The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1553 Great Lake

Chapter 1553 Great Lake

This project only lasted five or six days, and the follow-up materials sent by the Chu family leader arrived.

A group of craftsmen were also sent. The number of people is not that large, after all, they are just building a mine.

The main reason is that as soon as people came, they built a splendid city in this desolate neighborhood.

This city was built even more grandly than the largest and best local cities nearby.

And as soon as we entered the city, the burning sensation of heat disappeared.

There are only various monasteries and courtyards in the city. There are also large gardens that can be planted. All kinds of grains, spiritual fruits, and spiritual vegetables are grown by everyone. The small river in the city is gurgling and flowing around the canals in the northern part of the city.

This makes the hired natives envious. As long as they have a rest, they can't help but bring their families to visit.

I still feel very emotional that this city is really well built.

The key is that they assembled it quickly and repaired it in less than three days.

This makes many natives want to stay in the box and never leave.

What to do when you go back? Nothing. The shack he built was also in shoddy condition, with skylight shining through above his head.

So everyone actively and flatteringly asked their foreman if they had any other work to do after they finished digging the sand.

The foreman doesn’t know either.

They were also urged to ask Chu Junshu, "Of course, let's continue mining. We are here to build a mine. You quickly train them how to be miners. In addition, isn't my camp here set up?" Well. I also asked the craftsmen to use some basic materials to build some simple workshops for the remaining miners to live in. "

"Can't we build a cave?" a foreman asked.

Chu Junshu directly hit him on the head with a paper roll.

"How expensive is the cave? A simple workshop will suffice."

"Young master, the workshop you built should be larger, preferably one that can accommodate a small family. I think they will definitely move here with their families."

"It would be best to have an inner and outer room, or a big room with three or four small rooms. Yes, God knows, at least there will be a whole place for people to live in. What is a shack? Even my chickens are willing to live there. A broken shed?"

"Gungun, I know." Chu Junshu rolled his eyes at these people angrily.

What a surge of compassion.

Okay, okay, get it for you.

So outside the big city, on the side of the planned mining area, clean and neat white houses were built. The place is too big, and there is too much wasteland here.

In addition, according to her mother, she will also ask her father to recruit a large number of professional miners for him to mine.

So Chu Junshu simply waved his hand.

Build 15,000 industrial houses.

Later, Lin Yin reminded him that it might not be enough. Approaching, they discovered at least a dozen mineable veins on this barren rocky beach this time, including two extremely large veins. This was the first time for Chu to meet him.

It is necessary to build more workshops.

Chu Junshu twitched his lips and built another fifteen thousand units opposite his newly built workshop.

The workshop here has not been repaired yet, and the big lake has been dug.

The battleship dragged the big iceberg floated by various floating formations and landed little by little from outside the world.

This kind of big iceberg is cold enough. But under the terrifying high temperature of the Fire Tower World, it began to melt rapidly the moment it entered the world.

Luckily it landed vertically.

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Heavy rain fell from the sky crazily.

It fell directly into the depression.

The water in the depression was gathering crazily. In five minutes, the deepest depression was filled up, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres.

Such heavy rain and the sight of such a large amount of water gathering into a lake made the natives standing on the edge of the depression scream and shout wildly. It is manifested, this means that the gods have manifested themselves.

Everyone in the Chu family was speechless as they watched them go crazy.

Some old people still remember the grand occasion when Chu Clan Lingshan was promoted.

They weren't as bad as they were back then.

The sky was like an overturned sea, and the rushing water soon completely filled the bottom of the depression, and then the water level continued to rise.

In less than an hour, the water level filled one-third of the depression.

Some natives jumped down like crazy when they saw so many of them, wanting to take a sip.

It's a pity that the Chu family's sergeants took it back before they were picked out.

What are you doing? Want to pollute the water source?

It's a great lake, but if there's one more dead person in it, how can we use water?

"Ah ah ah..."

Another person screamed towards the sky.

It turned out that a large iceberg that was constantly melting and looking like a waterfall appeared in the sky above the lake.

As soon as the sergeants saw the iceberg, they immediately began to clear the area around the depression.

What are you doing here?

When the iceberg comes down, there will be a sudden explosion, and the water will surge out and sweep you all away.

The living people were cleared to the high hills nearby.

The big ice finally fell with a crash.

The water in the depression was instantly stirred up into high waves, rushing toward the surrounding shores.


The mortals screamed, and the water waves rolled over the falling water mist, and the water droplets wet their clothes and bodies. Some people were completely doused.

But the dunes were high and none of them were swept away.

The water waves ran for a distance, lost momentum, and gradually fell back, flowing back into the depression. Oh no, now it is called a big lake.

Except for the big iceberg in the middle of the big lake, the water in the big lake has also submerged half of the original depression.

Such a huge lake, if not for the huge and terrifying daily evaporation of the Fire Platform World, is estimated to be able to support hundreds of thousands of people for living and production.

Unfortunately, even if all the icebergs in the lake melt, they can only last for four or five months at most.

In four or five months the great lake will dry up again.

The iceberg was still melting rapidly and falling into the big lake, it was melting faster. It should take less than a few days for it to completely melt into water.

"Sir, can we use the water in this big lake?" A native suddenly ran to his contractor and asked.

"Yes. But you can't use it indiscriminately. You can get water there. You can't bathe or wash clothes directly in the lake. You have to take it back to your home for washing. Do you understand? This is a water source and must be protected."

"I know, I know, we will bathe and wash clothes far away from the big lake."

"Remember to boil water for cooking."

"Yeah, yeah, we must be obedient, we must be obedient. Sir, can we stay here forever?" The native boy suddenly burst into excitement and tears flowed down his cheeks.

"As long as our mine remains, you can always live here. You can also go home and bring your whole family to live here."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir."

"No need to thank me, just work hard for our Chu family from now on."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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