The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1543 The exciting new life

Chapter 1543 The exciting new life

"Brother, are you also going to Qingze World?"


On a flat meteorite dozens of square miles in size. There were about ten people in both groups. They all support the old and the young.

At first glance, it's like moving.

And it's a long-distance move.

"Along this road, the only world still alive is the Great World of Qingze." The monk on the opposite side sighed. "Other worlds were all turned into ruins back then."

"No. How about we take a companion? There are many herds of animals in the ruins along the way. I still feel it is a bit dangerous to go alone."

"That's okay. But we have to follow our planned route."

"The route you have planned over there. Is it the garrison plan given by the Chu family?"

"Yes. Do you have one too?"

"We chose this route before because of the garrison map of the ruined area that the Chu family had widely distributed. Every time we walked, we could get a safe campsite, and there were Chu family warships patrolling back and forth to attack the beast herds along the way.

It is because of these advantages that we chose this way.

Otherwise we will have to choose another path that takes a very large circle. "

"That road has to pass through several big and small worlds on the way, and you need to pay a certain toll to fly over. It's really too troublesome."

"Brother, this is more than just trouble. I heard that the toll over there suddenly increased more than thirty times. Who can afford it? Anyway, I can't afford that kind of high toll. And I still have to pay it. A dozen worlds.”

"Why did tolls suddenly increase so much?"

"What else could be the reason? More people want to settle down in Qingze World."

"There is nothing in the world of Qingze. Anjia needs to pay a certain amount of taxes every year. But as long as you choose to pay taxes, the Chu family's warships can come over to help you clear a territory free of monsters."

"What? Why didn't I know?"

"This is the latest news. I also heard it from a good friend of mine. As soon as I heard that there was such a good thing, I immediately decided to move. The area where our family originally lived was really hard to get into."

"I offended the local prominent family. Because I was a drag on the whole family and couldn't live with them. I had no choice but to move out with my family. The world of Qingze is vast and sparsely populated. I heard that there are many places thousands of miles away that are uninhabited. went.

There is also a small area of ​​resurrected spiritual land. "

"Anyway, it's a wilderness over there. You need to dig out everything yourself. I brought a lot of magical tools and agricultural tools with me this time. It's all up to them to open up wasteland and spiritual fields."

"My family also brought some magic weapons and farm tools, but not too many. How about our families living closer to each other then? If we need anything, we can help each other."

"Okay." "But is your family going to pay taxes? My family chooses to pay. After all, if you pay, someone will help clean up the monsters and evil spirits. Once they are cleaned up, we can arrange the formation to protect the safety of our home. ”

“Is the tax amount high?”

"I heard that a family can earn 200 kilograms of spiritual food a year. It doesn't matter whether they have coarse or fine grains. You can reclaim the land as you wish. This has been the case for the past ten years."

"What about ten years from now?"

"According to the Dragon Emperor's regulations, the deal is 30% off the normal world's food tax. In other words, we call it 30% off the normal world's food tax."

"That's okay."

"Of course it works." The other party couldn't help but be happy. "The Chu family is a foreign family. They don't know that the tax rate stipulated by the Dragon Emperor has been found reasons to raise it in every prosperous world. Of course, it may be that the Qingze world is too desolate, and they can't even surpass us. What can be grown?”

"That's not true. I heard that the Chu family started out by planting, and they are most in need of spiritual food. With their improved seeds, spiritual food can grow in even the barren spiritual land. I have asked someone to buy some Chu family for my family. His spiritual seed.

Once the spiritual ground is opened up in our home, new spiritual seeds will be planted there.

Can we harvest at least a few percent more spiritual food a year? "

"It's such a good thing. Then let's find someone to buy us some spiritual seeds." "You don't need to buy too many at the beginning. Just choose those spiritual seeds that are resistant to barrenness. After a few years, you can grow several crops of spiritual food. , the spiritual land has also been cultivated fertile by the formation, and when the time comes, we can just buy other delicate and valuable spiritual seeds."

"By the way, have you heard that the Chu family also takes action to cultivate the formation diagrams and spiritual objects of the spiritual land?"

"Is it the Sutu Spiritual Formation?"

"That's right. I saw that the Sutu Spiritual Formation requires very few materials. It is said to be quite effective."

"Of course, the Chu family's Lingshan started its business by relying on the Sutu Spiritual Formation. The Sutu Spiritual Formation is also indispensable for the Chu family to be able to come to Qingze World."

"I also heard that the Sutu Spiritual Formation is arranged in various caves and paradises of the Chu family, as well as in small secret realms."

"How many caves, heavens, and secret realms does the Chu family have?"

"Then who knows? Anyway, the Chu family now occupies the entire Qingzhou Island. It makes it look like a fairyland."

"I'm so envious of the mortals brought here by the Chu family."

"I am also like the monk brought here by the Chu family."

The two sides looked at each other and laughed.

Everyone is full of expectations for the new life in the future.

After resting, both parties set out again, completely traveling together.

They had just walked a short distance, and when they were far away, they saw a huge warship passing by them slowly and urgently. One ship after another.

After twenty warships in a small formation passed by, they continued their journey with envious expressions on their faces.

Then I saw more and more moving teams appearing. There are as few as five or six of them, and there are even more. There are also teams of hundreds or hundreds of people.

Some teams look particularly fierce.

At first glance, he looks more like an outlaw.

But everyone can move, move to the stars, which one is the good one?

Think more.

Halfway along the road, there was a fight.

After losing the fight, they were directly taught how to behave, and many of them robbed things.

But no one was seeking wealth or murder.

Not that everyone has become a moral role model. Instead, they were approaching a station of the Chu family.

This station is directly located on a vast floating island.

Surrounded by a large number of ruins, in the silent and dead starry sky, it is like a prosperous fire of civilization, blazing with glory.

No one can be beaten to death near the Chu family's residence.

Otherwise, Chu's army will take action.

Everyone moored their boats at Chu's berth, and someone came to receive them.

It is very convenient to stay, eat and buy various items here. Especially the various ships, which are really scattered everywhere, with everything.

The cheapest ones were the old and ownerless ships that the Chu family collected from outside. They repaired them and bought them at a low price when they were good enough to fly.

After all, it was all the work of the shipbuilding apprentices.

(End of this chapter)

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