The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1587 9 Color Deer Jade

Chapter 1587 Nine Colored Deer Jade

"Then where did Yang Yuan's original wife go? Is she homeless?"

"No, I heard that her sweetheart left."

"Then this can be considered a harmonious ending."

"She is harmonious, but she tricked Yang Yuan. You said you were not happy at the beginning, so you don't have to marry. Yang Yuan messed with whoever he wanted, and married such a great ancestor." Yang Hui was speechless. said.

"Then what does Yang Yuan plan to do?"

"What else can I do? Decisive time, wait until the limelight has passed, and then find a suitable one."

"That counts as starting over."

"It's hard to say now. If life is not good in the future, then he will still have to blame the princess. Even the prince will probably continue to blame the princess. By then, both the princess and the prince will have a hard time." Yang Hui added.

"No way. I don't think Yang Yuan is the kind of person who waits for small talk." Chu Shinian smiled.

Yang Hui said nothing.

There are many disputes in the palace, who knows what the future will bring?

"By the way, you are so anxious to get me back. Apart from your son's marriage, what else is there?"

"Did you know that Ding Mo was reprimanded by the Dragon King?"

"I don't know. What's going on?" When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately became energetic.

"Did you fall for a trick and flatter the Dragon Emperor?"

"Hahaha, let's all get similar discounts. Even though we didn't go, we won't let His Majesty forget about us." Chu Shinian smiled.

Yang Hui was speechless.

Although everyone has written a similar book, I heard that your book is particularly outstanding. The Dragon King held the fold and laughed for a long time.

Finally, I praised you for being able to speak.

Of course, the ministers who serve the Dragon Emperor all said that you were very shameless in what you wrote on the note, but you also photographed it very well. The Dragon King was photographed making him laugh haha.

Others are shameless, but the Dragon King might get angry and punish others.

You, Chu Shinian, are the only one who is particularly good at taking pictures.

"I heard that His Majesty was late several times because of Ding Mo's delay in arranging the transportation of military supplies, or there was a large shortage of military supplies. He gave Ding Mo a scolding, and also asked Ding Mo if he could do it and if he could replace someone. . He also reprimanded the ministers who recommended Ding Mo to pieces.

Even the chief minister who was far away in the court was reprimanded by the decree. "

"Then it's definitely not just one Ding Mo, but a large number of people, right? Your Majesty is about to return to the court, but all kinds of military supplies have been delayed in being transported to the battlefield. Your Majesty must be very angry."

"You are absolutely right. The adults in the DPRK have been urging His Majesty to return to the DPRK. Everyone was focused on this matter, and military supplies were ignored. As a result, something big happened. All kinds of military supplies needed on the battlefield. Couldn't be delivered.

This happened under His Majesty's eyes.

It would be strange if Your Majesty is not angry. "

"I guess your majesty may want to win a big victory and then return to the court with victory." Chu Shinian said.

"Everyone is guessing like this now. You don't know that although His Majesty was on the battlefield, four concubines were pregnant before he went to war last year. This year, eight concubines were pregnant on the battlefield. The pregnancy was exposed at the earliest The little concubine who came out had safely given birth to His Majesty's seventh prince.

Looking at His Majesty's little prince, the number of little princesses will be in double digits. "

When Chu Shinian heard this, he was immediately happy.

"Your Majesty is so brave."

He is strong and strong, and his little tree is also giving him strength.

When Yang Hui heard this, he gave him a particularly resentful look. When their Majesty was still a prince, he had few children.

The concubines went to all kinds of troubles in order to have children.

This has brought good news to many ministers of the previous dynasty and ladies in the backyard.

It is difficult for older concubines to have children, but they can bring younger ones into the mansion. As long as they run the business properly, their daughters may not be able to get in.

Now His Majesty is even more powerful, and there are suddenly more children. The concubines in the harem were even more quarrelsome.

Who doesn't want to have a child?

Even if she is a daughter. That is also a serious princess.

Therefore, His Majesty must return to the palace as soon as possible.

Everyone is getting older every year, and the delay is getting longer, so we can only take advantage of the younger concubines.

But now the queen and the high-ranking concubines in the palace are all quite young.

"Your Majesty is under attack from both the front court and the harem. It depends on when you come back." Yang Hui sighed.

"Hahaha, I guess His Majesty may be a little scared to go back."

When Yang Hui heard this, he immediately went crazy with joy.

you do not say.

The ladies are waiting.

At this moment, a guard walked in.

"Family order, the imperial edict is here. Are you saying that you have been promoted again?"

"What?" Chu Shinian stood up from his chair in surprise. "I was promoted? To what position?"

"I heard he's an armor transfer envoy."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Chu Shinian hurried to receive the order.

Yang Hui suddenly opened his mouth. Emma, ​​Armor Transporter, big brother, you actually pulled a tooth from Ding Mo’s mouth and pried out this important military supply?

If not, I will go and have a look too.

When Yang Hui rushed over, Chu Shinian was chatting with the chamberlain who had arrived for the rice paper.

The ones given away looked shabby.

Chu Shinian directly gave him a piece of nine-color jade that looked like a deer and had been modified by a great carver. This kind of jade itself is extremely rare. It is a high-level spiritual jade.

And because the nine colors have a good meaning, they are considered to be a symbol of good luck.

The piece Chu Shinian gave directly was about the size of two adults' palms.

The chamberlain couldn't take his eyes away when he held it in his hand.

It’s so beautiful. The key is that this deer grows very naturally.

It's like coming to life.

"Is this a jade elf that is almost ready?" The chamberlain was not ignorant and asked with a smile from ear to ear.

"It's just a jade elf that's almost taking shape, but if it really takes shape, we won't be able to catch it. The jade elf's earth escape technique is simply unparalleled in the world." Chu Shinian said with a smile. "Fortunately, it's just a little bit missing. It's on the tail. Look, sir, there are still a few traces of modifications made by the engraver.

Because it is artificially carved, if you want to cultivate it into a tolerant jade elf, you have to raise it for a few more years."

"How can I be worthy of such a treasure? Your Majesty is worthy of using it." The chamberlain looked reluctant and cherished.

"Sir, are you kidding me? Your Majesty is rich all over the world, and there are many treasures in the world. He is missing only a piece of nine-color jade. This is what I give you as a tribute."

The chamberlain was amused by him.

"Okay, okay, I'll accept it. I'm Xu Changtai. Please keep in touch in the future."

"Okay, okay. Definitely."

(End of this chapter)

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