The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 160 Man-made Lingshan Collapse

Chapter 160 Man-made Lingshan Collapse

Because the princess really said that it would be great if she had a son with him.

When Chen Gong returned to his room, his mind was still buzzing. He dared not ignore his father's threat, and his brother who didn't take his father's threat seriously had already been kicked out of the house.

At the beginning, his father threatened his brother that if his brother married the princess, he would not be his son.

At that time, his eldest brother kowtowed deeply to his father, and then went out to withdraw the marriage.Then as soon as he came back, his father beat his brother up and kicked him out.Although he had some liking for the princess, it was not to the point of abandoning his parents.

He really couldn't be like his brother, otherwise he wouldn't have watched the princess marry the prince.In fact, he had a chance at the beginning, although it was very likely that the Crown Princess would not agree to be with him in the end and was unwilling to leave the Crown Prince.

But let him believe that the person he has liked for so many years actually has two faces, he is not willing to believe it.

As soon as Chen Gong returned to his room, he found a piece of red paper in the room, with the time, place and contact person written on it.It's just that the princess sent someone to contact him.If it was before, he might be secretly happy, but now, he is a little afraid to face her.

And this red note was placed in his room in such a majestic manner, which also explained a problem that he had been ignoring all the time.Did the princess bribe the people around her! ?

The people brought by his father were appointed not to betray him.So it can only be the person he brought.

Chen Gong sighed again, the people who bribed him like this, planted a nail to convey all kinds of information to him, which made him not know what to say.He wanted to make his trusted confidant always follow Chen Shu.But temporarily changed his opinion, he didn't let anyone follow him directly to find his father's confidant, Chen Fu.

"Uncle Fu, there is an outsider's nail next to me, can you help me find out who it is?"

"Mr. Erlang, can you describe to me how you found someone else's nail around you?" Chen Fu asked.

"I was called by my father to talk before, and when I came back, I found a piece of paper in my room." Chen Gong said with a stiff face.

Chen Fu looked like my family's Erlang Jun had finally grown up, looked at him with relief and kindness, and said, "Chen Shu entered your room just now."

Chen Gong was shocked. "sure?"

"If Mr. Erlang doesn't worry about you, I'll let someone stay with him for a few days."

Chen Gong was silent for a while before he said with difficulty, "Okay."

Chen Shu shouldn't be bribed, even if Chen Shu handed him the booklet himself!

In Miryang City, densely packed refugees gathered near the refugee camp.What can that porridge do?People die every day in refugee camps.

And the refugees gathered more and more.Miryang ordered Zhang Wei to take his eldest son, Zhang Xiu, up to the city wall in person, looking down at the entire refugee camp, he frowned tightly.

"Zifei, how long can our food last?" Zhang Wei asked Chu Zifei who followed him up the city wall.

"If the number of refugees continues to increase day by day, it will probably last for one and a half months. If it is crowded, it will last for about three months." Chu Zifei said.

Zhang Wei asked in surprise, "Squeeze, how do you squeeze?"

"Have people dig out the underground and above-ground roots of dead plants, dry them and grind them into powder, and add them to thin porridge as long as they don't kill people and fill their stomachs without starvation." Chu Zifei said as a matter of course. "Of course, if you are ruthless, you can directly remove the flesh of those dead bodies, chop them into minced meat and add them to the porridge to live more people."

"Presumptuous, how dare you say such a crazy way?" A former city magistrate official immediately asked loudly.

Chu Zifei smiled coldly, "Why don't you conjure food for me, anyway, I have no other way." When everyone really can't see any food, what will they eat if they don't eat people?
Besides, how did these refugees get here? If others don't understand, why don't you guys understand?How can they have the energy to come here if they don't eat people?

Hmph, everyone is pretending to be ignorant and hypocritical.

Hearing what the two said, Zhang Wei frowned and said, "Eat people, they eat secretly outside, that's a personal behavior. If I, the city magistrate, take the lead in doing this, the refugees outside will become unscrupulous, and I worry that they will go to court. Follow the surrounding villages."

"My lord." The official just now called out righteously. "What do you mean you take the lead in eating people? How can you take the lead in doing such insane things? If you make such a decision, you will definitely be infamous forever. My lord, please think twice before acting."

"Master Ma, I don't know how to do things like this. It's not that I think there's nothing I can do. It's wrong to eat people. If it's really forced to that point, I will also lead the Miryang Guards to do it. Nothing is better than living important.

It's just that I don't want to start with this, otherwise the refugees outside the city will target the surrounding villages.They don't have such a tall city wall to protect themselves and their families. "

Cannibalism absolutely cannot become something that Guangming grows up under the jurisdiction of Miyang City.

"My lord." The official surnamed Ma still wanted to speak, but was planned.

"Then dig out the underground roots of those dead plants." Chu Zifei said. "Fortunately, we can still fish, otherwise it would be really difficult to control the refugees outside the city."

"The fish caught can also be stewed into fish porridge in the camp outside the city to feed the children and the elderly." Zhang Wei thought for a while.

"In fact, if there are a little less refugees, we can distribute them to the surrounding villages to settle down. It's a pity that we don't know how long the drought will last, and there are too many second-rate refugees. If they are scattered in the surrounding villages, we are worried about them. Together with the refugees outside, we should slaughter the villages around us." Xun Shijiao also said sadly at this time.

"That's right, it's really too many. It's just an increase of 10 people in three days. I really can't imagine how many people have fled from the hinterland of the mainland?" Zhang Xiu also frowned.

Compared with these, Zhang Wei is more worried about the imperial capital.

What happened to Li Shan and Zhao Guo?How many refugees are there in the imperial capital of the Song Dynasty, and have they done anything?
Have those refugee troops who are said to be very powerful entered the territory of Song Dynasty?
Zhang Wei didn't feel that he was just worrying about it. The changes in the capital of the Great Song Dynasty were related to his overall strategy in the future. How could he not pay attention?

But Zhang Wei didn't know that in the royal garden of the imperial capital at this time, many bigwigs from the Song Dynasty were all shocked and dejected looking at the scene in front of them.

More than three miles long and one mile wide, the elongated man-made spiritual mountain had just been closed and the spiritual array had just been connected together, and the mountain collapsed.

Even two of the three small spiritual veins they had condensed at a huge price were shattered.

There is only one small spirit vein that is still intact! !

(End of this chapter)

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