The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1596 Confrontation

Chapter 1596 Confrontation

Various high-grade ores are continuously mined from the cracks here.

The progress of the standard armor task, which was originally refining at a fast enough speed, exploded again.

In the end, all the spirit wood boxes used for packaging and storage were used. I can only upgrade overnight and have someone make a batch.

The boxes for this batch of armor are all light green, with natural spiritual wood patterns.

Very beautiful and high-end.

Chu Shinian thought that time was almost up, so he asked someone to arrange for his son to receive another 400,000 pieces of armor, 500,000 helmets, and 1 million pairs of boots.

Still the same.

But nearly a month apart.

This is very fast for an ordinary family to complete.

Anyway, Chu Shinian felt that the Dragon Emperor would not complain about him much.

Of course the Dragon King didn't complain. After seeing this batch of new armors, he even touched the boxes carefully.

He also praised, "The Marquis of Nanxiang is finally king."

Although they are not very fast in making armor, they are sincere and work hard. He also knows how to use various old materials to complete the tasks assigned by him. That's pretty good.

The Dragon Emperor felt that he did not expect all officials to be like this.

But even if only 30% of the officials had Chu Shinian's awareness, he would still chuckle.

Chu Shinian didn't know what His Majesty the Dragon Emperor was thinking. He had already arrived at the Great World of Fire Platform in the Shihan Tianyu.

Here is the mine purchased by the Chu family.

Fifteen large and small mines have now been opened on the deserted beaches of the Great Gobi.

In some deserted beaches and deep ditches in the distance, large and small mineral veins are constantly being detected, and some mineral veins even penetrate deep into the desert underground. In other words, there is desert above and mineral veins below.

It turns out that it doesn't matter. At most, the sand above is dug out and moved away.

But as soon as the sand here was moved away, everyone was instantly dumbfounded.

It turned out that the mineral veins under the sand were actually eaten by a red, kitten-sized beetle with long horns.

Many mineral veins were eaten directly into hollow cavities.

Forget about the cavity, you bugs still dare to come out and try to bite people.

This is what's wrong with you.

The soldiers of the Chu family immediately used firearms, various rockets, bolides, chaotic fireballs, skyfire meteors and other talismans against these insects.

The fire burned in patches.

But not many bugs died. Everyone was surprised to find that these bugs had good fire resistance.

Not afraid of high temperatures.

So the fire won't kill many.

Then let’s freeze it.

Everyone started using the Black Ice Talisman, the Black Ice Arrow Rain Talisman, the Black Ice Flying Needle Talisman and so on.

As soon as a large number of black ice talismans came, the bugs were frozen into bug lumps and died.

When Chu's army swept the battlefield, they swept out more than 200,000 insect corpses alone. awesome! !

No wonder this large ore vein, which seems to be quite rich in reserves, has also been exhausted.

The insects moved to death, but there was no place to put the insect corpses.

Another thing is that with the discovery of many mineral veins under the desert, all kinds of strange bugs, scorpions, centipedes and other underground species are emerging in endlessly.

Originally, Chu Jun thought that life in this big world was actually extremely rare.

But it’s not true. When you look at the world under the sand that is full of life and full of insects, will you be slapped in the face?

However, Chu's method of digging sand to disturb the insects also brought a lot of trouble. The trouble was not brought to the Chu family, but to the surrounding neighbors. Chu's family really has all kinds of tricks to get rid of bugs. What is poisonous bait, what is poured into medicine, medicine powder.

There is also some large-scale extermination and so on.

A large number of insects underground that had been peacefully guarding their nests were awakened and swept out.

So what are they going to do?

I can only run to a suitable place nearby to settle down.

Where is a suitable place nearby?

Not even the nearby mines.

As a result, the nearby mines were in trouble.

There are constant migrations of finished insect products.

They cried loudly.

There is no way to survive here. The bugs not only eat the mineral veins, but also eat the living people.

Everyone can only run away. There is no way back to the mine.

How does this make everyone's life go?

As a result, protests grew day by day, and the alliance demanding high compensation grew stronger.

Especially after they discovered that the Chu family's master was away, they became even more arrogant and insisted on an explanation from the Chu family.

Chu Shinian came at this time.

As soon as Chu Shinian came, a veteran of the compensation alliance immediately targeted him.

"You are the decision-maker of the Chu family, you must give an explanation."

"Yes, you must compensate."

"What are you compensating for? I raised those bugs? I also want to say that you are lying here. Before we came, you said that there was nothing in this desert but mines. As long as we buy the mines, we can mine smoothly .

Is this what you said? "

Chu Shinian questioned the people present with cold eyes.

"What's the result? We just opened a few mines and arranged a few people to mine. We just created a bunch of bugs, wasting our talismans, wasting our weapons, and wasting our sergeants who came to kill us without fighting. insect.

There are so many bugs that are gone before they can play, and they come again and again, and they come again and again.

You all tell me, what is going on?

Does your Huotai World specialize in raising bugs and bullying foreign mining people? "

"What nonsense are you talking about? We didn't raise those bugs at all. We didn't know there were so many bugs in the mineral veins underneath." An old man complained.

"Isn't this right? You live in the desert all year round, but you don't know there are so many bugs underground?"

"We actually know that there are bugs in the desert, but we have no idea that there are so many of them." Another old man also said.

"Then what's going on here? Do you know how much resources I lost? It was enough for me to buy the large Gobi mine thirteen years ago." Chu Shinian continued to question angrily.

That's a bit much.

Everyone made a fortune when they sold the big mine.

"Anyway, you are the ones who alerted the bugs. They have destroyed several surrounding mines." Another old man said anxiously.

"What alarmed us? You didn't trick us here. We didn't know before we came that we needed to clean up a large number of bugs. We even agreed to mine." Chu Shinian replied angrily.

"Then we'll lose a lot."

"Our family has suffered more losses," Chu Shinian said angrily.

"Then everyone has suffered a loss, so there must be a solution, right?" One of the old men, who looked white-haired, white-browed, white-bearded, but with a very rosy complexion, said. “Several mines that were infested with insects were all destroyed, and both the people and the mines were gone.

You can’t get nothing, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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