The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 162 Big Brother

Chapter 162 Big Brother
At the beginning, rare treasures were born everywhere, which greatly changed the balance of power between the aristocratic family and the royal family. Soon the royal family collapsed because of losing control of many territories in the territory.

Of course, Fu Zhongyu didn't believe that if they merged again, the royal family would be able to collect all the rare treasures in the Great Song Dynasty.Even if the royal family is willing, the aristocrats and they are not happy.

All kinds of relics in this world are also stared at above, but not only the local royals have taken a fancy to them.

In the spring of the seventh year of Yuanwu, the heat wave was rolling and the weather was scorching.

Not long after the beginning of spring, the plants in Xiongshan died a lot.Many small animals also lost their food and possessions, and were either eaten or starved to death.

It's been a really bad start to spring.

The big prey in the mountains also became crazy and very aggressive.Start attacking the villages in the mountains.

In particular, wild boars and other things appeared one after another near the village.

The hunters in Xiongshan all sensed the danger and moved out one after another.

Because Chu Dashan traded a lot of grain with the Orion in Xiongshan before.So many families are willing to relocate to him.

As a result, the small valley of Chu Dashan's family immediately ushered in a period of rapid development.

In just one month, hundreds of Orion families in the Xiongshan Mountains were relocated.It's not yet May, and there is no better place to build a house near the Chu family compound.

The hunters in the mountains are not stupid. Although some have moved to other places, most of them will choose Chu Dashan.Even if we have some relatives outside the mountains.

But do relatives have food?

Everyone has exchanged food with Chu Dashan for so many months, how can they still know if his family has any food?
The basement is full of grain, okay?Who doesn't think that in case the family really runs out of food, they go to Chu's to buy some.

If it doesn't work, why don't you give him some food to eat?
With this kind of careful thinking, everyone has great respect and enthusiasm for the Chu family.The built house and yard are also very nice.

The key is that as long as you don’t build too big, a mud-brick house that is enough for a family of six will only cost about 20 taels, and you can build a decent five-room yard.

The house with blue bricks will not be more expensive than 50 taels.

The main reason is that it is cheaper to build houses in the mountains.

This cannot be repaired if the price is set in Miryang.

At the end of April, the long-term workers in the family harvested the coarse grains that had just matured, and more than 75 catties of coarse grains were harvested again for a thousand mu.This filled up the coarse grain bins that had been almost emptied before.

With enough food, Chu Dashan will be happy for as many days as the coarse grains are harvested.

After harvesting the coarse grain, looking at the [-] mu of land that was empty, Chu Dashan wanted to plant another crop of grain.

"Father, it's such a drought. I have no problem with you continuing to grow food, but you can't grow ordinary food. Ordinary food doesn't have the ability to resist drought. Let's grow spiritual food. It's not easy to die in the sun. How about you? Some small trees on the edge of our valley have been sunburned to death, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, can ordinary grain seedlings survive?" Chu Shiluo discussed with him.

Chu Dashan frowned, he really wanted to say that peach blossoms and green plums can rain food every day.

But for two thousand acres, how tiring it is to brush every day.Besides, there are other herbal spiritual plants in the valley that need to be taken care of!

"Okay, it's not good to leave the ground empty anyway, let's plant it with carmine yellow."

Wintergreen wheat is still a common species, and the taste of Hanling rye is not as good as rouge yellow millet.Chu Dashan pushes others with himself, let's eat rouge yellow.

"Father, you should have someone move the [-]-acre Yuye fruit tree to the valley." Tao Hua suddenly ran in. "The seedlings in other people's houses are all dead, but it's still alive. It's too eye-catching. There are always refugees circling around the ground. Although our house is protected by formations, if they set fire to the formations, they have to kill the tree. We can't do anything if the ripe fruit is picked away."

The key is that the formation over there is not fireproof.

Chu Dashan thought about it, and said to Dalang, "Move it, move it to the lake here. The [-] mu of paddy field is empty, and I will find a chance to sell it later. The fish pond is also cleaned up immediately, and the fish are taken away. , Throw the cub over here. Then no more water, just leave it empty.”

People often go to the fish pond to steal fish!Even if you are bitten, go for a sneak peek.I really don't know what they are thinking, there are so many fish in Bibo Lake, why must they stare at the fish in their fish pond? !

"Wait, I'll arrange someone to do it later."

Chu Shiluo was quite straightforward in his work, he agreed to his father in the morning, and in the afternoon he found someone to build a fish pond first.There are not many big fish, and it has only been a few months since they were caught.The biggest ones grow to weigh four or five catties.Just comparing the weight with the previous big fish weighing more than ten catties, it is a small fish.

There were also smaller fish cubs, and those below the length of a palm were carried away in buckets and thrown to the small lake on the other side of the valley.

After the fish pond was built, the Yuye fruit tree was moved away overnight.

Four hundred acres of Yuye fruit trees, a total of [-] trees. Fortunately, the trees are not big, so they are easy to move.When they arrived at the lake on the other side of the valley, they were immediately planted by hired laborers, and one peach blossom of each kind came to take root and sprout.

It was not finished the next morning.

Chu Dashan greeted everyone to eat and sleep.The sun is not so hot in the afternoon, and then I will work again.

It will be a few days after all the Yuye fruit trees are removed.

As soon as the Yuye fruit tree was moved here, Chu Dachuan, the eldest brother of Chu Dashan, ran over. He hesitated for a long time before asking to his younger brother, "Are you planning to sell the [-] mu of paddy fields?"

Chu Dashan suddenly realized that it was for Shuitian, "Brother, do you want it?"

"Well, but I don't have that much money right now."

That is, one mu of paddy field used to be 20 taels, but now it has risen to 25 taels per mu, and 1 mu of paddy fields is [-] taels.

"Brother, if you want the [-] acres of paddy fields, I'll keep them for you. Anyway, it's droughty now, and you can't grow anything. After this dry season, you'll have plenty of money, so you can come to me to do it again." New deeds. What do you think of my idea?"

Chu Dachuan thought to himself, if he wanted 1 mu of paddy fields for nothing, that would be 1 taels, so his younger brother probably wouldn't be happy either.Although he has a lot of money on hand, it is a bit difficult to come up with [-] taels all at once, and besides, he still has to support his family!

Or, as the second child said, let him keep the paddy fields for himself first, and then buy the land when he has enough money.

"That's fine, then you must keep it for me." Chu Dachuan told his younger brother.

Chu Dashan laughed immediately. "Brother, didn't you say you want to do business in the future, why do you still buy land?"

"That's not love... The lady said that after buying the land, it can be rented out, and I can just wait to get the rent every year. I have made money in business, so it is better to buy more land and shops."

(End of this chapter)

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