The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1590 My eldest son

Chapter 1590 My eldest son

"By the way, how are your armors prepared? Although I am trapped by Ding Mo, that is because my roots are almost all in Yuanzhen City, and Yuanzhen City is his headquarters. I have The difficulties can also be explained.

As for you, if you cannot fulfill His Majesty's expectations, you will be in misery. "

Yang Hui said gloatingly.

Chu Shinian was speechless, "You kid, you just want everyone to languish together because you can't get the credit. No one will get it, right?"

"No, we are all brothers. If you suddenly rise up, I will naturally feel uncomfortable." Yang Huiqi said matter-of-factly.

"What kind of weird idea do you have? You can't look down on other people, right?"

"Ahem, let me solemnly explain that I don't look down on other people's good things. But if I am not good, and you are good, then I will naturally feel uncomfortable." Yang Hui said.

"You are really good." Chu Shinian was really helpless towards this old guy.

He is such a villain, yet he still acts like a villain in every aspect and I am very proud of him. I don’t know if this is a weird thing that was cultivated by a big shot.

"Did your father or your mother bring up your temperament?"

"What do you mean?" Yang Hui said angrily.

"I just want to know whether you follow your father or your mother. If you follow your father, then I have to be more calm when I see the old prince in the future and avoid irritating him. If you follow your mother, then I will diligently send her something in the future, and I will not miss it during the New Year.

Maybe she will treat me better than you in the future. "

"Go away." Yang Hui spat at him angrily. "Who are you?"

"What's wrong with me? This is called preparing for a rainy day."

"Don't come here. You are a sinister villain who can plan such a trivial matter. But I heard that because of your favor, Ding Mo has been under a lot of pressure recently." Yang Hui said with a sly smile.

"How can I, a little pawn with nothing, possibly influence the General Manager? I'm afraid that the General Manager has been a little contrary to His Majesty's wishes recently. You know, His Majesty's ideas are sometimes different from those of others. Unite.

He doesn't listen to others, and others don't listen to him.

At this time, some cannon fodder must appear to calm the old man's fire. Anyway, it's not Ding Mo, it might be Xu Mo, weekend or something. "

Yang Hui grinned, thinking that this person could come up with such an idea.

Could it be that the general manager of Tianyu has become a punching bag?

"By the way, when will your armor be delivered?"

"Already sent."

"What? It's been less than a month, and you've already finished all the armor and sent it away?" Yang Hui was shocked. "Hey, hey, no, when I came here, I saw some of your large armor workshops busy working.

So the collective work of so many people can't be fake, right? "

"I just sent 400,000 pieces of armor first, and another 1 million boots and 500,000 helmets."

"Cough cough cough." Yang Hui almost bit his tongue in shock.

"Why don't you send them as a set?"

"Why do you want it in a complete set? I won't give it in a complete set." Chu Shinian said arrogantly.

Yang Hui looked at him in confusion.


"You don't know that if you gave away 400,000 pieces of armor, the accounts will be calculated based on the amount of armor. Your extra helmets and boots will never be recorded in your accounts."

"It's okay. Your Majesty is working hard on the front line. The extra boots I gave you are nothing." The key is that those tattered leathers cost almost nothing. Just add some labor costs. The total cost of a pair of boots is less than six spiritual stones.

Not worth mentioning at all. Your Majesty is so generous. He actually paid him 23,000 spiritual stone coins for a piece of standard armor.

He calculated that, adding up all the mess, eight million men in armor could cover a little more than six years of taxes. But your Majesty will be exempted from it for ten years. How generous.

Definitely a good guy.

Yang Hui looked horrified after hearing this.

No one knew why Chu Shinian was so crazy.

"The standard armor that His Majesty asked you to build uses a lot of fourth- and fifth-level materials. It costs 60,000 spirit stone coins outside. Are you happy that he paid for it with 23,000 spirit stone coins? "

Chu Shinian was stunned for a moment, "Your Majesty's standard armors are so expensive outside? I did some calculations and found that even according to the current market price, the cost of one armor is no more than 10,000 spirit stone coins?"

There are fourth- and fifth-level materials, but one piece is as big as a fingernail, one piece is as big as a button, or one or two pieces the size of a palm. How much additional cost will it add?

And after research by their weapon refiners, there are still some processes that can save some money. Use weapon refining recipes to replace certain high-level materials that are no longer needed. Isn't it just a matter of not being able to fuse the special ores? If we want a weapon refining recipe, we only need to add our special fusion powder, and we don't need to add higher-end materials at all.

By doing this again and again, my own costs were reduced by another 25%.

Therefore, the final cost calculation for the armors His Majesty wanted was only 6,900 spirit stone coins.

That's right, it's calculated using the value of spirit stone coins.

After all, we have to keep in touch with the imperial court.

"You don't understand. When you report to His Majesty, you can't offer a discount. Otherwise, if His Majesty says, I think the cost of the armor is too high, why not give me a 20% discount? What will you do then? Rebate. ah?

If you don’t post it, you will have to die? "

Chu Shinian was shocked.

"One more thing, can you sell the military-standard armor in the world casually? Not only do we have good technology, but we are also genuine. So when the outside world measures our take-out armor, what they measure is our excellent brand.

I don't even want to sell you for 60,000 spirit stone coins.

So you get it? Your Majesty also knows that the armor takeout outside is priced at this price.

Therefore, he also felt that the refining cost of armor was probably very high.

That’s why I’ll give you two thirty thousand spirit stone coins to offset your debt. He definitely made a profit from receiving the armor for 23,000 spirit stone coins. He thinks you are pleasing to the eye, so he wants you to lean closer to him.

But your family has just arrived, and you have to have everything you want, and you have to go through all kinds of troubles to get money to make armor for him. That will definitely cost you money. So he is embarrassed and gives you ten years of tax exemption. "

Chu Shinian was completely shocked when he heard this.

It turns out that the Dragon King is such a weirdo.

Everyone in the Yang family is simply a saint! !

How did you raise all this?

"Is the Dragon Emperor really a strange person?" Chu Shinian said after a while.

"Do you understand now?" Yang Hui looked like you are a fool and you finally realize how powerful I am.

"I understand. By the way, when you gave me armor and boots, you didn't say how much they cost, right?"

"No, I asked the person who delivered the goods to praise us for our high cost, good quality, and being loyal to His Majesty."

"This is the right way, but can the person who delivers things to your family do it? It won't expose your family's wealth, right?"

"My eldest son."

"Then I'll feel at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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