Chapter 159
"The two houses have completely broken off their relationship. Who cares about the little rumors, and besides, the woman of that family is wishing that no one will ever know about her engagement to the prince!" Chen Dazhi said.

But this truth really refreshed Chen Gong's three views! !
He always thought that the princess he liked was a kind and noble beauty! !
"Why do you look at me with such unbelievable eyes?" Chen Dazhi looked at his son speechlessly. "Your father doesn't need to lie to you with this kind of thing. As long as you investigate this kind of thing with your heart, you can get the truth in a few days. Of course, if you ask the Crown Princess to investigate, it will be determined The truth is different from what your father said."

A strange feeling immediately appeared in Chen Gong's heart, "Father, how do you know that I have a way to contact the Crown Princess."

"Because you're stupid." Chen Dazhi looked back at his stupid son and sighed, "Your eldest brother wanted to marry the princess back then, it was because he really wanted to cling to the rich and powerful. This disappointed me, so I kicked him out up.

But you are too stupid to disappoint dad.

Both your father and your mother are such smart people, why are you so stupid? "

Chen Gong was furious.

"What a silly son, didn't you realize that? The princess is a very jealous woman. At the beginning, her cousin was engaged to the prince, and she will be the future queen in the future.

The princess was jealous of her cousin, and she was not happy to see her cousin live so well and gain the prince's true love, so she deliberately seduced the prince and let the prince find out her importance.

One side is imperial power, and the other side is sincerity.She asked the prince to choose, and the prince really chose imperial power.So I changed her to be my fiancée. "

When Chen Gong heard this, he instinctively wanted to refute, he wanted to say that the princess is not that kind of person.

But Chen Dazhi didn't give him a chance, and continued, "But how did she know that for a man, what he can't get is the best. So when he learned that his sweetheart married happily, the prince got drunk that night. Xu side concubine.

At that time, side concubine Xu was just a court lady, and she was serving the prince together with the other four court ladies.

Later, I was upset that she was hanging on to you and getting close to you on purpose, so I found someone to teach Concubine Xu how to change her temperament and living habits into that one.As a result, Concubine Xu was promoted from a little maid to Concubine Xu.

The prince also worked hard to protect her from giving the future princess a chance to murder her.

What did you say it was for? "

Chen Dazhi's words refreshed Chen Gong's three views again.He wanted to say that the Crown Princess didn't deliberately get close to him, and he wanted to say, Dad, how could you do such a thing?He also wanted to say that the prince should not be that kind of person.

But the crown prince dotes on Concubine Xu to the point that everyone knows it! !
Side Concubine Xu is not the most beautiful, she is not as beautiful as the Crown Princess, how did she suddenly capture the Prince's heart?
If there was no old incident of the prince losing his love, his father would not be able to push side concubine Xu to the top.

The more he thinks that what his father said is more likely to be true, the more unhappy Chen Gong feels.

Could it be that what he likes has always been a phantom in his own imagination?

"Father, why didn't you tell me this before?" Chen Gong was puzzled.

"So what if I tell you, if you go to the Crown Princess to verify, will she give you a chance to verify her character? I'm afraid it will give you another false impression, and in the end it will be as if your father deliberately spoke ill of her and bullied her. She is the same. Didn't you encounter this kind of thing every time in the emperor, and it ended up like this in the end?
You told others that the princess is not a good thing, you go crazy every time to go to the princess to ask for proof, but she pretends to be a ghost, or pretends to be pitiful and weak, making you feel sorry for her, cherish her, and think about her It's getting more and more difficult to understand. "

"Impossible. I see it every time..."

"Yeah, you see it every time. The emperor is all over her eyes and ears, so you can see such a kind and noble princess every time." Chen Dazhi said.

Chen Gong was silent.

"In Qingyang, there are not as many people as her, and there is no chance to pretend. You just need to be careful to check, and you will naturally come to a true conclusion." This is also the reason why Chen Dazhi deliberately brought Chen Gong out.

The concubine's foundation in the emperor is too deep, and she has too many people. If there is any trouble, she will be able to find it.Then there's the tampering of evidence to turn her from perpetrator into victim.

He took advantage of Chen Gong's pity and cherished many things.

Some things caused too much harm. If he hadn't wiped Chen Gong's ass behind, Chen Gong would definitely have made several life-and-death feuds.

This is why Chen Dazhi hates the princess.Always using Chen Gong as a knife, dare not be her son, this is too easy to order.

"Father, I don't believe it." Chen Gong suddenly pursed his lips and said angrily.

"As long as you don't go back and don't be influenced by her, she will definitely show her true colors in the future."

When Chen Gong heard this, he looked at his father in disbelief, but Chen Dazhi said in a godlike manner, "Don't expect to go back, if you dare to go back to the imperial capital, I will wipe my neck and commit suicide.

If you want to live and die for her, you have to step over your father's body first.If you even drive your father to death, then you, an unfilial thing like you, will do whatever you want in the future. "

Chen Gong looked at his father in shock.

"Don't think I'm teasing you. Your elder brother has already been kicked out of the house by me, and you will be the only one who can take care of me and your mother in the future. If you leave again, why am I still alive? At that time, I will write a letter to your elder brother and tell him that it was your own father who was forced to death by the princess. I will tell him that in my lifetime, even if I try my best to die with you, I will not let you live in peace. "

Chen Gong's face is turning black. Didn't you just say you made me love you so much? !And his father is too terrible, it's not enough for him to bear the reputation of killing his own father, but let their brothers kill each other!

He knows his elder brother. If his father really wrote this letter and handed it over to his elder brother, his elder brother will not give him a chance to explain. .

He will be taken away when his brother dies.Because his brother and his father are essentially the same kind of people, crazy and decisive.

"But why is she putting on airs in front of me? I'm not the prince." This is why Chen Dazhi couldn't convince Chen Gong.Because Chen Gong felt that there was no need for the Crown Princess to hide her temperament in front of him.

"That's because you are the only man among all her admirers who hasn't been close to any other woman. But the prince hugged him from left to right. She got a strange sense of satisfaction from you. So she wants to put on a show in front of you!

If it wasn't for your father's strictness, maybe she has already got out with you and gave the prince a cuckold.Don't think she dares, no, that girl is very courageous.If one day she doesn't need the prince anymore, she might kill the king.As for whether her future son belongs to the crown prince or yours, she doesn't care. "

Chen Gong's body shook violently.

(End of this chapter)

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