The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1604 Making a living

Chapter 1604 Making a living

A large number of ghost ferns were removed. They were all uprooted. Even the seedlings and the soil that might have hidden the seeds were scraped away, making the already dilapidated blessed land look even more dilapidated.

However, no matter how dilapidated this blessed land was, it was still a blessed land. After five days, all the ghost ferns were dug up by the sergeant.

Only a bare blessed land is left.

Taohua ordered everyone to start leaving the blessed land, and finally asked the formation masters to arrange various arrays for extracting the origin at the gate of the blessed land. These arrays are also found inside the blessed land.

After it was activated, a strange energy was drawn out.

Chu Shinian immediately opened up his own small world of flames to incorporate this original power into it.

As soon as the little flame world began to inhale the energy of the kiwi fruit, it was like a child begging for food. It grabbed a certain output port of the array device and couldn't pull it out no matter how hard it was. It held on tightly, plainly. Start absorbing that mysterious energy.

Chu Shinian was sweating. His own flame world turned into a red-haired mangy dog, paralyzed on the array device, holding the energy output port with his mouth tightly, but did not move.

This look can make Peach Blossom laugh non-stop.

Oops, Chu Shinian didn't want to absorb the origin of this blessed land at first. Unexpectedly, Flame Little World was not reserved at all.

Very upright and cute.

The small world of flames has absorbed a large amount of the origin of the blessed land, but it cannot refine that much on its own, so it directly stores these origins in its own origin core.

Anyway, I will work hard to eat, Chu Shinian, you can do whatever you like.

Chu Shinian really hated this small world. Bastard, I have been completely embarrassed by you.

"Peach Blossom, is your Five Elements world the same? After the birth of spirituality, you become all kinds of stupid?"

"Haha, no. The Five Elements Small World is my contracted small world, which can be regarded as my pet and companion. The Silver Moon Small World that I fused is just like you, a fusion object that has been promoted to the sixth level.

Although I still have no time to care about Silver Moon Small World, it is developing quite well on its own.

It also brought some changes to me. "

Taohua casually picked up the remaining leaves of an inch-long ghost fern. Then there was a flash of colored light. The remaining ghost fern leaf unexpectedly quickly changed its form into a seed, and then the seed took root and sprouted in her hand, and soon grew into a mature ghost fern with a bunch of shiny fruits.

Chu Shinian:...

You use the power of this world so smoothly.

"I'm slow to comprehend other laws, but I'm very quick to comprehend the laws of plants," Taohua said with a smile. "Although I'm not very good at using the power of the world, and I can only understand it superficially, I can already make a spiritual plant grow from a seed into a mature individual in just a few breaths."

"Awesome." Chu Shinian praised.

"It's okay, it's okay." Taohua said modestly.

In fact, she is quite satisfied with her understanding of the various rules that she was forced to learn from Silver Moon's small world in the recent stage.

The rules were not easy to understand, so she could only take her time.

The small world of flames absorbed the array for nearly four hours before sucking away the last source of the broken little blessed land.

When the spaces suddenly collapsed, everyone knew that the little blessed land was gone.

Taohua simply called everyone to leave here quickly.

Sure enough, they had not gone further, only five or six miles away. The place where the Little Blessed Land was originally found immediately collapsed. It seemed like something huge and heavy appeared out of thin air and pressed down fiercely.

This caused the entire mountain to collapse.

When the aftershocks of the collapse disappeared, Taohua and the others quickly returned to the original place.

It was discovered that all the passages had collapsed.

When Taohua and the others returned to the ground, they saw that the two mountains that originally surrounded the volcanic lake had collapsed. After they collapsed, the endless white sand plain appeared before everyone's eyes.

Skeleton fossils of various marine creatures can be seen everywhere on the White Sand Plain.

This should have been the bottom of the ocean originally.

Even if half of the two mountains collapsed. But it has no impact on Crater Lake.

Anyway, its water will be taken away by the sergeants waiting aside using various space items not long after it breaks out of the ground.

In short, there is no way for it to accumulate another large lake in the future.

"Tell the family's exploration team that they are here to do some work. Let everyone carefully explore the great plain. Just in case there are any rare resources." Taohua said to Chu Shinian with a smile.


In fact, none of the people from the exploration team went that far. The two mountains collapsed, and a large amount of various high-level ores fell out.

Although there are still no mineral veins, the large amount of various ores also allows everyone to harvest an unusually rich harvest.

The number of exploration teams is increasing, and more and more exploration teams are entering the crack at the same time.

Some simply brought their own large mining puppets in and started digging around to collect ore.

There is just too much ore in these mountains.

But ordinary miners can't get in, and it's useless for them to come in. They don't have the ability to identify various high-level ores. Once they come in, they have to be like a blind man. Even if they step on a high-level ore, they won't recognize it. , maybe even thrown as rubble.

So the family started an emergency class and summoned some newly promoted prospector apprentices and prospectors to train them in various high-level ores.

After about ten days and a half of emergency training, a large number of them will be allowed to enter the cracks and help the family mine.

The exploration teams who entered the cracks earlier than them will all become team leaders and foremen, leading the team to carry out in-depth mountain excavation work.

As for what to do with the waste soil dug out from the mining here?

Chu Taohua directly asked them to pack away the waste soil, take it back, put in some waste stars, and check it again.

If it is really useless, it can still be used to build the third floating continent.

Make various building modules.

If you don't use it, you won't use it.

Anyway, there are many items in various spaces in the family, so it can only be moved once at most. How can you be so tired?

So the Chu family quickly found several abandoned planets and ruins that were large enough to store dirt.

Then a large amount of dirt was thrown over.

They are all slightly poisonous.

The toxins in it are quite powerful.

It's absolutely impossible to survive without taking medicine.

However, the Chu family provides antidote potions, various protective armors, and various digging puppets. As long as you go digging without worry, if you find a high-level ore, it will be equivalent to several months of your wages.

This good guy immediately attracted many casual cultivators who came to Chu's territory to find work.

The key is that there is really good stuff. A casual cultivator found three high-level ores in one day. Earned more than four or four hundred spirit stones.

Such great achievements happen almost every day.

So a large number of casual cultivators came to hunt for gold.

(End of this chapter)

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