The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1567 Nanxiang Island rises

Chapter 1567 Nanxiang Island rises

The two little ones happily reconciled, but why did you, the little one, go to live with your fourth uncle's house again?

Do you still want to go home?

Your house has such a big yard, why can’t it accommodate you?

Taohua was speechless.

"Mom, your little son is really familiar with himself. He doesn't see anyone outside. When my fourth uncle said he wanted to go to my house to play, he said yes." Chu Junlan came back and explained to her own mother that her fourth uncle had abducted her little boy. Brother the whole process.

The main thing is that the person involved really wants to go.

She couldn't pull it back even if she wanted to.

"It should be that since he was born, he has been moving around again and again, having too much fun, so he has made this kid wild." Chu Shinian interjected at this time. He finished the last piece of paperwork he brought home and then stacked them all together again.

"The key is that he left just as soon as he said so, which is too disrespectful to my sister." Chu Junlan said deliberately pretending to be angry.

"You still don't want to take him back. Are you worried that your parents will leave the little cub to you?"

Cough cough cough. Dad, what are you telling the truth all day long?

I'm embarrassed.

Chu Shinian still didn't understand clearly what he thought about his daughter.

The girl snorted angrily and said, "Remember to pick him up in a few days later."

"Huh? Why me again?"

"Aren't you his sister? Who else could she be if she wasn't you?" Chu Shinian was not merciful at all when it came to his daughter.

Chu Junlan:......

Taohua doesn't care about the lawsuit between their father and daughter.

Silver Moon Small World is about to complete its evolution, and I should be about to break through to the sixth level.

"Wait, Mom, I remember you said that the Silver Moon World only occupies one floor of the Taiyin Stone Tower. How come you are going to break through to the sixth level as soon as it completes its evolution?"

"Hmm, originally when I planned to break through to the sixth level, I would just create a small cave of my own. Who knew that the evolution of Silver Moon Small World seemed to be in accordance with my vision this time. It was given to me by the Taiyin Stone Tower this time. I peeled it off and re-evolved it, and then I was automatically promoted to level six."

"Ah? What? Mom, are you saying that as long as you integrate the evolved Silver Moon world, you will be directly promoted to the sixth level? Then do you still need to encounter thunder tribulation?"

"There should be a sixth-level thunder catastrophe. But if I stand alone in the world, there should be no danger."

"Can you catch up with such a good thing?"

"Maybe I have better luck."

"Mom, you are definitely a child of luck wherever you go. You see, you have been recognized as the master of the Five Elements Small World that has just evolved, and we are still the source of the Spiritual Mountain.

If you merge with Silver Moon Small World, you will have two small worlds.

Oh, mother, your luck is so enviable. "

"This is all in a rush, and we just arrived at the right time." Taohua smiled.


Taohua felt that this was her reward for reviving Qingzhou Island and building the billion-mile-long city defense front.

Otherwise, the timing would be perfect, and Silver Moon Small World would have completed its evolution just when she was about to break through to the sixth level. And then it coincided with her promotion.

"Mother, when will you be promoted to the sixth level?"

"About half a month later. But I plan to go to Nanxiang Island to break through."

"Why?" Chu Junlan was puzzled. "Isn't it dangerous over there?"

"The front-end formations over there are all finished, and only the final formation is activated. I plan to activate the formation when I start to break through. When the origin of the land over there starts to recover, I will just survive the thunder tribulation, saying Maybe the benefits of the thunder tribulation can be returned to Nanxiang Island."

"Mom, are you planning to achieve mutual success again?" "It's a win-win situation. What am I unhappy about?"

"Okay, okay, dad and I will go and watch over you then."



Half a month later, shaking sounds were heard from time to time throughout Nanxiang Island and the nearby seabed. There are also various fierce sounds of fighting.

Under the sea, and under the ocean floor, battles are happening all the time.

The monsters on the seabed and under the seabed near Nanxiang Island are actually denser and more extensive than those on the seabed and under the seabed on Qingzhou Island.

It's like a real tidal wave of monsters.

The cleanup of the Chu Family Legion has been continuing.

They focus on those monsters that gather in large groups and have strong fighting power. For the remaining individual monsters that are weak threats, just recruit casual cultivators and let them deal with them. Then, based on the loot marks found on the monsters, spiritual stones or various cultivation resources are given to the casual cultivators.

There are a lot of casual cultivators who come here after hearing the news. This job is not very dangerous and you can make a lot of money. Many casual cultivators directly call groups of friends to come and do tasks.

In just half a month, they actually made a full year's worth of money.

It's a lot of fun to farm monsters, especially when you're behind a large army.

In recent days, Chu's cleaning operation is coming to an end. Many teams of casual cultivators have left, and there are not many teams of casual cultivators left.

Everyone cleans up the last area, and the island and the sea are temporarily cleared of monsters.

After the last task was completed, starting from Nanxiang Island, huge formations began to be activated one by one.

They merge and link together, and finally form a formation shield that spans a huge sea area.

Immediately afterwards, the sea floor was rising with a roar.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it rises one hundred meters every half an hour.

The seabed is rising, and the entire Nanxiang Island is growing out of the sea.

A large amount of land that was originally on the seabed was gradually lifted out of the water.

Countless colorful streams of light in the starry sky were noticed one after another. Little by little colored lights on the ground were spreading and rising.

Countless micro spiritual veins and mineral cores were stimulated to share in this great change.

Taohua stood on the highest mountain in Nanxiang and silently began to make final preparations.

The underground secret realm, small space, blessed land, and cave in the sky of Nanxiang Island are all reunited one by one.

Taohua's cultivation also rose and fell like a tide, gradually reaching the peak of the fifth level.

Taohua had a premonition that she could start to merge with the Silver Moon Small World at this time. As long as she merged with the Silver Moon Small World, the thunder disaster in the sky would fall.

As long as he survives the baptism of thunder, he will officially transform into a sixth-level monk.

As soon as Taohua began to merge with the small world of Silver Moon, past events flashed through her mind one by one, including her previous life.

Episodes of joyful, annoyed, depressing, and frustrating past events kept flashing through her heart, affecting her.

Unconsciously, there were stories of success and failure, and all of them became stories of failure. The despair kept trying to affect her.

It's a pity that Taohua knows that these are all fake.

It’s the calamity of inner demons.

(End of this chapter)

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