The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1603 Nanxiang Island Development

Chapter 1603 Nanxiang Island Development

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chu Shinian said.

"Actually, it's a good thing not to fully control the Qingze world for the time being." Taohua "As far as our family is concerned, we have been drifting in the starry sky for more than two hundred years. Not to mention, many elders in the family are tired of this. A wandering life.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the construction of Qingzhou Island started, they rushed to repair houses and courtyards.

As soon as the clan repairs were completed, many old people ran to settle down.

If I have errands outside, I insist on going back every few days to rest for two days.

Just like a pigeon that loves its home, no matter how hard it flies out, it must fly back with all its strength.

Now that I know everyone's thoughts, I will stay stable in this clan for hundreds of years.

Besides, the family has been in the family for more than two hundred years. The first batch of ordinary people in the family, those who cannot break through in cultivation, will basically live to the end of their lives. They only have the last few decades left. "

"You mean it will be like the last time ordinary mortals died one after another in the family, causing a period of depression in the family atmosphere."

"Birth, old age, illness and death, even monks cannot change them. We can only let them live in peace and tranquility in their last days." Taohua said again.

Those who can use the spiritual fruit of their family to continue have already continued.

Even though many elderly people are ordinary people, their life span is extended to one hundred, fifty or sixty years old because they often take home-grown spiritual fruits.

But spiritual fruit is not omnipotent.

At the end of their life span, old people will still pass away one after another.

In those decades, elders in the family passed away one after another.

Many tribesmen whose relatives have died will inevitably feel depressed for a period of time.

If too many elderly people die within the same period of time, some departments will find it difficult to maintain. It can only be temporarily suspended.

It’s incredible to think about it.

But this is surprisingly reasonable within the family.

We are a family, and there have been too many deaths among the elderly in the family. What does it mean if the department is shut down? Isn't it a normal thing?

It wasn't until that group of old people died one after another within thirty years that everyone slowly recovered.

But today, another group of old monks with high cultivation status have arrived.

Before they go to sleep forever, they should really be allowed to live a more comfortable life.

"I understand."

"Nanxiang Island can build more large-scale workshops. Many workshops in Lingshan Cave will be moved to Nanxiang Island. I will re-plan the interior of Lingshan Cave. The main focus will be on planting and breeding."

"What are you planning?" Chu Shinian was stunned at first, and then asked.

"I plan to re-plan the Lingshan Cave Celestials, use the high-end materials we have accumulated to make the formation base, and recreate the Spiritual Forbidden City for a long time." Taohua said. "Now adding Wuyuan Mountain and Five Elements Small World, there are a total of 412 spiritual mountains in the family.

In addition to Wuyuan Mountain, including the Five Elements Small World, which is still transforming into beauty and completion, I plan to make and install the Jiujiu Qianqiu Shishilinglingjing. "

"Then this project is really big." Chu Shinian couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"That's right, take your time. I think it's okay to complete one in ten years." Taohua said.

"That's not easy either." Chu Shinian had read Taohua's formation book. He has an excellent memory, and he still remembers how many various materials were contained in that long-lasting time spiritual ban. And they are all high-level spiritual materials.

The most important thing is that ninety-nine copper pillars reaching the sky are needed as the core array.

It takes more than ten years to build each copper pillar.

The material is just a big pipe stuck, not to mention having to bring a large number of array masters and earth masters to measure and install it on the spot.

"Also, you have set up the Jiujiu Qianqiu Time Spiritual Restriction in the entire cave. Have you ever thought that if this cave is not completely sealed, who will dare to go in in the future? Once you entered, you didn't stay for long. Time was taken away," Chu Shinian said.

Taohua curled her lips speechlessly. "Such large-scale formations will always have protective jade tablets. As long as you carry the jade tablet, you will not be affected by the formation."

"What about the people who live in those caves?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"Of course I designed a small formation. I feel the influence of the time formation outside. It's the same as being stationed outside normally. It's just that everyone must bring a jade sign when they go out of the small formation range."

"I think they will all have to walk with jade signs in their hands from now on."

Chu Shinian's complaints made Taohua laugh.

"I also know that setting up the time spiritual barrier will definitely cause some trouble for everyone to come and go. Then the people stationed there should be replaced every ten years. Don't be stationed in the cave for a long time.

In fact, I also know that everyone may not be willing to do this. But think about it, if the time spiritual ban is successfully arranged. So with the ability of Jiujiu Qianqiu Time Spirit Confinement, the time flow within the formation is one to a hundred. In other words, if one year has passed outside, a hundred years have passed inside.

It’s good for both the spiritual plants we plant and the spiritual animals we raise, right? "

Chu Shinian thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

In that case, sixth-level spiritual plants, even seventh-level spiritual plants, and eighth-level spiritual plants in the family can appear in large numbers.

"What about the original population of Lingshan?"

"Move to Nanxiang Island. Construction has just started on everything there anyway. They can decorate their new home however they want. I will re-plan the space inside Lingshan, and let them dismantle the materials for any house or yard. Go, or I will just take it apart and use it.”

"Okay." Chu Shinian nodded neatly. "Besides, moving a large number of people will actually make it easier for us to count their hidden population. It can also accelerate the development of Nanxiang Island. After all, most of the development of Qingzhou Island mobilizes the strength of our own clan.

This time Nanxiang Island happened to mobilize the affiliated forces. "

"Don't be stingy with the land. They are willing to move. Prepare more spiritual fields, spiritual mountains, etc. for them. Let them spend their own money to develop it." Taohua knew that when Qingzhou Island was being developed, the Chu family took the opportunity to expand. He has occupied a lot of his spiritual fields and orchards.

Some even choose to plant spiritual vegetables, spiritual melons, spiritual flowers and other varieties.

Since leaving her native realm, Taohua has relaxed her ban on various spiritual flowers.

Because there are few people, but the land is vast.

Therefore, the Chu clan members, even if they are still children, now own a large area of ​​spiritual land.

All of them are big landowners.

If Nanxiang Island is also opened to affiliated forces, they will also follow suit.

After all, this kind of opportunity is very rare.

(End of this chapter)

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