tree, Peach Blossom gave the little tree another set of roots and sprouts.It won't work if you don't set it up, or you will die if you don't fix it.

After being activated by a small spell, the blood-origin fruit tree took root again, and it looked much more energetic.

Watching the blood source fruit tree re-grow its root system, Peach Blossom moved the surrounding Xuexian peach trees to the outside.I vacated about two or three acres of space in the middle.Here she is planning to make a formation.

Just make a low-level labyrinth. Taohua got the materials, and it took half a day to get it done.

As soon as December entered, Miryang Guard began to collect grain like a convulsion, forcing the already crazy price of grain to increase to a new high!

Just when everyone was puzzled, they found that there were many refugees around them.

All of them were skinny and skinny, but their eyes were like hungry wolves.Not long after, there were many incidents of missing children in Miryang City.Miryang City ordered an investigation, and the results came out within a few days, and it turned out that they were eaten by a gang of refugees.

This news caused an uproar in Miryang City.

The people in Miryang were extremely vigilant and disliked the refugees around them, and even a very vicious incident of killing the refugees broke out.The cause was that a family who had lost their children killed several refugee children in revenge, which immediately caused a hornet's nest to explode. Many people from both sides gathered to kill each other, and after more than [-] people died at one time. A fight was stopped by Miryang Guard.

Leaving aside the refugees, the people of Miryang can't bear this kind of loss.Many families spontaneously ran to the city magistrate's mansion, begging the city magistrate to drive the refugees out of Miyang City.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to ask someone to set up a refugee camp outside the city and distribute porridge every day.Then let Miryang Guard drive all the refugees out of the city.

This is really terrible news for the refugees. Originally, they could still work in Miryang City and earn some money.With money, one can naturally live better. Without errands and money, one can only continue to starve.

Especially some children among the refugees, they are unable to find jobs, and they usually sell themselves as slaves or beg for food.But they can't go to the city, so where are the leftovers for them to eat?
The thin porridge in the refugee camp was only enough to deceive the stomach.

With no other choice, everyone started to disperse to the surrounding villages to get some food.

Outside the old Chu village, refugees began to gather in twos and threes.It was the valley of Chu Dashan's family. Because of its remoteness, no one went there for the time being.

The weather is abnormal and the temperature is high.All the wild vegetables in the mountains came out, and there were fish and shrimps in the streams, small ponds, and small wild lakes.So you can actually find a lot of food in the wild.It depends on whether the refugees are willing to find them.

When it came to Old Chuzhuang, because there were too many refugees gathered outside the Zhuangzi, the young and strong in the Zhuangzi began to form teams to patrol day and night.Domestic cats and dogs, chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep are also often lost.

This is a bit sad.

Zheng Maolin taught ginseng planting techniques for one day in Zhuangzi.He needs to explain this technique in Zhuangzi for three days.This was also the condition for him to settle down in the first place.What Zheng Maolin said was dry stuff, even the patriarch Chu Changchun came over to listen.

As soon as he walked out of the yard, he saw his eldest son and second son coming, so he waited outside the yard, and when he saw him, he walked over with a smile. "How did you come here?"

"Waiting for you, Dad." The eldest son said immediately.

"Wait for me." Zheng Maolin looked at him in surprise.

"Recently, there are too many refugees in Zhuangzi. Didn't I finish talking today? Daddy, don't leave the valley easily in the future." Dalang of Zheng Maolin's family is quite satisfied with the current living environment. There are mountains around, and the owner in the valley The neighbors are also very simple.

"What? Something happened to Zhuangzi again?" Zheng Maolin immediately frowned and asked.

"That's right, a young daughter-in-law lost her clothes while washing by the lake." Zheng Dalang said in a low voice. "I don't know where I was dragged. I don't know if the bones will be left. Now the village is under martial law. We also got the news and came to pick you up early."

"How come, isn't there a young and strong patrol?" Zheng Maolin has a cultivation base, but he is not very afraid of refugees.

But among the refugees, there are also Lian's sons, who also have various insidious methods. Zheng Dalang and his younger brothers were worried that something would happen to Zheng Maolin alone, so they rushed to wait for his father.

"Who knows?" Zheng Jiada Lang raised his eyebrows and said, they ran all the way from the hinterland of the mainland, and they have never seen anything before.As far as he thought, it was almost impossible for that little daughter-in-law to be found again.

The members of the Chu clan in the courtyard just walked out of the courtyard in twos and threes, and immediately started making noise.It turned out that the missing daughter-in-law was the eldest daughter-in-law of Chu Changjin's family.His wife and mother's family all came to him and asked him to find someone.

Chu Changjin also became angry and promised to find someone.

The problem is that when those people who have made good friends with his family heard that they were going to find someone among the refugees outside Zhuangzi, they couldn't shirk it.Chu Changjin was furious and went to find Lin Changge.

It's a pity that Lin Changge went into the mountain and didn't come back.

Chu Changjin became even more furious, and said indiscriminately, "What is Lin Changge doing for food? With the money given by Zhuangzi, he does not do human affairs, feeds the dog, and even knows how to wag his tail for the master! Lin Changge Ge this bastard is worse than a dog."

Chu Changchun heard this as soon as he entered the Lin family's yard, and immediately felt bad, so he quickly persuaded Chu Changjin to leave.As a result, Lin Changge came back not long after, and he heard about it as soon as he came back.

At that time, Lin Changge's face turned dark.

"Mr. Chu, I can't do this spear and stick instructor anymore. If I continue to do this, I will be worse than a dog." After finishing talking, he packed up his things and ran to the Qingongyuan on the other side of Chu Dashan to rent a small yard. Life is gone.

In fact, it is unreasonable for Chu Changjin to push the matter to Lin Changge. There are many exiles in Zhuangzi, even if the young and strong patrol Zhuangzi, it is dangerous.Lin Changge had already told the young and strong to warn the villagers not to leave the village easily, and even if they really wanted to go out, they had to go out with three or five people.Women and children who want to go out must be accompanied by their own men.

But who is Chu Changjin? He can listen to Lin Changge.

His son didn't take Lin Changge seriously, insisting on forcing his wife to go to the lake to wash the dirty clothes at home.You said that you can borrow some water from neighbors who have wells.

He had to force him to go out, but he disappeared, so he went around saying that Lin Changge was not good like his father, and that Lin Changge killed people.If Lin Changge beat him before he came back, he would be regarded as a good character.

(End of this chapter)

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