The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1585 Chu Yuexi, Yang Zong

Chapter 1585 Chu Yuexi, Yang Zong

"Why not? I see that the wind has recovered in Qingze Great World over the years, and the change of day and night has gradually become more stable. I think it will return to thunderstorms soon, right?"

Taohua has been saying this for a few days, so come to Qingzhou Island. A thunderstorm occurred in Qingze World.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and heavy rain poured down.

The first heavy rain was black sewage.

But gradually the color of the sewage became lighter and lighter, and finally turned into clean rainwater.

The heavy rain that lasted all day and night finally stopped.

Sunny weather appeared on both the mainland and the ocean, and the sky was blue and no longer gray. White clouds also appeared.

This is really a great progress.

The silent pollution in many places on the mainland has been washed away by heavy rains.

Even the pollution that has melted into the land is gradually receding.

The mutant pollutants on the land are also decreasing, and some have died inexplicably.

The same is true in the ocean.

The original ocean overlord-level aberrations and pollutants have disappeared.

It made them all panic and uneasy.

The sea water has also changed from the original sticky and dirty water to one that seems to have been diluted and is no longer as sticky as before.

But this change is not obvious.

After all, the ocean is too big.

As for the various icebergs thrown down by the Chu family before, all the ice cubes disappeared completely in the heavy rain.

Only some other dumped sand fragments were left, still piled in place.

The heavy rain continued, and Chu's transport ship continued to drag a large number of icebergs down.

There seems to be no end to the boatloads.

When Yang Hui came to Qingzhou Island with his son Yang Zong, he happened to see this scene.

Straight up dumbfounded.

"What are the Chu family doing? They brought so many icebergs and threw them into the big world of Qingze. What do they want to do? They're not up to another trick, are they?"

Yang Zong saw his father's shocked look and snickered.

"Why are you laughing?"

"No, I'm not laughing at anything."

"You brat, I carefully selected your Yue family. You have to perform well for me this time." Yang Hui said.

"I understand, dad." Yang Zong was a little shy.

"The Chu family is a family with real power. With such a family background, even a few direct brothers will not be able to match it in the future. However, this marriage is not with Chu Shinian's direct biological girl, but with the eldest brother Chu Taohua's family, the head of the Chu clan. The eldest daughter.

The Chu family is the female head of the family. According to her bloodline, your future wife's status in the family is not low. "

Yang Zong knew that he was a concubine, and his marriage partner was not as good as his three direct brothers.

Besides, it's impossible for my aunt to expect him to have such a good marriage.

The Chu family, a new type of family, was made into a nouveau riche by outsiders.

Many people look down on the Chu family. Only then did her aunt feel at ease and allowed herself to marry the Chu family's illegitimate daughter.

And she can't be the legitimate daughter of a decent marquis.

In fact, my aunt has been sitting in her father's backyard for a long time, and her vision has become somewhat narrow.

Even the three elder brothers are a little afraid of and envious of my own marriage.

It's a pity that the eldest brother and the second brother are already married. Although the third brother is not married, he also has a sweetheart.

That's why this good marriage fell into his hands.

I'm so lucky, I can't stop it.

Yang Zong himself had dealt with people from the Chu family, and he was so impressed by the Chu family's amazing speed in building the city that he almost fell to the ground. I heard that the Chu family is even more powerful in medicine and planting.

He hasn't really seen what it's like.

Being able to come to Qingzhou Island this time, he also wanted to have a good experience with the Chu clan.

"I think this marriage is quite suitable for me." Yang Zong smiled with satisfaction.

"As long as you are sensible. I'm worried that you are stupid enough to compare yourself with several of your direct brothers. You have to get a well-matched marriage like the one your direct mother likes. We are a clan, and some families are not suitable even if they get married. Walk very close.

Your aunt's idea of ​​trying to please everyone will end up failing her everywhere. "

Yang Hui also had some complaints about his first wife.

Of course, there are not many complaints.

"I think my aunt may have felt that the three brothers deserved better in terms of character, appearance, and talent, so she was a little picky. This is human nature. Who's mother doesn't do this?"

"You are really sensible."

Is it the truth, is it a lie, is it perfunctory, or is it sincere.

Yang Hui can still hear this.

Although the old Siyang Zong is a concubine, he is relatively sensible.

I never compete with my brothers. But he is not good at fighting soft persimmons. If he wants to fight, he can get a result.

Speaking of which, this boy looks more like Yang Yuan from Uncle Wang's family.

There is a city and there are means.

But he hoped at all that he, a boy like himself, would use his precious means and government to fight against his brothers.

He hopes that his sons can set their sights outside.

"I am the legitimate son of the branch family, and you are the concubine of the legitimate son of the branch family. The clan has reached the bottom when it comes to you. What I mean is that you can become a civil servant or become an official. When the time comes, I will help you and let you go. Your father-in-law’s family can also help.

I don't think there's any problem finding a good job.

What do you think? "

"I don't have a problem. That's not what the elders did in the past. If others can do it, so can I."

"Well, that's good. If you get married, I can only share part of your family property, and the rest will be earned by you two as a young couple."

"I will."

It was Chu Xuanhe who rushed to the port to greet Yang Hui and his party, but beside Chu Xuanhe was a young girl in official uniform. This girl is not bad looking, and she is calm and orderly as she follows Chu Xuanhe and arranges and directs the people around her.

Yang Hui instantly remembered this girl.

"Xuanhe, who is this?"

"Oh, this is the eldest daughter of my eldest brother's family, Chu Yuexi. Now she is with the clan leader and is responsible for some affairs in the clan house."

After Xuanhe's introduction, Yang Hui instantly knew who this was.

Look at that little girl, and then look at your son.

Damn it, this brat missed it.

Being able to follow the clan leader and go out to do things is still within the clan mansion.

This is much better than his son, almost catching up with the legitimate sons that his eldest brother, the Crown Prince, has been cultivating.

"This is my fourth son Yang Zong. Although he is a concubine, he is a talented young man with noble character and a gentle and polite temperament." Yang Hui praised his son hard.

Yang Zong also understood who the person in front of him was.

Suddenly he blushed slightly.

When greeting each other, Chu Yuexi secretly raised her eyes to look at the person opposite, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

She is a Yan Dang, and her penis is quite long.

(End of this chapter)

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