The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1547 Shihan Tianyu

Chapter 1547 Shihan Tianyu

While the Chu family is promoting the large-scale development of the ruined area, they are also quietly promoting new people in the entire Qingze Sea World to settle down.

Nowadays, newlyweds choose their own place to settle down.

First choose a spiritual place.

It doesn’t need to be big, just enough for a few people.

Or in that ravine, or by that river bend, or in that jungle.

Although there is very little green on the land of Qingze. But it’s not really true.

Especially without the color green, it may also have a spiritual place. It’s just that the spiritual land here is occupied by something.

Don't be afraid, as long as you find the spiritual land, you can just wait aside.

The Chu family's warship arrived soon. The battleship fired a bombardment. Basically, all small groups of monsters, ferocious beasts, etc. have to be destroyed, and the few remaining fish that have slipped through the net will be hunted down by the soldiers in the army, leaving nothing behind.

Once the warships have cleared your reserved spiritual land, Chu's warships will immediately change from a support team to a hunting team. Take away all the available loot nearby.

After all, they are all large warships that can come, so it is impossible for everyone to come here in vain.

Relocate a large number of bison, wild sheep, wild donkeys and other large ferocious beasts.

The Chu family would also give away some chicken, duck and goose chicks to the new settlers.

But not many, usually one male and two females.

Those who know how to raise them will naturally multiply into groups, and those who don't know how to raise them will die before buying them. It's like paying tuition.

As more and more people settled, some people wanted to build towns.

But how much does it cost to build it yourself?

No money! !

So he prayed to the Chu family.

Taohua heard about someone wanting to build a town. Just laughed.

"I thought they would dare to come here privately and take root, or even dare to form a town of their own. In the end, they still asked us to sue. As long as we are successful, they can't take advantage of it. So, as long as ten people can develop nearby, For an area of ​​​​ten thousand people, we will build a small city.

According to the rules of Longting, build a city in the lower county. The population of the lower county must be ten people.

After the county seat is established, you, the governor, will take office. The officials in the county are all established according to the rules of Longting, but all the officials need to be our people. "

"Okay." Chu Shinian listened and actively responded. "We have collected the agricultural tax, and I think we can start working on the commercial tax. We will collect less at the beginning."

"Okay, we will charge one-fiftieth of the commercial tax at first. Later, when Qingze becomes prosperous, it will gradually be in line with the taxes stipulated by Longting. Just tell them so." Taohua said.

"Okay. Now I can finally see the money back. We almost always pay back taxes every year. Now we can finally collect some taxes ourselves." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"I think if the general manager's office finds out that we are building a county town and collecting taxes, I will call you over and educate you."

Taohua laughed.

"Ask me to come over, then go. Whatever he says, I am the governor of Qingze. Isn't it normal for me to collect taxes? As for whether those people are permanent residents. In our big world of Qingze, isn't it just Qingzhou Island that has me? Is it the permanent population of the Chu family?

We don't have any brochures.

Isn’t everyone doing this by casually collecting business taxes from casual cultivators? "

Since Chu Shinian became the governor, he has also studied his accusations quite well.

"The General Manager is not a person who is willing to give up. But if you stand up to him, you can make him feel uncomfortable." Taohua said.

"I have a hunch that I should be able to see him soon." "That's for sure. As soon as our city construction plan starts, he will be unable to do it anymore." Taohua said.

"How many county towns do you plan to build?" Chu Shinian was surprised.

"One thousand, four hundred and seventy-seven. Buildings blooming all over the five continents and nine major islands." Taohua said with a smile. "Just to make him unable to sit still."

"There are already so many people in Qingze World? More than one billion? How fast? It's only been a few months?"

"In the past year or so, people have come to settle down from time to time. Although it seems that the people who have settled down every day are not very noticeable. We can't see any big changes in Qingze. But in fact, the total number of people settling down has been growing rapidly. of.

Think about it, even our Qingzhou Island can accommodate a population of nearly 10 billion.

What about other continents and large islands? The total population of Qingze World in its heyday was estimated to be hundreds of billions. "

"No, no, there are only 80 billion people in the household registration book, and some people are tenants and servants. They don't have to pay taxes. So the annual tax of Qingze Great World is only 30 billion spiritual stone coins." Chu Shinian hurriedly explained.

"How did they calculate 80 billion?" Taohua asked in disbelief.

"That's it." Chu Shinian said calmly.

"Is this the case where the superiors have been deceived, or are the superiors working together to evade taxes?"

"We don't know much about this kind of thing. Maybe it's a secret contract deliberately reached between Longting and local families."

"You mean, Longting doesn't have complete control over the families below?"

"It's obvious." Chu Shinian said, "Longting's territory is too big, and there are so many families under his command. Do you think Longting's tentacles can see every big world? It's simply impossible. Then the families below can't Is he the earth emperor of his own big world?”

Taohua thinks this guess is very reasonable.

"Longting is the nominal co-owner, and everyone needs to pay taxes, that's for sure. But according to Longting's tax rate, I think it should only be in the royal family's fiefdom, or in the territory directly under the Dragon Emperor.

Other territories are expected to pay the same amount of tax.

Just like Qingze, because of its remoteness, you can just declare a small number and pay an equal amount of tax. "

"If your guess is correct, when you go out this time, someone should contact you and tell you how to be an orthodox noble and how to deal with local taxes." Taohua said with a smile.

"You just want me to be complicit. I can do this." Chu Shinian laughed.

"Since everyone is so friendly, let's just follow the good example." Taohua also agreed.

"Clan leader, the young master has delivered important documents."

"Send it in." Taohua nodded to the guard standing outside the door to report.

The guard quickly delivered the document to Taohua's hands.

Open the peach blossoms and take a look. Chu Junshu thought he had discovered a caravan sneaking in, but he actually followed the caravan and discovered a space passage to other heavens.

The heavenly domain that this space passage leads to is called the Shihan Heavenly Domain.

There is very little water there, and the whole world is a desert.

Simply the extreme of extremes.

In such an extreme environment, the population is naturally sparse.

But that doesn't mean they don't have people. As long as there are people there will be a need for water and food.

(End of this chapter)

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