The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1554: The suitable location for the third suspended continent

Chapter 1554 The suitable location for the third floating continent

"Did you hear that?"


"A big lake appeared in the south of our village. I heard that the gods in the sky saw that our people's life was too hard, so they specially made a big lake from the sky to provide us with water."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. My grandpa's second sister-in-law's sister's in-laws said it. His family works there. I heard they even gave her a house to live in."

"Can we go too?"

"Why not? The elders in the clan are discussing how to relocate all the young and old in our village as soon as possible. The water in the wells is getting shallower and shallower in this year's water season, let alone the dry season. Anyway, It is said that our whole village will be leaving in a few days."

"Wait a minute, am I not from our village? Why hasn't my family heard anything about it? The village is about to move away, but my family is the last to know?"

"You are not the last, I am the last. Are you planning to abandon us here just because we are the only two left in my family? That old guy from the village chief is so bad." A chilling voice sounded from an old man. There was a sound from behind the two women.

An old man who was as emaciated as a skeleton walked past them angrily and ran towards the earthen house of the village chief's house.

"Damn it, the Fourth Master is here, I'm afraid he's going to beat someone up."

"Run, I didn't say anything, and I didn't see anything."

"Me too, me too." The two women ran away in a hurry.

Emma, ​​fight as much as you like outside, if you fight, don't get involved in your own home.


"Have you heard? A big lake suddenly appeared in the west. I heard about miracles that happened overnight. I heard that there were miracles over there. The land had water and food could be grown. There was no shortage of food. ”

"Really? Is there such a wonderful place that only appears in dreams?"

"Absolutely. My eldest brother saw it with his own eyes. Our family is already packing up our belongings. My eldest brother said he would take our whole family away to live a better life."

"Can you take it to my house?"

"Here, someone from your family needs to talk to my eldest brother, and he will agree to take you with him."

"My dad is going. My dad has a good relationship with your eldest brother."

"Okay, okay, go back and talk to your father quickly."

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving first."


"Have you heard? A big lake appeared in the south. Immortals came down from the sky to mine ore in the south. Not only did they create a big lake, they also created a lot of land that can be cultivated.

Help the immortals mine and you can also live in the houses built by the immortals.

From then on, he lived a good life with food and drink.

Several families in our village have already moved away. Our family will also be moving out early tomorrow morning. "

"It's true? It's true? Then can our family move there too?"

"You'd better go back and discuss it first. If you want the whole family to move, you know that you have to agree with it, right? Besides, don't your family prepare some things before moving? Otherwise, how will you provide food and water on the road?"

"Yes, yes. I have to go home and discuss it first."


A large lake appeared out of thin air.

This was like a storm that swept away all the surrounding natives.

Clean water and a large lake suddenly became the center of public opinion among the surrounding natives.

Who doesn’t want to drink clean water, and who likes groundwater that is inherently smelly?

Wouldn’t that mean there’s nothing to drink?

As for that kind of water, you still need to drink it sparingly.

What's going on now?

In a certain place, a large lake appeared out of thin air. This... is simply an eye-opener for God.

Good luck finally fell to us ordinary people.

Everyone is happy.

No, I have to move, I have to live by the lake.

Everyone was thinking about relocation. They also literally helped the old and the young, and families and villages moved to the deserted rocky beach.

As long as one family comes, the Chu family will recruit miners from that family.

Anyone who could work was recruited.

Those who really couldn't work were placed in some marginal areas, and some jobs were found for them that could make a living.

It's not that there is any discrimination, it's just that they are grouped together, everyone is weak, and it is safer. There will be fewer cases of bullying due to physical strength.

A large number of natives came and even affected the normal operation of some mines, because many miners whose families worked in the Chu family asked to leave their jobs and return home. Then he moved to the Chu family's territory with his family.

What is there without water?

We have a big lake over there, so what water do we need?

Can’t you drink the water in the big lake?

I heard you can also take a shower.

Some of them have never taken a bath several times in their lives. This is a dream come true.

The mine, which had lost many miners, was naturally unhappy and came directly to trouble Chu Junshu. But Chu Junshu didn't care about them and threw them directly to Lin Yin. Lin Yin was also a slippery man. Not only did he pay compensation, he also promised that the miners would find it themselves in the future and would never rob them.

Of course, the compensation given by the Chu family was coarse grains.

They even have a variety of first- and second-level refined grains that can be exchanged for various ores from land reclamation.

Good brothers, we are all good brothers. Aren’t we here just to make money?

A group of little natives, what's there to care about?

I will send you a batch of food as a token of our Chu family’s gratitude.

Well, what kinds of minerals are yours? Are they of good quality?

Are there any buyers?

If not, would you like to consider us?

We have food. Our Chu family has plenty of food. So I am particularly willing to exchange food for ore.

What? You are willing to change.

Oh, what a good brother. All big brothers are good brothers.

Lin Yin almost had a heart-to-heart talk with others under the quilt. However, the effect was also significant. A large amount of ore was moved away and replaced with a huge amount of food prepared by the Chu family.

The mine owner who was the first to trade with the Chu family later sold the grain.

He made almost crazy profits.

So they simply transported the ore from other relatives' mines and sent it directly to the Chu family's warship. Then they continued to move a large amount of food from the Chu family's warships.

A wave of food-for-ore trade began quietly.

Because the flow of food is not normal.

Within a few days of exchanging grain for ore, Peach Blossom was discovered. She simply had people carry a large amount of food to the warehouse on the second floating continent. That side plans to face Shihan Tianyu directly.

Maybe their family can build another suspended continent to reach the space rift between the two heavens.

After all, there are abundant ice resources there.

If you do it, it will be very exciting.

However, it is very necessary to prepare for the seven-damage storm and the freezing ice that will definitely blow through this place.

Taohua decided to design it well.

(End of this chapter)

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