The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 161 Xiancaotang and Caoge

Chapter 161 Immortal Herb Hall and Baicao Pavilion

After several years of preparation and countless resources, it actually collapsed when the spirit array was finally connected.

There are only one of the three spirit veins left!
This is obviously God not giving a way out! !

His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was only 45 years old. He was only 38 years old when he decided to build Lingshan.At this time, the expression on his face was a little ferocious and a little cruel.

"Master Zhao, why did Lingshan collapse?"

The master Zhao who was questioned by the emperor, his full name is Zhao Xuanchu, is from Xiancaotang.Zhao Xuanchu was honored as Master Zhao by His Majesty the Emperor because I was able to help the Emperor build Lingshan.

But this spiritual mountain collapsed at the last step!
Zhao Xuanzhe sighed and said, "The construction of this spiritual mountain is difficult, and there is no prototype of the spiritual mountain nearby. At least there should be no special spiritual veins, spiritual lands, etc. within a million miles.

Second, it depends on God's will. To build Lingshan, there must be people with great luck to suppress luck.

San De has the treasure of good fortune, otherwise all kinds of disasters will come, and a little mistake will cause a major mistake!Lingshan can't be built either.

Although the old man doesn't know where the Royal Spirit Mountain is broken, it must be that there is something wrong with one of the three. "

His Majesty the Emperor was still angry after hearing this.

Saying this is tantamount to not saying it.At the beginning, he asked Zhao Xuanzhe whether there were any special attribute spiritual veins or spiritual lands within a million miles nearby?

He said no.

At the beginning, he also asked him who was the most lucky person in the imperial capital, and Zhao Xuanzhe said it was the crown princess.

As for the treasure of good fortune, it is easier. The first to get the treasure of good fortune is a branch of the royal family. They took the initiative to hand over the treasure of red arrow.Now the heavy treasure scarlet arrow has become the prince's standard equipment.

Even though the three conditions are all met, he doesn't understand what he is still missing.

Seeing that the emperor looked at him with accusing eyes, Zhao Xuanzhe also panicked.Who knew it was so difficult to build Lingshan, he had already explained to the Emperor Song according to the method his master had told him!

"Is there something ominous about the person in charge of connecting the spirit array?"

After hearing this, the emperor finally had a vent, and immediately asked someone to investigate what was wrong with the person in charge of connecting the spirit array.

As a result, one of them had just died, and another daughter was born with six fingers.

The emperor was so angry that he directly chopped off the two formation masters and their families.

The remaining [-] or so formation masters were so frightened that they fled overnight with their families.

The dog emperor is crazy, and even the array mages are given to Kan's family.

In fact, even if these formation masters didn't run away, the emperor didn't intend to use them again. It would be kind enough for a group of guys who destroyed his family's Lingshan to kill their whole family.

After five or six days, the emperor finally calmed down, and he brought Zhao Xuanchu again.

"Let's build Lingshan again."

"But we don't have that many spiritual veins anymore, at least three small spiritual veins are needed to build a Lingshan Mountain." Zhao Xuanzhu frowned.

"It doesn't matter, the major families in the imperial capital have small spiritual veins in their fiefdoms, let them donate them." His Majesty the Emperor waved his big sleeves and smiled.

Zhao Xuanzhe felt something was wrong, but since the emperor had already made a decision, he could not easily change it.

As a result, after he went back, he heard news from the palace that he suggested to the emperor to build the Lingshan again, and also suggested that the emperor let the big families donate their own small spirit veins for the Song Dynasty to use for the Lingshan.

It's over! !

He wondered why the emperor was in a good mood all of a sudden, and remembered that calling him into the palace was originally intended to make him a scapegoat.He could even imagine how much those big families in the imperial capital would hate him once such news spread.

The dog emperor is really not a son of man!
Zhao Xuanchu's face turned pale with anger in the fairy grass hall.

And in the Baicao Pavilion, Fu Zhongyu smiled and laid out the chess formation.

A young boy held a book in his hand, and stood beside Fu Zhongyu with a smile. If you look carefully, you can see that the young boy is holding an ancient chess record.

"Uncle, I guess Zhao Xuanzhe is squatting in the Immortal Cottage at this time, angrily complaining that the dog emperor cheated on him."

"This is just the beginning. Zhao Xuanzhe is a bit stupid. Our Baicao Pavilion was the first organization to contact the Emperor of the Song Dynasty. If I didn't see that the emperor was not good, I would have suggested that they build Lingshan."

"Uncle, why is it so easy to build this spiritual mountain? Our Shenting can only build one or two spiritual mountains every three to five hundred years." The young boy asked in surprise.

"That's in the Shenting. There are not many resources in the Shenting to build the Lingshan. In the past few thousand years, we have been able to continue to build the Lingshan by plundering resources from outside. What is this place? This is a Shenting's Lingshan. After the Great War, it finally collapsed and turned into a world. But its foundation is still there, and it is thousands of times easier to build Xiaolingshan here than outside.

Before we were sent into the world, we were all taught the method of building spiritual mountains.

The higher-ups expect a lot from us, and they hope that we can build a few more Xiaoling Mountains in this lower realm.As long as Xiaoling Mountain is successfully built, it is a great achievement.In the future, even if Shenting uses resource piles, it can accumulate Xiaolingshan into Dalingshan. "

The young boy was taken aback, "No wonder Zhao Xuanzhe actively lobbied the Emperor of Song Dynasty to build Lingshan."

"Hehe..." Fu Zhongyu smiled treacherously and indifferently. "He sees that this world has undergone a second fusion, and everyone knows where many treasures will appear. In this way, the royal family, which already has foundation and manpower, can take advantage of the situation to rise and control all the resources in its own territory.

With resources, it is naturally enough to build Lingshan.

The kid made a crackling wishful thinking.

But he didn't expect that the Emperor Song himself was an unlucky person.

I can call any emperor who kills his brother and usurps the throne auspiciously, I can call him Daddy! "

Fu Zhongyu said that in the end, he lost his voice.

Hearing this, the young boy couldn't help frowning and said, "But which royal family isn't in a mess?"

"That's why no royal family can build a spiritual mountain." Fu Zhongyu said with certainty.

"Huh?" The young boy looked at him in surprise.

"We can support those big and small sects. They generally have the treasure of suppressing luck. Originally, the royal family was much easier to build spiritual mountains. There are also those hidden families. Many families have guarded one or several spiritual veins for many years. Dissipated above the old place. Without the recovery of spiritual energy, those spiritual veins will remain silent. With the recovery of spiritual energy, after some means of catalysis, they will be able to re-manifest and give birth to the spiritual veins.

With the spiritual veins, as long as they are properly cultivated, Xiaoling Mountain may be born. "

Of course, Fu Zhongyu would not say that this was his first good expectation, and it was absolutely impossible for Lingshan to be born so easily.But there is always a better chance than the royal family full of hostility.

Why did the royal families collapse early when this world merged last time, or was it because their advantages were also obvious and their disadvantages were more obvious?

(End of this chapter)

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