The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1595: It’s easy to get started, but hard to become a master

Chapter 1595: It’s easy to get started, but hard to become a master

"Although it is said to be dangerous over there, everyone has come from dangerous places. What has never happened before?" said the master craftsman in charge. "I think back when we faced the parasitism of countless monsters, we still withstood the pressure and put on the protection A new wall was built.

That time was the most dangerous, as those parasitic monsters were about to crawl out and contaminate the entire Lingshan Mountain. "

"I know you are talking about the parasitic demonic disaster that broke out in Taiwuling Mountain."

"It was tragic that time. The gang of people in Taiwu Ling Mountain didn't wake up at all. Even the owner of the mountain was parasitized. If those parasitic species had no intelligence, if it were replaced by the highly intelligent parasites we encountered later, kind.

Our entire Chu family may be dragged into the abyss of parasitic demonic disaster and cannot be pulled out.

It's too risky. From that time on, retired generals from various legions were no longer allowed to serve as mountain masters. "

The great craftsman said with lingering fear.

"Haha." The young man chuckled directly. He also knew that although the retired generals of the legion were capable of fighting, they were not good at running Lingshan.

As a result, their shortcomings were exposed in that incident.

Because the master of Taiwu Mountain was careless that time and did not know enough about the demonic disaster, he easily allowed the parasitic species to enter the Lingshan Mountain and parasitize people on a large scale, so something big happened.

Therefore, the family later issued an order not to allow retired generals to serve as mountain masters.

This order also caused an uproar at the beginning.

Some generals privately said that the clan leader was trying to kill the donkey.

This pair treated the hero badly.

Of course, they only dare to complain in private. Who would dare to speak ill of the clan leader in public? Are you kidding, who is that?

That was the clan leader who single-handedly created the Chu clan.

Chu Taohua's name is equivalent to the emperor of the Chu family, and she is the founding empress.

Maybe they can dare to challenge the second-generation clan leader, but they definitely dare not challenge the first-generation pioneer clan leader.

If you dare to scream, they will definitely deal with you.

No matter what position you are in as a retired general, it is not a small qualification to grow up under others' noses.

What kind of person is she without Chu Taohua?

Besides, the clan leader’s prestige in the clan is absolutely supreme.

Even Chu Shinian didn't dare to provoke her.

Besides, you just don’t serve as the mountain leader. There are still many positions you can do within the Chu family.

It's just that the position of mountain master is very important. Those who can serve as mountain master are all carefully selected talents by the family.

Just like those talents who now manage various secret realms, blessed places, and caves in the family. He may not be the best at cultivation, but he is definitely a good manager.

Anyway, what the clan leader means is that those who are engaged in technology should engage in technology, and those who are busy with military affairs should be engaged in military affairs, training, zipping, patrolling, whatever. As for the cities everywhere, most of them are run by people who are good at management.

As for the core positions of the family, they must be internally selected elites who must pass various tests before they can take up the positions.

If it goes wrong, the family will suffer huge losses.

In particular, the infiltration and invasion of the Chu family by demons also happened from time to time.

Even now, the demons are fighting hard against the Chu family on the battlefield.

Everything was thrown at Chu's army.

So you must not lose your vigilance. "Actually, the elders have experienced so many dangers, why should they argue with us little guys? Isn't it just that the meritorious service given by the exploration team is a little higher?"

"Do you think everyone is missing out on merit? Humph. You are ignorant. Everyone went up the pole to explore the other world in the crack. In fact, we intend to share the merit. For example, if we discover an important resource place there, then in the resources Before the extraction is completed, we can all share the 0.5% dividend of the resource land.

Keep holding it. "

The young man immediately became energetic.

"Is there such a good thing?"

"Of course there is. But your level is not enough. Only a master craftsman has this qualification."

The young man suddenly became depressed after hearing this.

"Why don't I? We want a share too."

"You are too young. What good things can you find?" said the master craftsman. "You don't even know what important resources are. Young man, you still have to practice hard. When you are promoted to master craftsmen, you will naturally be qualified. Enjoy the share.”

The young people pouted in various ways. Bullying! !

Just bully people! !

"But if you risk your life to explore the situation and dig for ore, the benefits will be indispensable."

"Who doesn't know?" He didn't know how many high-level ores he had handled.

If their small team had produced so many high-level ores, everyone would have made a fortune long ago.

It's a pity that this is an exploratory operation supported by the family.

The equipment provided by the family, the antidote provided by the family, and the various support and logistical support provided by the family.

So they can only get a small benefit.

"You, don't be too ambitious. The family has invested a lot of resources and manpower in order to allow you to enter and exit safely. The daily consumption cannot be compensated by the little high-grade ore you bring back."

"That's natural, I'm not stupid." The young man said disdainfully. Without the support of their family, they would not even be able to enter the other side of the space rift.

"By the way, the two leather armors you designed have been approved by the clan leader and can be mass-produced. At that time, you will receive 0.3% of the net sales proceeds."

"Three thousandths." The young man immediately laughed happily. "not bad."

"Yeah, it's really good." The master also laughed. "I didn't expect you to be so talented in leather armor design. You designed two models at once, and both were approved for mass production."

"Hehe, hehehe." The young man smiled with his teeth exposed.

"If your two leather armors sell well, it will be of great benefit to your future promotion to Master Craftsman. This bonus point will be difficult for others to resist." Master Craftsman smiled and said to the young man.

"I just got inspiration by chance and designed it casually." The young man said very Versailles.

He didn’t say at all that he had been thinking hard about these two models for several years before finally finalizing the design drawings.

"Continue to work hard in the future. The path of our craftsmen may be easier or harder to follow. Anyway, it is easy to get started, but difficult to become a great craftsman."

When the young man heard these emotional words of the master craftsman, he suddenly felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

He couldn't float, he had to find a way to advance to Master Craftsman status as soon as possible.

Craftsmen are divided into apprentices, master craftsmen, advanced craftsmen, master craftsmen, and senior craftsmen.

It is said that there are only three master craftsmen in the family. There are only a few hundred master craftsmen. Of course, this number seems a bit large, but you have to look at how many craftsmen there are in the family. It took millions of craftsmen to give birth to hundreds of great craftsmen.

Does this mean there are many masters?

(End of this chapter)

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