Chapter 1546 Sea

Soon the stone tablet and insect shell were sent back to the Chu clan.

No one understood the stone tablet, so they sent it directly to Taohua.

The insect shells must first be sent to pharmacists and doctors for appraisal, and then sent to the weapon refiner for appraisal.

Taohua got the stone tablet and took a closer look. She had never seen such writing at all. Come on, I’ll stick with Qi Tianjian.

Use Qitianjian to brush it.

A lot of news about the stone tablet suddenly rushed into Taohua's sea of ​​​​consciousness, ouch. The impact made her brain buzz for a moment, and Peach Blossom couldn't help but blink her eyes subconsciously. Then he rested for a while. Only then did I feel that my brain was no longer so uncomfortable.

This is the writing of an ancient insect tribe that has disappeared into history. They are not the fusion of bugs and humans. They are a branch of ancient humans who domesticated bugs.

The text on the stone tablet records more than ten kinds of prescriptions for domesticating insects and using them as medicine.

Not very precious, but amazing.

Especially the technique of domesticating insects, Taohua finds it quite interesting.

I simply copied all these secret techniques. It was compiled into an insect taming book and sent to the family library. In addition, she also listed several prescriptions. As for whether the bugs on the prescriptions were extinct, she didn't care.

Pharmacists took it upon themselves to find alternatives.

Besides, this kind of recipe is purely recorded for them to use as a reference.

It may be useful in researching new medicines.

Taohua didn't pay much attention to the new prescriptions, but the pharmacists who had just gotten a new insect shell regarded the book translated by the clan leader as a treasure.

It turns out that there are two prescriptions among them, which are more effective than the best prescription in the family.

They are the inner abdomen tempering formula that tempers the internal organs, and the bone tempering formula that specifically tempers the bones and marrow.

The most important thing among them is the newly obtained insect shell.

Using this insect shell, they can quickly recover the medicine provided by the prescription.

Then continue to improve the prescription and use various alternatives.

Just like those dragon bone soups before. That’s how it’s done.

Taohua was pleasantly surprised when she heard about the success of the pharmacists.

The new reward was given very simply.

Lao Du was in for a big surprise.

There were ancient prescriptions on that stone tablet, as well as a secret technique for domesticating insects. By the way, those insect shells were the main ingredients in two of the most important prescriptions.

Lao Du quickly called the stocky man over.

"The stone tablet you sent is indeed a treasure. You guys have gained a lot this time." Lao Du said to him straight to the point.

The stocky man turned pale with fright, his whole body was covered in cold sweat, his hands and feet were weak, and he suddenly slumped down on the chair. "Is the Chu family planning to kill someone and silence them?"

Lao Du was speechless, "What are you thinking about? Is just such a small thing worth killing and silencing the Chu family?"

When the solid man heard this, he didn't want to kill people and silence them. Immediately it was like coming back to life. "Oh, you fooled Lao Du so much. You were so serious at the beginning, I thought I was going to die."

"You have to do it. By the way, that stone tablet of yours is a treasure. It records an ancient tribe's secret technique of taming insects and several body-refining prescriptions. They are all related to insects. The one you sent Seed insect shells are the main ingredient in two of the prescriptions.

This allows our family’s pharmacists to restore the ancient prescription as quickly as possible. Of course, just the few insect shells you brought back the second time, ahem, the total is less than two thousand catties. It is also used to study prescriptions and what is the use of the top. But the pharmacists in our family are quite satisfied.

Therefore, the clan leader plans to reward you with 100,000 spiritual stones. In addition, you can also take away a copy of the secret technique of taming insects, how about that? "

don't want! !

The stocky man shook his head like a rattle in an instant.

"What's the use of the secret technique of taming insects? It's not as practical as spiritual stones. Why don't you give me five thousand more spiritual stones. We'll all have spiritual stones."

"I have to ask. After all, for such an ancient secret art of taming insects, the first one is probably worth a few spiritual stones. I guess five thousand is enough." Old Du said.

The stocky man was very helpless after hearing this.

"Okay, you ask me. When can I take away the 100,000 spirit stones. Now?"

"You can do it now. But after you take the spirit stone, I suggest you divide the money and disband the team. Then you can rest for a few months and then form a new one. The benefits you gained this time are a bit big. I guess There will be rumors outside. Even if you don't hear the rumors from me, you brothers can't shut up." Lao Du suggested seriously.

"In order for me to see you alive in the future, I think it's best for you to break up with them first."

The stocky man immediately had a wry smile on his face.

What else can we do if we don’t break up?

He didn't even know the true origins of his friends.

"Then let me take the one hundred thousand spirit stones away first. They all know I'm coming." The man said, "If the other secret technique can be replaced with spirit stones, no matter how many it takes, you can take it with me first. If If I am gone, the spirit stone will be yours.

If I am still here, I will come back and ask for it from you. "

The stocky man walked decisively with the spirit stone, and Lao Du even wished him good luck.

As a result, he never came back.

The body was found dumped in a gutter.

It was Lao Du who felt sorry for him, so he found a cemetery for him and buried him.

In fact, the best way to survive is for the man to run away with one hundred thousand spiritual stones. It's a pity that the guy didn't have the courage to go back.

Alas, he, Lao Du, has lost another customer who worked swiftly.

But it didn't take long before he discovered a few good prospects with good potential.

Thousands of people move to Qingze World every day. But Qingze is too big. Even if so many people come, they are just like water droplets scattered into the sea, and there is no change at all. The mainland is still so desolate, with only a few scattered small places showing green.

The sea is still so sticky, black and rotten, with a strong fishy smell.

But you have to admit that there are still a lot of things in the sea.

Some hunting and reclamation teams didn’t want to go to the ruins because they thought it was risky, so they chose islands in the sea.


The whole army was destroyed.

In the sea, if you want to cross the things in the sea and land on an island, you must have a large warship.

Medium-sized ones are vulnerable to attack.

Those things are so weird that people can be tricked without even realizing it. When you wake up with a shock, you can only wait to be eaten. There is no other way, they have all been taken to their lair, where can they run?

Anyway, Chu's small and medium-sized warships either took the safe route of outer space, or flew down and just wandered around Qingzhou Island. Never run around. To go to other big islands and supercontinents, you use large or larger battleships.

Safe, easy to use, and fast.

(End of this chapter)

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