The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1566 Admit your mistake

Chapter 1566 Admit your mistake

Marquis Jing'an actually didn't believe Chu Shinian's words, but he didn't take those people seriously either.

Even if it was Chu Shinian, he didn't care much. What he cares about most is balance.

As long as the general manager responsible for managing the entire Wenlan Tianyu doesn't go too far and make him troubled.

Of course, he would not allow the chief steward Ding Mo to annex the Chu family. After all, the Chu family was now a noble. And he was actually a marquis.

No one can arbitrarily embezzle a real noble, not even His Majesty the Dragon King.

He must protect the interests of his own circle.

"It's not an option if you keep talking to him. Otherwise, how about I start a game and invite him to come over and talk to you?"

"I am willing. I'm just afraid that he is now focused on annexing the Chu family." Chu Shinian said neatly.

Marquis Jing'an took a deep breath.

"Probably not. If he doesn't give me face again, then I don't have to give him face." If the real nobleman really confronts the chief steward. If he can't fall behind, he, Ding Mo, can't even think about staying in the position of chief manager.

"Well, then we can give up the great world of Qingze, except for the rest of our Qingzhou Island and Nanxiang Island. Of course, if he insists on losing face and takes away the foundation of my family, Qingzhou Island, what should I do?" Chu Shi Nian asked rhetorically.

This matter must be asked clearly in advance. If Marquis Jing'an doesn't support him then, how can he have any fun?

Marquis Jing'an took a deep breath again.

"Okay, I'll tell him."

Marquis Jing'an also knew that the Chu family had almost mobilized their whole family to build Qingzhou Island and it was absolutely impossible for them to give it away.


Not long after Chu Shinian was sent away, Marquis Jing'an posted a message and sent someone to deliver it to Ding Mo.

Ding Mo replied directly with a letter.

He said bluntly, "I want Qingzhou Island."

Marquis Jing'an read the page of letter and his expression changed immediately.

As expected, this Ding Mo has been the local emperor in Wenlan Tianyu for so long that he doesn't even know what his last name is.

You still want Qingzhou Island, do you think we will give it to you?

"Go and tell Chu Shinian that the Chu family is busy with affairs, and ask him to immediately apply to the General Manager's Office to return to the family to handle general affairs. Now that the taxes have been paid, it is impossible for him to be idle all day long. He is taking care of everything in Yuanzhen City. "Does he think he is Ding Mo?"

Confidant: I don’t dare to say this no matter what.

"Go ahead."

The confidant had no choice but to go.

Chu Shinian received the family warmly, "What my Marquis means is that it's time for the Chu family to go back. Something big has happened to the Chu family and you need to return urgently to deal with it."

When Chu Shinian heard it, he understood it instantly.

This is the Marquis of Jing'an who wanted to be a peacemaker, but failed to do so.

So I got angry and asked him to leave early.

Let's go.

Chu Shinian immediately sent someone to deliver a letter to the General Manager's Office.

The reason is exactly the same as what the confidant mentioned.

Ding Mo sneered and said to his men, "Let him go. I want to see how long he can stay as the governor who I clearly don't want to see."

After Chu Shinian received the letter that he could leave, he took his people directly back to Qingzhou Island. By the way, he also took back his younger son who was playing crazy here.

Taohua immediately became happy when she saw her youngest son returning.

This little kid's belly has become swollen, with a fat ball in his belly.

"Hey, mistress, you and your father ran to Yuanzhen City and became fat balls. What should you do?"

"I'm not fat. I'm skinny." The little fat man who has already begun to learn to speak is very clever. No one can call him fat.

Don't think he doesn't know, as long as someone says he is fat, his father will tell him to eat less.

He could only eat two bites of a whole plate of meat, and it was specially placed in front of him to make people greedy. This is so wicked.

Taohua gently touched his belly with her fingers, "You're already so fat? Are you still skinny?"

The little guy inhaled hard and retracted his protruding belly. "No belly, no fat."

Huh, although he temporarily sucked his belly back in, he couldn't hold on for a while, so he let it out again.

The little guy patted his belly with some annoyance. "Me, thin man." This was his insistence.

Taohua was so amused by him that she collapsed on the couch. "Son, you really should eat less meat."

"No, eat meat." The little guy was anxious. "I eat meat."

"How about we eat a few more meals and wait until your belly is gone before eating meat?"

No, then what year and month will it take?

The little guy saved Taohua's thigh as soon as he was anxious. "Rourou, Rourou."

"What are you doing? Why do you bully my eldest grandson as soon as he comes back?" The little guy's great supporter, grandmother, and grandfather came.

As soon as the second elder comes, the little one is no longer afraid.

With my grandmother and grandfather here, I was still afraid that there would be no meat to eat.

"Mom, I didn't bully him." Taohua quickly said that I was innocent, "I just think he's a little fat and want him to lose weight."

“Why should this little one lose weight?

I think you are playing the piano randomly. I’ve raised you brothers and sisters for six years, and I didn’t tell you to lose weight since you were young? Aren’t you all grown up yet? "

Peach blossom:......

"Besides, the little kid is chubby and so cute. Let's go, grandma will bring you something good to eat." After saying that, he picked up the little guy and turned away.

"Then I'm going to see my eldest baby." Chu Dashan just came over and hurriedly chased his wife away.

He also misses his eldest grandson, okay?

He also wanted to give her a good hug.

Taohua: My parents are getting older and younger, what should I do?

When Chu Shinian came back in the evening, he found that his youngest son was not there. "Where is Junzhuo?"

"Being carried away by his grandmother and grandfather."

"Ahem, you still haven't hugged me back yet?"

"I guess I went crazy a long time ago and forgot about us." Taohua said with a complicated expression.

Hehehe, Chu Shinian laughed out loud. "This little guy seems to be less attached to home as he gets older. He's so cute that he goes out to play."

"Okay, let him play. Hum."

"My son is not here. Madam, I miss you."

"Yeah, I miss you too."

Ahem, ahem, even though it’s an old man getting married, a breakup is better than a newlywed.

Xiao Junzhuo played wildly at his grandmother's and grandfather's houses for several days, and finally beat up his fourth uncle's little brother.

Because of grabbing toys!

After the fight, the little brother took revenge and stopped playing with him.

Xiaojun Zhuocai ran back to his home in frustration.

As soon as Chu Junlan came back, she heard about her little brother's glorious history, and when she caught him, she kept jerking off.

"You brat, you still know how to fight? You are really capable."

"He hasn't apologized to anyone yet. Take him to your fourth uncle's place to apologize." Taohua came over and happened to hear the girl playing with her baby, so she ordered the girl.

"Okay, I really have to come and apologize."

"Don't go, don't go."

"If you don't apologize, my little brother won't play with you anymore. Don't you have no one to play with?"

The little guy hesitated after hearing this.

"Let's go, what's the point of apologizing? Our little Junzhuo is a big kid, and it's wrong to hit your brother for a toy. Right?"

The little guy fell silent.

"Just tell me, do you still want to play with my little brother in the future?"


"Then let's go."

"Let's go." The little guy Cui Tou nodded dejectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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