The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1561 What a brave man

Chapter 1561 What a brave man

After hearing this, Yang Hui sneered and said, "That time when the Chamber of Commerce reorganized and changed shareholders, I didn't make trouble when I was tough? I'm used to it. Besides, I will have a quarrel with the general manager tomorrow, so what if they make trouble?"

Even my father can't hold me back at this time. "

"Won't the old prince also take over their side?"

"Wouldn't that be better? I've long wanted to start a new business. I've had enough of being a nanny for them, and my income is pitiful. What do I want? I finally understand. If I want to make a lot of money every day, just We cannot create so many shareholders.

It's like having a bunch of mothers-in-law standing above a young daughter-in-law. No matter what she does, there will be people who criticize her. No matter how patient you are, you will never say a kind word. "

Yangyuan was silent.

Yanghui himself has grown so much that even if he leaves the family chamber of commerce, he can start a new business. He has the capital.

But I am too young, and my time managing the family business association is too short.

If he loses the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce, his life will suddenly become difficult.

"Brother Hui, I wish you success."

"Thank you."

On the second day, Yang Hui brought a large number of spirit stone coins to Hu Cao in the Grand Manager's Mansion with great fanfare.

He also stated that he had brought 30 billion spiritual stone coins specifically to pay this year's taxes to the Chu family.

He also had boxes of spirit stone coins opened and dumped directly into Hucao's small square.

Just look at it and force you to accept it.

Do you accept it?

What do you mean you don't accept it? Are you planning not to collect taxes from the imperial court?

If you accept it, that's fine. Come over quickly and take stock.

Several supervisors at Hucao were so frightened that they hurriedly ran to find the general manager.

After Ding Mo heard the news, he smashed his newly built study into pieces.

"So brave."

Ding Mo spat out three words that looked like ice slag.

"Let him hand it over. Every one of the 30 billion spirit stone coins must comply with the standards. You go check them one by one. Pick out the counterfeit coins and throw them in his face. Let him pay twice as much."


After receiving Ding Mo's instructions, Hu Cao immediately returned to the square and began to greet the scribes to check and enter the accounts.

That's really a check one by one.

Thirty billion spirit stone coins, after their sorting, were quickly sorted out dozens of boxes of 'counterfeit coins'.

The scribes didn't dare to do anything, but a few high-ranking officials in the household didn't care. They came up directly and handed over the counterfeit coins to their bodies and feet. "The General Manager asked us to tell you that you must pay two for each of these counterfeit coins."

Yang Hui was hit by a lot of spirit stone coins.

The clattering spirit stone coins seemed to hit his fat face directly.

Yang Hui smiled slightly and immediately asked his confidants to bring over the new spirit stone coins left in the car and hand them over.

Even if they are all torn apart, what does it mean if someone throws counterfeit money at him?

Even if hundreds of boxes of real spirit stone coins were found and thrown at him as counterfeit coins, he would still have to endure it.

Soon all the taxes for the 30 billion spirit stone coins were paid, and it just took a whole day.

But the entire Yuanzhen City knew that Yang Hui helped the Chu family pay taxes.

This is really brave.

Everyone knows that the chief steward dislikes the Chu family.

How dare you do such a big thing openly and openly?

The Chu family is so good. What kind of deal do you two have in private that makes you do such a thing? When Yang Yuan knew that the Chu family was going to be doomed, he immediately cut off and ran away.

I haven't done anything as big as you.

You royal family members have always been hypocrites, deceitful, and do not keep their words. Why are you suddenly so bloody?

He had just handed over the 30 billion spirit stone coins. As soon as he left the Grand Manager's Mansion, the Chief Manager of the Royal Palace came over to wait for him. "Little Prince, the Prince has asked you to go back."

Yang Hui nodded.

He must go back and make an explanation, or make a settlement.

As soon as he returned, he was called to the prince's study.

The old prince had already asked someone to prepare a whole table of dishes, and he and his eldest son were waiting for him.

Yang Hui just walked in.

The old prince said, "Come and sit down, let's eat first."

Yang Hui nodded. He sat down and started eating. He hadn't eaten all day and was hungry.

"You have done well in the Chamber of Commerce over the years. You have made a lot of money for the palace. But the palace belongs to your father and your eldest brother after all. This time you received 1.5 billion spiritual stone coins from outside without passing by us. wrong."

Yang Hui stiffened for a moment and continued to eat like crazy.

Anyway, let’s wait until he finishes eating.

"Although I don't know what kind of private deal you have with Chu Shinian, you did it this time. You are responsible for repaying the 15 billion loan. You cannot use the funds of the Chamber of Commerce." The old prince said.

"In addition, you misappropriated 15 billion spiritual stone coins from the Chamber of Commerce, and you need to fill the hole as soon as possible. I'm not kidding you. In the future, the head of the Chamber of Commerce will be your eldest brother's eldest son."

The old prince continued.

Thirty billion spiritual stone coins, it’s really a stretch.

When he first heard the news, the old prince almost thought that this chamber of commerce would be abandoned.

I'm afraid I'm going to lose a lot of money.

"Okay, I will withdraw from the Chamber of Commerce and take my people away. Transfer the entire Chamber of Commerce to my eldest nephew. Give me another month and I will return the 15 billion spirit stone coins."

"Brother, I have no intention of driving you away."

"I know. But now that the Chamber of Commerce is making more and more money, it will gradually affect the expenses of the palace and the development direction of Zhuangzi's workshops. It would be inappropriate for me to serve as the president of this Chamber of Commerce.

Besides, there are too many shareholders in the Chamber of Commerce, and they are all relatives. I'm not the eldest brother. As the prince, I can naturally control them.

As for me, people banged the table with me and asked me if I had the ability to do it. If I didn't, they would give up my position.

I feel very aggrieved. I obviously accepted their junk at my father's request, but now I can't buy it, which affects my monthly dividends, and they are causing trouble for me again.

This is too uncomfortable. "

"Okay, okay. I'll go back and warn them. You should stay in the Chamber of Commerce and be the vice president. You can still make money," the old prince said.

"No, I just want to start a new one. After all, I will always have to separate my family in the future. I have to give my children and grandchildren some family assets." Yang Hui finally finished the last bite. He said pitifully.

"Hui Di, I really don't mean to let you go."

"Brother, my family will always be separated. Brother, please take pity on me and let me go out on my own. If it doesn't work, I will come back." Yang Hui said.

These words are deceiving children, and there is not a single child present.

Everyone knows that once the eldest son of the Crown Prince takes control of the Chamber of Commerce, the handover of the Chamber of Commerce will be completed, and the person at the helm will change from the old prince to the Crown Prince.

This is a change of power.

(End of this chapter)

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