The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1552 Dig, dig, dig

Chapter 1552 Dig, dig, dig

However, it is not that easy to transform this barren and rocky beach area, which looks very bright, into a mine. The key is there is no water and no people yet.

How can a mine be established?

Chu Junshu thought for a while and decided to write a letter to ask for help from his mother.

When Taohua received the letter, Chu Junshu had already obtained the mining rights.

I am worrying about how to run the mine.

Taohua looked through her son's own thoughts, thought about it, and gave her son some ideas. She also asked Chu Shinian for help.

Many of the families who used to help mine on the battlefield have returned to their hometowns. They seem to be idle and have not yet gone to work elsewhere.

They are all very experienced miners.

It's better to recruit them all for your son.

Then he tallied up the remaining basic materials at home and sent them to his eldest son to set up a new camp.

The letter to contact and recruit miners has just been sent out, and the resources Taohua has prepared for her son are still being loaded. Chu Junshu over there has made a bold decision.

He asked the sergeants on the warship to come down and dig out the sand.

Excavation of a very low-lying sand dune area in a certain area of ​​actual survey. Leave the rocky ground below and move the sand away.

But this is a big project. The area painted by Chu Junshu covers tens of thousands of acres of surrounding sand dunes.

"It would be too difficult for someone to dig with shovels one at a time. It's best to use cannonballs to blast away the sand." Lin Yin suggested.

Chu Junshu shook his head directly after hearing this.

"I asked the geologist in charge of the exploration. The rock layer under this sand is not too thick. If the battleship cannon is bombarded here continuously, it can directly penetrate hundreds of miles of rock layer. If the rock layer is directly shattered by then, , it’s useless.”

Lin Yin opened her mouth in surprise after hearing this. "Are you really planning to turn this place into a great lake area? You have to know that the ground here is extremely dry and hot, and the amount of evaporation every moment is an astonishing amount. You want to make a big lake like that.

Even if we put down a few big icebergs hanging on the tail of the warship, we probably won't be able to hold on for a year or two. "

"We will bring more big ice cubes then. There are so many ice cubes in our ruins. Besides, we don't have to go so far to transport ice cubes. We have too many big icebergs near the crack. "

That crack is also two extremes. On one end is the extremely hot sky, filled with worlds large and small that have no surface rivers. There seemed to be a faint warmth in the void throughout the entire sky. The icebergs dragging on the tail of the battleship showed signs of melting.

On the other end, there are a large number of icebergs, huge rivers frozen in the void, a huge planet completely frozen, and the ruins of a completely obscene world.

"Anyway, Huotai World is not far from where we get the ice."

"If you say so, it's not impossible." Lin Yin thought about it and found that the cost was not high. Just get ice.

"Then let's do it."

"The key is where are we going to find people to dig sand for us? You can't just ask the sergeants to dig sand for us, right?"

"I can dig it, why can't they dig it?"

"No way, are you going to take the lead in digging sand?" Lin Yin looked at him in shock. "Are you, young clan leader, shameless?"

"I want to lose face. Besides, the young clan leader can't dig sand? Who made the rule? Anyway, I took the lead in digging, who can't help digging?" Chu Junshu said.

"You are making a prank. It's strange that those warriors in the army don't bear grudges against you."

"It's okay, don't be afraid. If you are bullied, go to my father and ask for justice." "How old are you? If you are beaten, go back and file a complaint. It's very nice of you."

"I'm sorry."

Lin Yin was completely helpless.

"Okay, then what are you going to do?"

"Give them the entire sandy area. Everyone can do whatever they want. Whoever can finish it quickly will be rewarded." Chu Junshu expressed his thoughts. Lin Yin also agreed.

Then the entire sand area was divided into pieces and taken out.

Those proud and powerful generals on the battleship, after fighting against the demons, the humans, the humans, the star beasts, and the star beasts, came to dig out the sand.

Their career span is really huge.

Some veterans took over the task early and ran away.

Most of them formed small groups and clearly divided the sand digging areas on the map.

Afterwards, some of them ran back in the middle of the night and set up many tents on the deserted rock beach. Then some ragged natives were sent in batches by boat. They are all people who are able to work in their prime years. As soon as these people came, the old fritters would bring food, water and so on. He takes good care of others.

Then these natives took a short rest and began to dig sand with the various digging puppets provided by the sergeants. What? You said it's late at night, why don't you let people rest?

Dig a square of sand and give it five kilograms of grain or five kilograms of water. Both are clean and odorless water. Which one can sleep?

Dig, dig, dig! !

The natives dug up the sand enthusiastically. Anyway, it’s not a waste of effort to send out sand.

The sergeants each acted as logistics officers and enthusiastically delivered water and meals. When he felt unwell, he was given pills.

If you are really tired and need to sleep, there is a tent over there with some brand new bedding. Sleep as you please.

As long as there is water and food, the enthusiasm of the natives will be ignited.

Digging hard in the sand.

The next morning, Chu Junshu had breakfast in the cave and took the tools to dig out the sand. I saw that the area that needed to be excavated became smaller overnight.

In such a large area of ​​sand dunes, the area near the edge is actually exposed.

Many sergeants saw him, greeted him warmly, and handed over their tasks.

The mission is completed, there must be a reward, right?

Chu Junshu couldn't help but find someone to settle the task for them.

Those who completed the tasks ahead of schedule were rewarded with spirit stones.

As for what the spirit stones they were willing to exchange for, he didn't care. Anyway, they went back to the logistics officer for help.

The veterans who had finished their work and received rewards were not idle, and continued to work as foremans, ahem, as team leaders of hired workers. They took the hired workers and planned to help other brothers complete the task. Then ask for a little labor fee.

Some people saw them taking the lead in doing this, and the young clan leader did not object and even gave them rewards. Then he turned around and found a group to do the same.

Some people just don't mind the trouble and just provide spiritual stones, food, and water, and let the contractor lead people to work on site.

It can make money, and the contractors are very happy.

Le Dian Dian led the natives and continued digging...

(End of this chapter)

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