The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1555 Larvae

Chapter 1555 Larvae

While she was thinking hard about the design of the third floating continent, the power of Chu's food had gradually spread to the entire Fire Tower World.

Whose family is not short of food?

Everyone is crying out for food.

No one wants to starve to death.

But there is no way, once the dry season comes, the wells will run out of water. what to do?

We can only save the young and strong by reducing the drinking water and food for some old and weak people.

The problem is that everyone is like this instinctively, but in their hearts they have not passed this level.

Even those who have done this dirty work every year are not willing to continue doing it.

As long as there is water, there is food. They don't have to do such immoral things.

Now the Chu family has distributed a large amount of food.

Isn't it just to purchase ore?

Harvesting it with grain is absolutely fine.

Bring as much grain as you have, and we will exchange it for you for ore.

The main thing is that everyone has saved enough food for one year. How about saving enough food for everyone for a few more years?

"I heard that your Chu family has clean water. We also saw the big lake. It's in good condition. We also have low-lying areas over there. Can you also store a lake of water for us?" A mine owner trades ore. Ask Lin Yindao.

"Okay. The key is how do you plan to change it? Let's just go ahead and get a big iceberg with 100 million tons of water for you. How much food can you give?" Lin Yin asked.

"One hundred million dan? Based on so much water?" The other party offered and was immediately overjoyed.

"Just take 100 million tons of water as the unit. Look, how big of an iceberg do you plan to have? These melted icebergs are all good water. You'd better build the lake first. Then add a big top to prevent large amounts of evaporation every day. A lot of water is equivalent to building a large water cellar. This large water cellar can store so much water that you can use it for daily life. "

"That's right, that's right.

I will go back and talk to my family right now. If I can do it, I will come over to discuss the iceberg with you later. "

"Sure. We mainly want more ore."

"That's natural. The area next to us is pretty good, with plenty of ore." The mine owner said proudly.

After the mine owner left, Chu Junshu walked out of the back hall and heard Lin Yin showing off his achievements. Now that he was able, he could trade icebergs for ore.

"You can do it. Have you developed a new business?"

"What's the point of just exchanging food for ore? Look at us, we can even exchange icebergs for ore."

"People are either short of food or water. It is only a matter of time before they exchange spiritual stones and water for ores. I am currently collecting intelligence on the entire Huotai World. I found that many caravans from other cracks have come down. And they are all like Let's find a place to settle down and establish a mine, and then exchange food and water for various ores with the local mine owners," Chu Junshu said.

"But they are definitely not as good as us." Lin Yin said with great confidence. "Our grains taste good, they are really delicious. Even the whole grains are delicious. Secondly, we give them a lot of grains.

The other caravans cannot accept the amount of food, but we can accept it.

Because our family has a lot of food, a large yield, and a short growth cycle. A whole season's worth of grain can be matured in one month. Then there are some special vegetables, which can mature in a batch in a few days. So our profit margin is much larger than theirs. It’s easy to switch up and down, and it’s our own business to earn more or less. "

"That's it, but when we trade grain, we still try to earn more ore. The price of grain should not be too different from that of those caravans. The Chu family is not suitable to attract more attention now. "

"I understand. I just said that our Chu family is in urgent need of a batch of ore. That's why the price of food is low. This is a loss of money and it will definitely not last long." Lin Yin said.

"Yes, that's it. We are losing money and we won't last long. When the reserves of various ores in the family increase, you can increase the transaction price little by little."

"I understand."

"By the way, let Ling Zhifu research a kind of food that can absorb flames and heat to grow. It would be best if it is particularly drought-resistant." Chu Junshu said.

"Are you planning to develop farming here?" Lin Yin asked in surprise. "Such a large desert and rocky tidal flats are left alone. If we can grow some food, it will be easier to arrange something for the natives who cannot do heavy work."

"Okay, I'll send the official document to them." Lin Yin thought about it and agreed to write it.

Anyway, the people in Lingzhi Division have been very busy recently.

Their coral reefs have far exceeded expectations, and the cleanup of polluted oceans is a real joy.

The ocean near Qingzhou is getting cleaner and cleaner.

Even outside the protection of Chu's formation near Qingzhou, more marine creatures began to move around.

Some large crabs, sea snakes, sea fish and other marine creatures did not slump even if they grew outside the protection of the formation. On the contrary, they became more energetic and larger. And it becomes more and more aggressive.

Some large fish are specifically looking for humans to attack.

Anyway, if the sneak attack is successful, there will be new meat. If it is not successful, it will become other people's new meat.

Marine life outside the protective circle is polluting to a certain extent.

Even if you return from hunting, you still need to do some processing to resolve the pollution. Otherwise, consumption and sale are prohibited.

However, Nine Star Coral is not included in this list.

Although nine-star corals are also marine species, they are protected by the Chu family locally.

No matter who it is, it is impossible for you to hunt the nine-star coral.

That's right, despite the fact that Nine Star Coral is very capable, it can swallow whatever it sees.

But Nine Star Coral also has weaknesses.

They cannot come into contact with honey.

Upon contact with honey, it immediately softens into a paste.

Totally lost energy.

However, the powerful vitality and medicinal properties of Nine Star Coral still exist.

This kind of coral, even if turned into ointment, has the value of third-level and fourth-level elixir.

So many people want to take risks and poach corals.

It's just that Chu's fleet patrols extremely frequently and guards its nine-star coral very strictly. This leaves only sporadic poaching in areas where Nine Star Coral is active.

However, the lack of poaching does not mean that there is no possibility of the nine-star coral being stolen.

For example, when the nine-star coral is still a very small seedling, you can steal seven or eight seedlings or even more with a big bowl.

And Nine Star Coral likes to split.

Once they eat too much and feel uncomfortable eating, they will split into large numbers of larvae.

Then use the larvae to send away the uncomfortable parts.

What if the newborn larvae still feel uncomfortable?

No matter how uncomfortable it is, you can just endure it and it will get better when you grow up. Or he couldn't hold it back and died. After all, the larvae are too small to divide.

(End of this chapter)

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