The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1544 The masters are so bad

Chapter 1544 The masters are so bad

Shipbuilding apprentices have seen this in such strongholds.

In fact, wherever there is a shipyard, there are apprentices. By the way, being able to get a repair opportunity or something like that is what apprentices dream of.

The people who work in the shipbuilding dock are masters and apprentices who are about to be promoted to masters.

Other low-level apprentices first practice this kind of small repair work. When they really grow up, they will be put into the shipbuilding dock to learn to upgrade.

Of course, if you show unusual talent for building ships at the beginning, you can also become a master and level up quickly.

For technical jobs, you must first have talent.

A group of about ten young apprentices were working hard back and forth on the berth of the old ship.

A small-looking man was negotiating with five or six people who came to buy boats.

"What, you spend a hundred spirit stones to buy a small spaceship that can carry a dozen people. What do you think? What do you think you think? I tell you, it is absolutely impossible."

"But that ship of yours was picked up from the stars by your patrol warship. It was picked up for nothing."

"Then you don't need to be dragged to the warship to pick it up? It doesn't take up the space of the warship? Warships are not rag pickers? It's not because you are short of ships and often can't afford to sell new ships, so we work hard to pick up rags. Something?

You don't even want to ask, when did our Chu family ever lack a ship? As soon as our Chu family became rich, we had great shipbuilding craftsmen.

Now the great craftsman has long since become a great craftsman. "

"I know the Chu family is awesome. But we really don't have that much money. It's cheaper, just use less money. Brother, please, have mercy on us. I have an 80-year-old mother who thinks that my family There is a three-year-old baby..."

"I said you are very good at bargaining. Anyway, one hundred and eighty spiritual stones cannot be less. If it is less, you can go elsewhere."

"Besides you, is there anyone selling old boats in this station?"

"Those scattered places next door are all selling used boats. If you still want a cheaper price, you can go over there and ask." Xiaotou pointed at the scattered used boats area in the west and said.

"Then I still..."

"It's just one hundred and eighty spiritual stones. I'll give you the spiritual stones, and we'll have the boat sail away right away."


"I asked your brother to drive away. Let's go and deliver the ship."

After hearing this, Xiao Toutou took them to deliver the old ship, and then collected the spirit stone on the way. These one hundred and eighty spiritual stones still need to be recorded. Because the army and the last half of their ship repair craftsmen. After all, people's efforts to salvage cannot be in vain.

In fact, they are willing to do this kind of work.

Just like this old ship that was just sold, everything was in good condition, but the power furnace was leaked and it couldn't be driven, so it was abandoned.

Replace the power furnace with a new one. It doesn't take much effort to recycle the old and re-melt it into a new one.

Generally speaking, they didn't produce materials, but they produced some craftsmanship. The sergeants also made some efforts to salvage the boat.

Earn one hundred and eighty spiritual stones in vain.

The family won’t draw red anyway. I don't like this little money.

Of course, not every old ship can earn so much money, and some old ships require some materials to be repaired. There is a cost due to the consumption of materials, but overall, it is still profitable.

After the old boat was delivered, the two men called their friends over and sailed away.

The remaining few people almost bargained with others.

"Did you see, at least one hundred and eighty spiritual stones, absolutely no less. You want one for the ninety dollars. Go and look for it over there, don't bother me here." "I'll go over there. After passing it, there are no cheap ones. Some even cannot be driven directly, and I was asked to send them to you for repair. "

The little head laughed angrily after hearing this.

Those people really know how to save trouble.

"Anyway, it's impossible for me to sell you a used boat so cheaply."

"Just one, just one. How about, sir, whichever boat you think is the shabbiest, you can sell it to me. I don't despise the old. I really have no money. Ninety spiritual stones are the last bit of money I have. "

"No way, I can't break the rules for you. Well, if you don't do this, you won't have any money."

"Hmm. Do you know where there is a cheaper boat?"

The little boss said angrily, "How did I know there was a cheaper boat? I want to find you a place where you can earn a few days of money. If you can earn more spiritual stones, then you can come and buy from me." An old boat?”

"Where can I make money?" The thin man asked in confusion.

"Go to the mine to mine. You can work five spiritual stones a day. If you exceed the task, you will be rewarded with spiritual stones. If you work for a month, you will have everything. Food and accommodation are also included."

"Wouldn't that be too tiring?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You still want to be a master when it comes to work. You don't feel tired if you stay home and lie down. Why don't you go back."

Go ahead, the thin man said aggrievedly, "Well, then, how about I go take a look."

"Go, go. Anyway, you can work for a month. Just save up the ship's money and that's it."

"But how am I going to get there?"

"It's easy. Have you seen the warship area over there? Go and take a look outside. There should be a large group of people gathered there. They all want to go mining and do odd jobs. You follow them and let The warship will take you there, and we will do the same when we return.

Warships don’t charge money. "

"That's pretty good." When the thin man heard this, he was immediately delighted. It would be nice if he didn't charge a ferry ticket. He could save whatever he could now.

"Go, go." The little boss dismissed the man and continued to bargain with several other people.

"Is it really okay for the man to go mining? I think he is so thin, so he probably won't be able to do it, right? Will the mining area want him?" asked a new man.

"Why don't you want it? As long as you are a human being, you need it if you can breathe. There is a shortage of people over there." Another buyer who is familiar with the actual situation in the mining area said at this time, "I just came back from mining. When I went there, I I'm pretty slim now. Look at my current size and weight.

Definitely big and round. "

The little boss looked at the other party's waist and said speechlessly, "You have to lose weight. Otherwise, you won't be able to find your wife."

When the buyer heard this, he immediately became distressed.

"I just eat a little more on weekdays. The supervisor told me to eat less. But I couldn't hold it back. Your Chu family's master chef in the mining area is really bad. What tastes good? He makes whatever tastes delicious.

How can we control our stomach? "

"It's true, I can't say anything. I can only tell you that our chefs at Chu's who are good at cooking all have this hobby. It's so wicked. I should have known it. Look at my thick waist. Ate here.

The master chef here is very good at cooking. It is simply delicious and delicious. Every time it was time to start dinner, I would rush into the cafeteria as if I was being held down. Oops, this scent is coming out again.

I can't do it anymore, so hurry up and don't delay my meal if you don't buy it. "

(End of this chapter)

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