The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1594 Exploration Team

Chapter 1594 Exploration Team

Little Junzhuo is now over a year old and is very clever.

He felt keenly that the only people who didn't feel sorry for him if he dared to beat him were his parents.

My brother and sister will not beat me harshly.

Others are even less afraid.

So he is very well-behaved in front of his parents.

His parents told him to play in the yard, but he didn't dare to go out.

To avoid being beaten later, the pain made him cry.

Taohua is very satisfied with her son's cleverness.

It's always cuter than those silly children who just roll around on the floor and fool around.

Xiao Junzhuo rides a walker that looks like a pony.

Gulu Gulu ran to the east end of the yard, and then Gulu Gulu ran to the west end of the yard.

Anyway, there are grandma and maids watching him. Taohua simply opened the book and read.

"Mom, mom is sleepy." The little guy got tired from playing, so he ran back and climbed onto the couch where Taohua was lying on his hands and feet. Then he lay down next to her and fell asleep instantly.

Taohua: This sleeping skill is really good.

My mother was also convinced.

The caller brought a thin quilt over and gave the little guy a small pillow to sleep on.

"Clan leader, someone from the pharmacist said that the new medicine has been tested and there is no problem at all. We can arrange for someone to go to the crack to explore the actual situation there!" The maid approached Taohua and said softly in a lowered voice.

"Let them bring a few death row prisoners over to try." Taohua originally planned to go over and have a look.

But when I saw the little kid next to me, I gave it up.

"If the death row inmate can send someone in again."


The condemned prisoners who were delivered quickly were given medicine and wore improved inner armor and sent to the other side of the crack.

Some of them came back and some didn't.

In addition to poisonous gas, there are also some places where flames or weird gases will emit. Once a person breathes those weird gases, they will die. There are also holes in some places that are unknown how deep they are. Once a person falls in, no one can get them back.

These are all trivial matters, and Chu's exploration team feels they can handle them.

Taohua asked them to make more preparations. It was best to start from the crack and explore slowly.

They were in no hurry anyway. No one else knew that Chu had discovered a crack that led to a different world.

The exploration team also agrees that Taohua's words are all cracks in his own home anyway.

It is better to detect all the dangers step by step to win.

After the exploration team entered the crack, it took more than a day for most of them to return one by one. They didn't explore much of the area, so they explored several dangerous areas nearby. Some strange gases were also brought back for the pharmacists to study.

Moreover, they still need to continue to use the help of pharmacists to clean up the complex toxins contaminated by themselves and others.

There is no problem for them to take the antidote pill themselves. But all the items on his body were filled with toxins.

Taohua asked the pharmacists to find some ways to make some medicinal powders that could quickly clean up the problem of toxin contamination on the opposite side.

In addition to some strange flames and gases, the exploration team also said that there were many corpses there.

All those little monsters will die.

I don’t know how they died. Some of the bodies started to rot.

After they passed by, they burned the corpses.

In addition, they also brought back a large amount of ore. They were all dug out near the cracks. They cleared a large open space near the crack.

A large amount of gravel and mud were cleared and thrown into a particularly deep hole nearby.

I don’t know where that deep hole leads, and so many gravels and mud blocks were thrown in that it wasn’t even filled.

Anyway, I don’t know, so I can slowly understand it.

It turned out that they dug out a lot of high-grade ores from the opposite side, which were used to refine standard armor.

After they rested for a day, the second team of the exploration team also went in. They brought more people and more excavation tools, obviously intending to continue to expand the open space on the other side of the crack.

Anyway, if you dig around, you can get a lot of high-level ores.

They come here mainly to dig for ore.

They kept digging, and accidentally dug out a mouthful of magma near the flame channel. High-temperature magma gurgled out. No wonder there are always strange fires in this passage.

The young craftsman leading the team also had an idea.

He directly used black ice to temporarily seal the magma outlet.

Then people were asked to go out and wait for various refractory materials to be dug out, and a magma channel was dug. After exiting the cave, they turned a small corner, crossed a cave entrance, and were sent to another deep cave.

Anyway, that deep hole seems to have no bottom line. Guide the magma over there.

After the guide channel was dug, the black ice was taken away, and the magma gushes out again, and then flows along the channel to a channel with a deep cave, and flows directly into the channel along the gradual downward slope. Deep hole.

At the beginning, a large amount of magma poured in, and there was no reaction in the deep cave.

But not long after, about half a quarter of an hour, a strange sound came from below the deep cave.

It seemed like something big was moving.

The people in the second exploration team suddenly became nervous, fearing that something might come out of the deep hole.

But as the magma poured deeper and deeper, the movement gradually decreased.

"Brother, look at the flow of magma slowing down a little."


"Really, the magma flow was very fast at first, but now it has started to slow down."

The young craftsman who led the team listened to his junior brother's words and simply found two people to observe the flow rate of the magma, and then calculate when the magma river would stop flowing.

If this magma river is cut off, the passage that often emits strange flames may be passable.

However, there is no need to develop that area for the time being. They still have vast surrounding stone walls that can be excavated.

The second exploration team packed a large amount of excavated ore into a storage ring and sent it out.

The rest of the people continued to work with green faces and green bodies.

It’s really scary to see.

Fortunately, this green speed no longer affects the health of myself and others.

It just looks scary on the outside.

The second team persisted for about two days and came out after completing the predetermined goal.

After cleaning up the Sudu that he and others brought back. The young captain of the second team immediately reported the problem of magma, as well as his own handling and speculation.

"In about three or four days, the magma over there will stop flowing."

The master craftsman in charge of the exploration carefully recorded this news. Then he nodded and said, "You handled it well. Take your people down to rest. It will be about another month before it's your turn again."

The captain of the second team said speechlessly, "Why are you all here to explore the team? We actually have five or six teams that can replace each other."

(End of this chapter)

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