The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1605 Renshui Pear and Seeds

Chapter 1605 Renshui Pear and Seeds

With the Chu family in the ruined area, various mining and development took place. Hunting large groups of star beasts, more and more casual cultivators came to make a living with their families in tow.

Some of them simply went to live on Chu's floating continent, while others lived in Chu's various bases.

Anyway, the Chu family is very good at infrastructure construction, and the various houses and yards they have developed are very pleasant, and the key is that they are very cheap.

With just a few months’ worth of money, everyone can live in the house of their choice.

Work for the Chu family, eat well, and be fat.

He also looks strong and tall.

The man who was originally thin and withered turned into a tall man in the blink of an eye. He is so big and round that he looks scary.

However, for many women, this kind of man feels more secure, so many small families have been re-established. In just a few years, the baby boom under the Chu family has come.

Apart from members of the family and Dingkou, the fastest growing population is the foreign population.

One or two babies are born a year.

They all have a monk who marries several wives and gives birth to ten or eight children a year.

Regardless of whether he is qualified to become a monk in the end, there is no problem in establishing a small family with so many children.

For many casual practitioners, this is their unlimited future.

There are also those who are ambitious and go directly to various continents in the Qingze world to seek a family inheritance.

Because the Chu family did not object and did not drive away the people who went to open up wasteland.

I do not care who you are?

As long as you open up the continent properly, no matter how much land you occupy, as long as you pay taxes on time, there will be no problem.

Everything is fine.

Is there such a good thing in this big world?

This has led many monk families who have fallen into ruin in some large, medium and small worlds to simply move their families here. They are not casual cultivators, they are a higher level of human beings than the homeless cultivators who have enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry.

They also have a richer family background, are very patient, and have a very long-term vision for their family's foundation.

All kinds of construction and development are quite meticulous and thorough. As long as such a small family is allowed to establish a foundation, even if the big families want to exclude and suppress them, it will not be easy to succeed in a short time.

Maybe hundreds or thousands of years later, they could be promoted to a big family.

After these small families took root, they began to quickly form alliances.

Anyway, as long as they don't face a behemoth like the Chu family, they don't look down on anyone.

Besides, the Chu family is busy with their own affairs, so who is in the mood to pay attention to you.

Various types of armor made by the Chu family are transported to the battlefield where His Majesty is located every four or five months. Each time it was 400,000 pieces of armor, 500,000 helmets, and 100 pairs of boots.

Because boots are so popular.

Basically, as soon as the boots are shipped, they are sold out like crazy.

This has caused many generals to wonder, are there really so many void gray orcas in the Chu family?

The general also secretly asked the family to organize a hunting team to come here to hunt.

Everyone is hunting the Void Gray Orca, which causes the whales to run further and further away, and eventually they all run out of the Wenlan Sky Domain.

Chu made up all the armor, helmets and boots for the last time.

The quantity has been exceeded.

The Dragon King was very satisfied.

A direct decree was issued to exempt the Chu family from taxes in Qingzhou Great World for ten years. Chu Shinian ran back to receive the order and heard that the chamberlain Xu Changtai was here again.

Lao Xu was still smiling and looking very kind.

The Chu family's clan leader and family leader were not here, which made him wait for four or five days in vain, but it didn't make him angry at all.

He went to some old clans to deliver the message, and it happened to coincide with the time when the old clan leader was practicing in seclusion, and he was there for a month or two.

So four or five days doesn't matter, he doesn't mind.

He didn't mind, but Chu Shinian was embarrassed.

So I simply gave him a box of five pears the size of a child's fist.

"This is my family's specialty Renshui pear, the sixth level."

Lao Xu's originally indifferent expression suddenly flew away.

He smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite."

"Renshui pear is a famous life-extending spiritual fruit. Sixth-level Renshui pear can directly extend your life by sixty years. And there is no diminishing effect if you eat it continuously."

After hearing this, Lao Xu's smile deepened. "This kind of sixth-level spiritual fruit is not common, right?"

"That's natural. Our family discovered this Renshui pear accidentally. It is said that it blooms once every six hundred years, bears fruit once every six hundred years, and takes another six hundred years to mature. It only matures once every eighteen hundred years. It will bear fruit together. Thirty fruits.”

"This is almost the same as the immortal root lotus in our palace." Old Xu said in horror.

"What your Majesty is raising is fairy root. What we are raising is spiritual plant. The sixth-level spiritual plant is just a spiritual plant. Our spiritual plant also takes advantage of a long life. ." Chu Shinian thought to himself, "Hey, you're so excited."

So he quickly changed his words.

The higher the level, the more difficult it becomes for both immortal roots and spiritual plants.

Especially for some spiritual plants with special attributes, the spiritual fruits they produce are sometimes not much worse than the fairy fruits produced by fairy roots.

Lao Xu secretly calculated that the Chu family looked like a nouveau riche, but in fact, their background was unfathomable. There are all these sixth-level spiritual plants, Renshui Pears.

"I also know that sixth-level spiritual plants are not easy to cultivate. Your Chu family is also very powerful. You can actually cultivate your own sixth-level spiritual plants."

Chu Shinian thought to himself that my family has too many sixth-level spiritual plants.

They are all held in the hands of his wife.

But when you talk about cultivating spiritual plants, you probably mean that my family got Renshui pear and was able to continue to feed it, right?

"It's a joke, it's a joke, in fact, I have been coveting our Majesty's Spiritual Orchard for a long time. I was wondering if I could sell some of the precious spiritual plant seeds in the Spiritual Orchard so that our family could also cultivate some."

"You really dare to think about it." Lao Xu rolled his eyes at him angrily. "I knew there was something wrong with you suddenly giving such a big gift. Tell me, what kind of seeds do you like in His Majesty's spiritual orchard?" Lao Xu finally asked with a smile.

Chu Shinian quickly reported twenty kinds of plants with the same names.

Lao Xu laughed loudly after hearing this. "I said Chu Shinian, Chu Shinian, you are really very thoughtful. What you are interested in are the most precious and rare spiritual fruits in His Majesty's spiritual orchard. Okay, I will go back and ask you. But I will give you It’s just about seeds, and there can’t be more than ten of each type.”

"Oh, Uncle Xu, Lao Xu, you are really amazing. I thought it would be great if I could get a seed as well."

"What Lao Xu? I knew you would give me nicknames behind your back." Lao Xu laughed angrily and rolled his eyes at him.

Hey Hey.

Chu Shinian smiled naively.

(End of this chapter)

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