The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1591: Grab the Boots

Chapter 1591: Grab the Boots

Chu Junshu came to this battlefield originally for traveling and training.

As a result, he had only stayed in General Song Er's military camp for a few days when he was caught by his father's waiter and insisted that he take the lead in delivering the armor.

This is 400,000 pieces of armor, 1 million pairs of boots and 500,000 helmets.

It’s really not possible to deal with so many things without someone in charge.

So Chu Junshu was caught and it was impossible not to go.

But he didn't just go and deliver it by himself. He first asked General Song Er for instructions. You see, the first batch of armors has been delivered to my house. How should I deliver them?

General Song Er didn't say much and asked him to take a look at the armor.

Chu Junshu immediately asked someone to get it.

The new armor is really nice looking.

Although the appearance is the same as other standard armors. But look at the details, look at the details. There are dark patterns woven on the lining, and they look like runes no matter how you look at them.

The new armor's defense is also very good.

It can also prevent insects, pollution and parasites.

What a good thing, it looks like ordinary armor, but it's actually different. This armor is of better quality.

"Did your dad give you money?"

Chu Junshu was stunned for a moment, then nodded. "My dad said that His Majesty said he would exempt us from taxes for ten years. What we make must satisfy His Majesty."

Song Eryi felt very good when he heard this.

He smiled and said, "Your father is also a clever guy." He then asked his father to bring him a pair of boots to try on.

After trying it on... I don't want to take it off anymore.

"These boots of yours seem to fit my feet very well. If you have extra, how about giving me a pair?"

"How about I leave you a hundred thousand pairs? Anyway, my father sent a lot. He was worried that the sergeants didn't have replacement boots, so he had a million pairs sent directly."

Song Er took a breath.

"I actually sent you so many boots. Are your boots so cheap?"

"How is that possible? This is the skin of the Void Gray Orca." Chu Junshu also gasped.

You stipulate what kind of leather to use for boots, how dare we not use it?

He didn't know that his father had directly changed the skin of the Void Gray Orca into the skin of the Scimitar-Horned Manatee. Same thing.

Ahem, a pair of void gray orca leather boots cost at least 700 spirit stone coins. It's really not cheap.

But Chu Shinian was really good at it, and he did so much in one go?

"Did your family use a hunting team to hunt whales?"

"That's for sure. Who can afford so many whale skins?" Chu Junshu replied without thinking.

Song Er was very satisfied after hearing this and took His Majesty's affairs to heart. This Chu Shinian is quite promising.

"It's been a long time since I've worn boots that fit so well." Song Er said with emotion.

"What?" Chu Junshu was puzzled.

"You guys, you are really new here and don't understand the ways here. Although the military craftsmen say that they are making boots made of Void Gray Orca leather, in fact they are not Void Gray Orca. The leather of those things is old. It's too expensive. Those who are responsible for ordnance supplies are not willing to buy such good leather. They will replace it with other low-priced leather.

So the boots we were issued were just like that. "Song Er said with a sarcastic expression. "But your father did a good job. By the way, how many things did he send in total? "

"My father sent someone to send 400,000 pieces of armor and 500,000 helmets. My father said that when soldiers go to the battlefield, their helmets are often lost. It would be better to have more surplus. Finally, there are one million pairs of boots.

In order to provide replacement clothing for the soldiers. "

"Just leave me 50,000 pairs of boots. Wherever these boots come to His Majesty, there are people rushing to get them. No one is stupid about good things. For the remaining things, you can take someone to follow me and send them to His Majesty. You haven't come to see him yet. Your Majesty?"

"Can I go?" Chu Junshu asked curiously and a little excitedly.

"Okay, I'll take you to see him." "Thank you, General Song."

"Let's go."

In the Dragon King's temporary palace, the Dragon King was discussing with the generals about marching and fighting.

At this time, I heard that Song Er was coming.

The Dragon King quickly summoned him.

As a result, I saw someone bringing a young man in.

"Who is this? Your descendant?" Dragon King asked with a smile.

Song Er saw the etiquette first, and then taught the king of Chu how to salute. Then he respectfully said to the Dragon Emperor, "Your Majesty, look at this face. It doesn't look like our Song family's peaceful and peaceful face. The square shape is not good-looking. Look at his face. He has been a handsome man since he was a child."

His Majesty is just a bit more good-looking than Yingwu and is better than him. How about you see which of the generals present has such good looks? "

The Dragon King laughed loudly after hearing this.

"This boy is really good-looking. He is good enough to be my daughter's consort. It's a pity that my two older daughters are already engaged."

Chu Junshu blushed immediately after being teased.

"Which family are you a child of?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, my father is Chu Shinian, the Marquis of Nanxiang. I am his eldest son. This time, my father asked me to personally escort and deliver the first batch of 400,000 armors, 500,000 helmets, and 950,000 pairs of boots."

"Hey, the speed is so fast. This Chu Shinian is so agile in his work." The Dragon King said with a smile, "It just so happens that all the generals are here. You can bring some armor and let the generals see if it's okay."


Chu Shinian quickly called to his confidants waiting at the entrance of the palace hall to bring in some armor, helmets and boots.

The details of the armor are indeed well made, and the quality is also excellent. After the generals inspected the goods, they all thought it was very good.

The helmet is also finished and feels a little thicker, but its defense has also been greatly improved without increasing the overall weight.

The generals were secretly impressed. These helmets were good, and they would definitely give more to their subordinates later.

But when the boots came up, the generals couldn't hide their love.

What the hell, the skin of the True Void Gray Orca.

The feeling comes as soon as they get started.

Immediately there was a strong request from the general to change the boots that were called for. New boots are a must.

Such authentic boots are so rare.

Ever since the military began to use Void Gray Orca skins as military boots, the price of Void Gray Orca skins has continued to skyrocket.

Due to extensive hunting, these large whales are now rare.

As a result, many quartermasters were unable to buy this kind of leather, and every year they used various other low-grade leathers to replace whale skins to make boots.

Those boots were uncomfortable and didn't fit my feet.

Every time the soldiers complained, it was not that they didn't hear them.

"Your Majesty, please give me some new armor and new helmets. You have to give me 50,000 pairs of these boots, right? The boots of the brats under my command are so worn that their toes are exposed."

"Go away, Your Majesty, they just issued new boots three months ago, and we are in such a miserable situation. The boots were issued a year and a half ago, and we still hold on to them. Is it easy? Your Majesty must give me one hundred thousand pairs."

One look at the two of them shamelessly grabbing boots.

The other generals also began to complain, plead, and urge for boots.

The Dragon King was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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