The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 156 Little Chuxi's Ability

Chapter 156 Little Chuxi's Ability
Lin Changge was also angry, and he pulled Chu Dashan and complained, "Brother Dashan, do you think it's easy for me? I'll be in front of my gun and stick instructor. Who did I provoke? Now which gun and stick instructor doesn't pay at least 500 taels a month?" Silver, I only have 1000 taels a year, what did I say?"

Chu Dashan knew that what he said was true, and thought that Lin Changge was wronged.

"I just want to find a place to stay? If I had known what Old Chuzhuang was like, I wouldn't have come."

Chu Dashan quickly took his hand and said, "It belongs to someone else. Look at me and see what he does. From now on, you can stay and follow me. It's useless for you to pay 500 taels a month. I'll give you three sticks a month." Grass ginseng, plus pocket money of 100 taels of silver."

Lin Changge immediately took both paws into Chu Dashan's hand, "Brother Dashan, then I will depend on you to take care of me from now on."

Chu Taohua rolled her eyes directly, she always despised Lin Changge for his lack of integrity.

Lin Changge didn't care what she looked like, he got the grass ginseng first.

Speaking of which, he would also like to thank Chu Changjin's family, without them, where would he have three ginseng a month! ?
Lin Changge ran to Chu Dashan and never came back, and Chu Changchun had a headache again.Whether there is a gun and stick instructor in Zhuangzi is really different.Lin Changge had only been away for two days, and the inspections in the village were lax.

Let people touch a dozen chickens and ducks in one night.

But Chu Changchun wanted to invite Lin Changge back, not only Chu Changjin, but even the other old people in the village were not happy.They all felt that Lin Changge's annual wages were too high, and for 1000 taels, at least three gun and club instructors could be found.

Chu Changchun was speechless, that's fine, you guys go find a new spear instructor.

As a result, Chu Changjin really found a new gun instructor.This guy looks to be in his forties, and it is said that he was from the former Changyang Guard.Only 500 taels a year!Chu Changchun didn't say much, anyway, let someone serve as the gun and stick instructor for an experiment, and then stay.

The news of Zhuangzi's replacement of the gun and stick instructor spread to Miryang within two days. Chu Zifei looked at the letter delivered to him by the person he placed in the village in trouble, and he couldn't help rubbing it after reading it. Forehead heart.

"Master, did something happen at Old Chu Village?" His old housekeeper asked while standing beside him.

Chu Zifei frowned, "Do you think I was wrong?"

The old butler was puzzled, "What's wrong with the master?"

"Since Chu Xi's death, I have concluded that even if Chu Xi's child lives, it is absolutely impossible to return to the Chu family. For her, the Chu family is not only a place that kills her, but also a place that she is not happy with. It's a huge burden." Chu Zifei sighed.

The old housekeeper nodded. When the eldest lady was still alive, she was not very willing to preside over Chu's affairs.The great elder also told his master behind his back that Chu Xi's child had no conscience and was not familiar with him.

But who would be willing to bear the burden of the entire Chu family, and treat those who find fault with him all day without holding grudges, and who trip him up when nothing happens.

It would be wrong for him to say that when the Great Elder was alive, he treated Miss Chu Xi as a tool person to train him.One day, he will reap the consequences.

As a result, the opposing forces in the clan did not allow the elder to live long enough for Miss Chu Xi to take power, and even killed Miss Chu Xi.

"But my Chu family's thousand-year fortune is on her. Even if she dies, she will be reborn to a branch or Yuanzong of my Chu family. That girl Chu Da is still too young. She thought that she would be able to go smoothly after Chu Xi died. Take control of the Chu family.

But what's the use of controlling the Chu family.Only the Chu family with Chu Xi is useful, and the Chu family without Chu Xi is no different from ordinary dilapidated noble families. "

Chu Zifei laughed at himself.

"Since Chu Xi disappeared, the Chu family's secret business has been cut off seven or eight times. The annual income immediately fell by [-]% like a cliff. Now the family can still maintain a glorious surface, that is because Nei Curry is still there. There are things. But for those things, if there is no income year after year, only expenses. In another one or two years, it will be completely empty.

Chu Da thought that as long as she regained control of the caravan, she would be able to enrich the internal treasury.How could it be that easy.The caravan is to make money, but it is far less than she imagined.Chu Xi used to use private business income as caravan income to withdraw accounts.

That's why Chu Da and other clansmen thought that the caravan was a big bonus pie. "

After hearing Chu Zifei's words, the old housekeeper asked in puzzlement, "How could it be possible to cut off so many at once. The eldest lady was not responsible for the secret business of the Chu family before."

"It used to be the eldest daughter's biological father, and the head of the house was in charge. It's a pity that the uncle made wrong judgments several times, failed in the secret business, and even damaged his own foundation. No matter how difficult it is to cultivate Enter.

But since the eldest lady started to take care of the family's secret business at the age of eight, the family's income has continued to increase.Before Chuxi's death, the income from the family's secret business was sixteen times that of all the family's overt business. "

The old housekeeper's eyes widened when he heard it a long time ago, "Missy is still a child, how can she be so powerful and manage the business of such a huge family so well?"

Chu Zifei smiled softly, "You think you're lying if you think you're born holy?"

"No wonder you, sir, are very supportive of the eldest elder in handing over the family business to the eldest lady." The old housekeeper said with emotion.

"It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. Who would have thought that such a shrewd old fellow as the Great Elder would actually fall into the hands of his own clan. Then there was a loophole in the protective net around Chu Xi, and Chu Xi's death was unknown.

In the past, I persuaded the First Elder to let him support Chuxi in martial arts, so that at least Chuxi can protect himself a little in case of accidents.But the Great Elder didn't listen, insisting that Chu Xi might grow hard wings after practicing martial arts, and maybe fly out of his grasp.

Well now, it was killed without wings. "

Chu Zifei complained about his own former Great Elder.

"The old man used to be such a shrewd and powerful person. He was so confused. He was always on guard against Chu Xi, but he still wanted to use her to strengthen his family?"

The old butler had a different opinion upon hearing this. "Maybe it's because Miss Chu Xi made him too afraid, after all, Miss Chu Xi grew up by his side, and ordinary men are not half as good as Miss Chu Xi, but Miss Chu Xi is still a girl.

If this was a boy, the Chu family might be promoted by her to be the number one aristocratic family in the Song Dynasty. "

Chu Zifei was dumbfounded.For the old man, being a man or a woman is too important, he himself favors men over women!He was unwilling to tolerate a girl who was so strong, and he could only suppress himself to tolerate Xiao Chuxi. As a result, he made himself both jealous and drawn, swaying from side to side, and entangled in contradictions.

(End of this chapter)

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