The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1545 Stone Tablet and Insect Shell

Chapter 1545 Stone Tablet and Insect Shell

The ruins area, which was originally desolate and deserted with few people and dominated by ferocious beasts, has become prosperous.

There were a lot of people coming and going, and some people even formed groups to hunt animals.

Simply hunting animals doesn't actually make much money. If you hunt animals and find some small mineral deposits, pick up some small ores, or pick one or two spiritual trees, spiritual grasses, etc.

Then send it.

As a hunting group, unlike the Chu family, they have their own professional legions and logistical supply warships.

Everything is available, hunting animals is just like playing.

They are really dangerous, and it is not possible to make money simply by hunting animals.

But you can still make some hard money. It's better than waiting and doing nothing.

Besides, if you want to work in the Chu family, it depends on whether the person is willing to let you take him or not.

I have nothing to do at home, and I don’t know where to eat or live when I have no money. Neighbors around your house mobilize you to work.

This is the case in the great world of Qingze, and it is also the case here in the ruins.

The Chu family has extended the front line of exploration from the great world of Qingze to the world of ruins, requiring almost countless manpower.

Humans were as densely packed as little mice, digging and exploring everywhere, greatly destroying the place where the ferocious beasts originally settled.

What kind of nest can withstand frequent visits from people? If that doesn't work, I can still tell the truth and report the lair of ferocious beasts like you to the Chu family's army. Let the army come and capture you.

So the Chu family used all kinds of wasteland explorers to constantly clean up the hidden beasts and the secret arrangements of some bat-men around them.

What kind of dark nest has been dug out as a vein of minerals?

All the hidden teleportation arrays were dismantled as remnants of the original world.

If you dismantle these junk and sell them to the Chu family, you can also exchange them for used items and recycle the spirit stones.

Because the Chu family wants almost all kinds of strange things. Therefore, it is best to bring an experienced person in your team who is familiar with the value of various old items. These veterans are either rich in experience or have amazing eyesight.

He very proactively assumed the core role of the leader in recycling old items.

A large number of treasures found in the ruins were sent to the Chu family.

"Lao Du, come and take a look. This is a newly dug stone wall. There are a lot of characters on it that we don't recognize. It's a bit like mosquitoes crawling. There are still breaks and defects in some places. But it should definitely be a useful article. Law, or secret technique?" A stocky man who looked to be in his thirties, laughing and smiling, but with sharp eyes took the initiative to grab Du, a store owner at a local recycling point who was responsible for recycling old items.

Lao Du was speechless as he pulled his sleeves away. "Last time you brought back a piece of gold foil, the ghost-drawing talisman engraved on it was not an important skill. But it turned out to be just a child's graffiti. I had to be reprimanded."

"It's true this time, it's definitely true. Come with me and have a look." The man grabbed Lao Du and refused to let him go. Lao Du had no choice but to follow him.

What they brought back here was a broken stone tablet as tall as two people.

There are two sides of the stone tablet. One side is so damaged and has so many cracks that it is almost impossible to tell what is engraved on it.

Although there are also cracks on the second side, the mosquito-like characters on it are very clear and neat.

The most interesting thing is that there is a simple picture below.

"This thing looks like a useful thing." Lao Du also had to admit that this time the thing he brought was more presentable.

"In this case, I will give you five hundred spiritual stones. Of course, this is only a preliminary appraisal. Just like the gold foil before. As long as the second appraisal is a treasure, you can choose various spiritual stones and resources."

"Can't there be more? I earned a hundred spiritual stones from the gold foil last time, which is not enough to supply our team with supplies for a trip." The man asked aggrievedly.

"Your gold foil even caused me to be reprimanded." Lao Du said speechlessly. "Is that really childish graffiti?" the man asked doubtfully.

"Well, a professional treasure appraiser from our clan appraised it. He is a good boy. If you don't believe it, the gold foil has been sent back. Shall I give it to you? Just give me a hundred spiritual stones."

"Forget it." Upon hearing this, the man immediately gave up his intention of coming back.

Chu's ability to identify various old objects and antiquities is very good.

It is said that there are treasure appraisers of the seventh level and above at the family headquarters.

He still quite trusts the treasure appraiser.

Forget it about Lao Du, he is just a junior treasure appraiser.

"By the way, what do you usually do with the returned items?" the man asked curiously.

"The items that come back are usually stored in the warehouse. If the treasure appraiser finds them interesting, they can buy them at a price and keep them for fun. After all, this is evidence that our treasure appraisal was wrong."

cough cough cough.

Who would be happy to keep such evidence of blindness.

The man looked at Lao Du speechlessly.

"You're not going to buy the gold foil and keep it for yourself, are you?"

"Yeah, once I get my monthly salary and bonus this month, I'll buy it and keep it as a testimony."

"What kind of witness? A blind witness? If you keep a lot of blind witnesses in your home, wouldn't you feel uncomfortable facing them every day?"

"Why feel bad? Every time I see them, it reminds me of how I was wrong.

This is called self-reflection.

I often reflect on myself with my stray babies. "

"You are really good." The man was completely speechless.

"By the way, in addition to discovering this stone monument during our trip, we also found this one near the stone monument. There are quite a few of these things, and they look like the carapace of some kind of insect. Do you, the Chu family, accept them?"

When Lao Du took a look at the things in the man's hands, he simply took out a set of his own belongings and directly appraised the carapace. "This kind of carapace has good hardness. As for its medicinal properties, it probably needs a second appraisal. As for its origin, it needs to be applied for a third appraisal."

"Can you even find the origin?" the man asked in shock.

"It's possible." Lao Du said confidently. "A junior treasure appraiser like me can't do it, but that doesn't mean a more advanced family treasure appraiser can't do it."

"How many insect shells you have got, you can bring them to me. If it exceeds one hundred kilograms, I will give you one thousand spiritual stones first."

"Yes, yes, we have collected at least a thousand kilograms of these insect shells. I guess there should be more nearby."

"Then you have to work hard and carry it for me again. Try to find all these insect shells. One thousand kilograms, that is ten thousand spiritual stones. I will take you to settle the account right now."

An expression of joy suddenly appeared on the man's face, this time an expression of great joy.

Although this kind of Dafa may not receive an order for several months, once it is placed, it will definitely last for three years.

Too profitable.

"Go to the checkout. You have to pay for me even with the insect shell on the stone tablet."

(End of this chapter)

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