The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1586: Cheating the Daughter

Chapter 1586: Cheating the Daughter

Next, Chu Xuanhe and Chu Yuexi accompanied Yang Hui and his son on a good tour of the clan territory.

The Chu clan land at this time has completely changed from when it was first built a few years ago.

At that time, the Chu clan's underground spiritual veins did not appear.

The underground spiritual veins are now at the third level.

Strange flowers and plants can be seen everywhere inside the clan area, and the fragrance is fragrant.

If you take a step accidentally, you may step on the small grass that has just emerged from the cracks in the stone road.

Yes, the spiritual energy of the clan is so prosperous today.

All kinds of little creatures look at you covertly and curiously.

He looks cute and not afraid of life, but also a little afraid of it.

"The little squirrels here are not afraid of people, and dare to run up to the low branches to peek at us?" Yang Hui smiled bitterly when he found a dozen little red-tailed squirrels sneaking around on several large spiritual trees nearby. I ran down to join in the fun and watch them.

Just like the people in Yuanzhen City usually look at those monkey entertainers.

"You may not think there are too many people in our tribe here, but most of them are members of our Chu clan. For sensitive little animals, they are no different from family members. But we are from the outside world, so we brought them with us. Other strange smells, that’s why they come to observe you.

Here, these are small pine nuts for squirrels.

Feed them each, and they won't chase you anymore."

After hearing this, Yang Hui became interested. He took the bag of pine nuts, pinched out a small handful, and gave them to the squirrels.

Little squirrels are obviously not very afraid of people.

As soon as you send it, it takes it. What a pleasure.

Yang Zong also tentatively gave pine nuts to the little ones, and everyone stretched out their furry little paws towards him, not being polite at all.

I'm enjoying the benefits you gave me. They are also bright and bright. Carrying two small bags of pine nuts, people go home to greet friends.

"These little squirrels are so cute. Do you have any other little animals besides little squirrels?"

"Yes. But they don't dare to show their heads. They may be hiding. Only if you look carefully can you see their traces." Chu Yuexi said.

"Why? I think they are not afraid of people?"

"They are not afraid of adults. But they are afraid of children. My aunt's youngest son and my little cousin especially like to hunt them. So if they are not hidden well, they will be caught and used as toys, or at least played with for a while. Geniuses can be sent home.

How pitiful. "

Yang Zong burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"Then your little cousin is comparable to a little devil."

"He just likes to play." Chu Yuexi told people angrily, please remove the word "comparable", that kid is a little devil.

She had never seen what her eldest cousin Chu Junshu was like when he was a child. It was said that he was also the reincarnation of a demon.

That is, her grandfather, grandmother, and father are the only ones who make that boy well-behaved and cute.

Oh my god, my aunt didn't even say that.

"Children all like to play. I also have two young sisters who think about mischief all day long when they open their eyes."

"You only have two little sisters, and there are more than one in my family. We go to the house every day. My grandfather and grandmother are disturbed by their troubles all day long, and they are still very happy." The two of them talked and talked. Go to the other side.

Yang Hui and his son played for several days, and Chu Shinian arrived belatedly.

The main reason is that he has to carry his fat son back from the other side of the crack, and there is no time.

As soon as the fat son came back, he made a fuss about going to see his grandfather and grandmother.

Anyway, I won’t stay at home with him.

Just go.

Chu Shinian simply packed up his son and sent him away.

Chu Dashan and Chu Qi were very happy, because their fat grandson was still thinking about them.

Chu Shinian sent his son away, and when he came back, he saw Yang Hui who couldn't wait.

"I think the daughter you raised by the Chu family is really good, she is generous, cute and talented."

Chu Shinian laughed loudly after hearing this, "Talent is sometimes a good thing, and sometimes it is not a good thing. I heard that many families must first be obedient and obedient when choosing a daughter-in-law. It is best not to have any thoughts, and then she will be good." Just take care of the house and be able to have offspring.”

"Our family definitely doesn't have this idea." Yang Hui said immediately.

Are you kidding? His family always has to separate the family. If he doesn't find a daughter-in-law who can stand up, how will his son live?

If he was shoulder-to-shoulder in the vestibule, his son would either cry to death or be exhausted to death.

A family must be built by husband and wife together.

"It's great that my daughter-in-law can do this. I don't know how much effort my mother and I will save in the future. It's really a good thing. Anyway, I think your Chu Yuexi is very good. You are very kind to my family. What do you think?"

"Do I think it's good? Just be patient. I'll ask my brother-in-law to get in touch with your penis. If it works out, I'll tell you right away."

"Okay." Yang Hui said happily.

"By the way, I heard that Yang Yuan was going to divorce his wife and marry another?" Chu Shinian was quite surprised when he received this information as soon as he returned. "I don't think Yang Yuan is that kind of person?"

"Hey, there is an inside story in this. It's not that Yang Yuan wanted to divorce his wife and marry another one. It's that his wife originally had a lover, but an accident happened. Her wife's family thought that the person was dead, so they took her away. Married to Yang Yuan, but after so long, that person came back. His wife met with that person several times and even begged him to let her go.

Yangyuan felt that the forced melon was not sweet, so he broke up with her. "

Chu Shinian was stunned.

"Yang Yuan hasn't taken his wife for so many years?"

“Maybe Yang Yuan is not willing to take it down either.

Otherwise, why don’t he and his wife have any children?

For a wife who has other people in her heart, Yang Yuan is probably holding her breath. But in a clan like ours, marriage must be approved by the prince, princess or concubine.

Yang Yuan's marriage was arranged by the princess in the first place, but it turned out that there was such a big mistake. The princess was also complained by the old prince.

I heard that not only did the princess receive a scolding, but the princess's sister's family, the natal family of Yang Yuan's original daughter-in-law, also took the initiative to come to apologize. It's a pity that the old prince didn't even let them in.

Yang Yuan and his wife were originally divorced, but when word spread from the palace, they became divorced. Or his wife made a mistake or something.

That family's reputation was trampled to the ground and they didn't dare to refute. "

"That family is not honest in what they do. Your daughter has someone else in her heart, so why force her to get married?" Chu Shinian said angrily. "There are so many people in the family, how can it be that my daughter only has enough food to eat?"

"Who says it's not the case? You're really cheating your daughter, and you're cheating your own family too. Why bother?"

(End of this chapter)

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