The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1597 Bugs and Fertilizer

Chapter 1597 Bugs and Fertilizer

"Actually, it's not impossible for you to want my family to compensate for some property. But our family can't compensate in vain. In the end, the main reason for this matter is still you. It's because you didn't tell us that there are so many insect nests under the desert here. , causing losses to our family again and again.

Is this correct? "

"We don't know, what should we tell you?" an old man said angrily.

"Then we don't know that the bugs will move to other mines, so what do we care about you?" Chu Shinian asked angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't say useless things. We are here to solve the problem." The white-haired old man immediately suppressed the two of them. "Just tell me the solution."

"We have too many bugs here, and we need help in killing the bugs and disposing of the corpses. You give us 200,000 Qingzhuang, and we give you 200,000 spirit stones. As for how you compensate the mine owners, that has nothing to do with us. ." Chu Shinian said.

" are crazy. Where can we get two hundred thousand young men for you?" An old man grinned angrily with his teeth and claws waving.

"Then I don't care, that's not something we should think about. Anyway, it's 200,000 spirit stones in exchange for 200,000 people." Chu Shinian said clearly.

"You want to exchange a spiritual stone for one of us, are you thinking too well?" The white-haired old man frowned slightly.

"Don't think I don't know. The living people here are like weeds. You don't care. You don't care whether you are hungry or thirsty. As long as you can breathe, it will be fine. Every year, the living people who die in the dry season will be arranged Two to thirty million. Is it still a big deal to get me two hundred thousand young men?

Just grab some. "

After hearing what Chu Shinian said, all the old men's scalps went numb.

Didn't this guy just come here?

How do you know so much about the current situation in our big world of Huotai?

"Then what you gave is too little. After all, that's a population of 200,000." The white-haired old man frowned.

"That's all, there's not much more." Chu Shinian paused before saying, "If you are willing, just bring the people. After we collect the people, we will give you the spiritual stones. You can exchange them for one spiritual stone, and you can live young and strong."

"We have brought you the young and strong, but the old and the weak will not be able to survive at all. You don't want the captured young and strong to hate you, right?" the old man said again.

"Then you can also bring the old and the weak here. One old and weak woman will exchange for half a spirit stone, and three children will exchange for one spirit stone." Chu Shinian said.

The old man frowned again after hearing this.

After a while, he said, "Okay, it's settled."

"Big brother."

"The High Priest..."

The other old men looked at the old man one after another, not wanting to just agree to it.

I feel a little disadvantaged.

"The dry season is coming soon. We didn't store much water during this year's flood season. Wouldn't it be more difficult when the dry season comes? We might as well send some of the people we can't manage here.

Anyway, they have water and food here. "

If they wait until the Chu people finish opening the mine and withdraw, how can they take away so many mortal civilians?

In the end, the more people we raise, the cheaper it will be for the big guy.

Everyone understood what the old man meant.

This is also a good idea.

In fact, the essence is to borrow a chicken to lay eggs.

They can be regarded as taking advantage of the Chu family's financial resources and powerlessness, as well as clean water and food to support them.

pretty good.

Chu Shinian heard their plan and didn't care.

Anyway, the Chu family has been exposed to these local snakes all year round.

The Chu family used to open new mines every year and recruit a large number of people. Many local people have joined the mine, but when the Chu family is about to leave, there are always not even half of the total number of people who are really willing to follow the Chu family.

Human beings are very fond of home, especially after they think they have earned enough money to spend a lifetime.

Chu Shinian didn't care. Anyway, if they were willing to follow them, they would take them away. If you are not willing to follow, feel free to stay.

Anyway, Chu's development of a mine in a certain place has always been a vigorous development, and they make sure that they will not come back after leaving.

So those who expect that the Chu family will come back to mine are all dreaming.

Chu didn't care what kind of life the people left behind would have.

However, if a child walks down the street holding a golden bowl, his end can be foreseen.

Those old people were very mobile and soon sent a lot of ragged and skinny guys to the Chu family's mine.

Because the Chu family wants 200,000 young men, and these young men are actually men and women.

So they sent a large number of women, as well as many old people and children, and relatively few men, all of whom were extremely thin. Moreover, there are quite a few children who are fifteen or sixteen and a half years old and pretend to be young and strong.

However, the Chu family accepted everything as ordered.

During this period, the Chu family also exploded several insect nests, and it was difficult to count how many insects they had driven away.

Chu Shinian directly recruited some weapon refiners to study whether the corpses of so many ore-eating bugs could be used to refine some high-quality spiritual materials.

After all, with so many insect corpses, it doesn’t matter where they are placed.

The weapon refiner quickly refined the insect corpses, and finally obtained a lot of mutated spiritual gold, spiritual copper, spiritual iron and so on.

The quality is quite high.

The most important thing is that the ashes refined by these bugs turn out to be excellent fertilizer.

You can raise fish and grow vegetables.

Chu Shinian simply covered the fields opened for growing food outside the city with a batch of fertilizer.

Those grains that were just half-grown grew rapidly every day after being stimulated by these fertilizers.

It won't take more than a few days before another crop can be harvested.

Because the ashes produced by burning insects are particularly large, and they are also the leftovers after refining those spiritual materials.

So Chu Shinian simply hoarded a little fertilizer for local use, and sent the other fertilizers to the three family suspended continents.

After all, the foundations of the three suspended continents are thin, so any fertilizer will be given to them first.

In fact, the three suspended continents do lack various fertilizers.

They are not like Qingzhou Island and Nanxiang Island, which have their own earth spiritual veins. Various spiritual objects can be cultivated continuously.

Their spiritual energy comes from their own formations buried deep in the ground, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy and other energy. This kind of collection also has limits. If you plant too frequently, the concentration of spiritual energy in the ground will decrease.

It's not very good for the various spiritual things that are planted to grow.

Therefore, the land over there has to be left fallow for a season after a few crops.

There is no way, but Jinzao will definitely not succeed.

Instead, they were transformed into spiritual mountains and floating islands in the cave sky. Because of the properties of the cave sky, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was much faster than that of the floating continent.

There is no such problem as not being able to keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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