The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1562 Delivery

Chapter 1562 Delivery

Even if Yang Hui comes back in the future, it will not be a dry investment of money, waiting for dividends in the end.

He has no way to get involved in the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce.

In other words, it has nothing to do with him at all.

"Since you want to go it alone later, let's do it like this. You try your best to fill up the holes of 1.5 billion spirit stone coins within a month." The old prince said with satisfaction.

"Okay." Yang Hui didn't care and nodded repeatedly.

The three of them also chatted for a while, and then the old prince finally let Yang Hui go to see the princess.

After Yang Hui left, the prince said a little embarrassedly, "Dad, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have lost my temper with you before, and I shouldn't have said that the fourth child just wanted to usurp power and become the prince."

"Don't be too hasty in the future. The fourth child is smart. He knows who will own the palace in the future. Why should he quarrel with you, the future prince?"

"Yes, I was wrong. But can he block the hole of 15 billion spirit stone coins in one month?"

"You underestimate your brother too much. He has no other abilities, but he is very talented in business. Not to mention 15 billion, even 30 billion can be spent at an extreme time. At most, he will be quieter in the future. time.

There are many ways for him to get money. "

The prince's face immediately changed after hearing this, "Dad, shouldn't I kick him out of the Chamber of Commerce?"

"I told you not to be too hasty before, but you weren't sure to listen. I had to agree to expel the fourth child from the Chamber of Commerce. Now the matter is a foregone conclusion. I can't do that shamelessly and I will never help you. Coax him back again.

Besides, he is so smart, his return can only mean that he can regain control of the Chamber of Commerce. What will the eldest son of your family do then?

After all, this Chamber of Commerce belongs to the palace. Besides, the fourth brother is right. As this Chamber of Commerce grows stronger, it really needs to be in your hands. "

It's not that he, as a father, doesn't trust his son, but that it is the eldest son who will inherit the family business after all, and he cannot let the fourth son have the family's wealth in his hands.

"Dad, I didn't think carefully and was not cautious." The prince began to reflect again.

This time it was indeed a bit reckless.

He almost broke up with his biological brother.

If he really broke up, it wouldn't be to make a joke to the governor's house, but it would also make the outside world think that he was jealous of talents and could not tolerate his brothers.

The eldest son is talented, but he is also a bit narrow-minded.

But that’s okay, he was the same way back then.

This boss looks so much like him in many ways.

This is why the old prince is very satisfied with his eldest son.

"Fourth, let him go. If he goes out to try his luck and can no longer rely on the power of the palace, he will know how difficult it is outside." Mr. Wang smiled.

"The fourth brother is quite talented and has good luck. I believe he can definitely gain a foothold in the business world."

The old prince was a little speechless after hearing this.

If he really establishes himself in the business world, how can you let him come back to assist you?

This boss can probably trust his son. Not as good as him, at least he still trusts his brothers.

Forget it, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so he doesn't care too much.

"Okay, then you go back first and let your eldest son prepare. The fourth brother works quickly. He should bring your eldest son to the delivery chamber early tomorrow morning."

"Okay. I'll tell my boss right now."

Prince, you can’t hold back the smile on your face.

The old prince said nothing more and waved his eldest son out.


At the same time, Lao Siyanghui was in front of his mother, dutifully reporting what happened when his father kicked him out of the chamber of commerce.

"Except for your father's affection for your eldest brother, all his other sons were picked up from outside. You can see the coldness and ruthlessness in his bones without even looking at him." The princess said with a smile on her lips.

"..." Yang Hui didn't want to say more. "Have you been ready?" the princess asked again.

Yang Hui nodded.

"Your father's life is coming to an end. Back then, he blocked a sword for the late king and was seriously injured. It's a fluke that he can barely survive to this age. He still has six years at most. Of course, it is possible to survive even six years. No." The princess said calmly.

"So in the next few years, there will definitely be big changes in the palace. Your eldest brother's actions will become bigger and bigger. The hypocrisy of father and son cannot be concealed.

Later, when everyone is at odds with each other and making jokes, it’s best if you don’t get involved.

Those younger brothers are much more shameless than you. Just wait, this big joke is about to begin. "

Yang Hui nodded silently after hearing this.

"Tomorrow you will take the crown prince's eldest son and quickly deliver the chamber of commerce. Then go and establish your own chamber of commerce."

"Okay. Mom, when my father is really gone, I can welcome you into my home and serve you well."

"I'm living a good life in the palace." The princess said shamelessly, "Besides, I have quite a lot of private property. Over the years, I have made a lot of money and bought a lot of properties through several channels. Your future heirs If they live up to expectations, I will leave more for them.

If I don't live up to expectations, then I will spend all my time while I'm alive. "

Yang Hui couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, "Mom, you used these words to threaten me when I was a child, and now you use them to threaten your grandson. Can't you change the reason?"

"No." The princess said with certainty.


Yang Hui returned to his yard and began to arrange the decorations overnight.

If it were a big chamber of commerce, how could it be so easy to deliver? But Yang Hui had already had a premonition of delivery, so he made a lot of arrangements.

Things that only belong to you, whether it is industry or talents. He completed the transfer early.

The only people left in the Chamber of Commerce are those rotten people.

Let's let my eldest nephew deal with them.

After visiting the Chamber of Commerce, he still had to find Chu Shinian to collect ore.

This large amount of ore will definitely allow him to earn twice as much as the 30 billion spirit stone coins.

If his own chamber of commerce had this injection of resources, it would definitely be able to thrive.

Early the next morning, Yang Hui, who had not slept all night, took his eldest nephew, who was equally excited and had not slept all night, to the Chamber of Commerce.

Delivery, delivery.

The two exchanged words quickly.

A large number of industrial directories and commodity inventories were checked by the people brought by the eldest nephew.

Yanghui also provided his eldest nephew with a large number of supplier lists. He doesn't care whether others use it or not.

Anyway, the eldest nephew didn't come in alone. He had the care of the prince behind him.

They have capable people.

Dong Chuan, Yanghui's chief strategist, had already come to prepare in advance.

The delivery was all very smooth.

Yang Hui even handed over some channels that he had always controlled to his eldest nephew.

The eldest nephew is very satisfied and thinks that the fourth uncle's handover should be so thoughtful and considerate.

(End of this chapter)

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