The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1606 Old Monster Fishing

Chapter 1606 Old Monster Fishing

"You kid, you kid, okay, don't worry, I still have some respect with the Dragon King. I will definitely get the seed thing for you." Lao Xu continued to smile.

To be honest, if this matter were left to any official of the previous dynasty, it might not be possible.

The key is that the county officials are not as good as the current ones.

His Majesty's personal belongings are all in the hands of the chamberlains. Where can the officials of the previous dynasty get the garden of elixirs and the seeds of elixirs?

But these things can be easily obtained by the chamberlains.

Even as long as you don't blatantly sell elixir seeds directly, no one will pay attention to you.

Of course, if you dare to challenge the limit, test His Majesty's wrath, and directly sell it in a big way, then everyone will be even more silent.

Who is willing to pay attention to you as a dying person?

"Your Chu family has done a very good job in everything you have told your majesty in recent years. If you don't talk about anything else, just talk about the descendant tree, your majesty will become your love." Lao Xu said again.

Chu Shinian was stunned for a moment and immediately realized that it was that small tree.

It was it that gave me another little son.

"It is said that His Majesty is blessed with great blessings. We just got the little tree and took a look at it to prove its efficacy. Just in time Yang Hui said that His Majesty is in trouble for his descendants. I think the heir of our Longting must have, And there must be a lot of outstanding successors so that His Majesty can select the next generation.

So I sent the small tree up through Yang Hui's hands. "

When Lao Xu heard these words, his favorable impression of Chu Shinian immediately increased. I thought to myself that this guy could think like this, and even thought of the same place as His Majesty.

If Your Majesty knew that he thought this way, I'm afraid he would like him even more.

"Our old prince has a total of seventeen sons, but before Long Yu's funeral, he was left with seven sons. And among the seven sons, he is the only legitimate son. Our majesty is quite qualified. , can inherit status.

But how long has our Majesty been a royal family? We only have two sons, two daughters, and four children.

Your Majesty is secretly worried about the heir, but it's hard to say it openly.

Fourth, it allows people to inquire about methods privately and secretly.

The queen was also anxious after hearing this. She secretly took many medicines to help her conceive, but nothing worked. "

As soon as he heard his words and saw his expression, Chu Shinian understood that Lao Xu didn't know that the queen couldn't have a baby.

Your Majesty has concealed this secret too carefully.

Even the people around me don’t know it yet.

The queen didn't know if she knew that her husband already knew about her infertility.

She even deliberately chose not to have children.

After all, if the queen is childless, then every prince in the harem has a chance.

After all, if there is no legitimate son, other concubines are eligible to compete for the throne.

There is a throne to be inherited in the family, and the princes are afraid that there will be a quarrel in the future.

"I heard that several of His Majesty's concubines have also given birth to children?"

"Well, the prince recently gave birth to his thirteenth son, and your majesty also made more maids pregnant?" Old Xu said with a smile. "Your Majesty also said that he would also give birth to a hundred princes." Chu Shinian suddenly became very happy, "Does our Majesty want to compete with the ancestors of several wealthy families?"

Lao Xu pursed his lips and smiled.

it is more than words.

"There are indeed advantages to having more princes. At least there are more princes, and they can be divided into various heavenly realms to compete with the royal families whose bloodlines are too remote in those places for local control.

It is not a good thing that the royal power and power in various regions of the world fall on the distant blood branches. "

"You kid, you kid, this time you and Your Majesty are thinking of the same thing.

The bloodline is too remote, and it is not very obedient. "Lao Xu said in a faint tone.

Obviously there is some inside story here.

Your Majesty, it is really not easy.

Chu Shinian said with emotion.

"By the way, I heard that your Chu family has many caves?" Old Xu suddenly said, "I have a godson who will be promoted to the sixth level soon."

Chu Shinian was speechless. "What do I mean? Do you want a cave to use? Here!" He directly threw a palm-sized black wooden box to Lao Xu. “There is a cave dzi bead in it that my Chu family has hoarded.

This small cave is not big, it is just a small piece of land, about three or four acres. There is also a spiritual spring and an earth bag inside. I don’t give you how big or good the cave is. Lao Xu, I really can’t bear to part with you. "

"I understand, I understand. The smaller the cave, the easier it is for people to break through the sixth level." Old Xu opened the small box and saw the dark cave beads inside. This kind of beads has special patterns.

Very easy to identify.

As soon as Lao Xu saw it, he knew that the rules of this small cave were extremely simple and clear. The space is estimated to be relatively small. But it is precisely because of this simplicity that fifth-level perfectionists need and like it most.

Because it is very easy to use it to break through the sixth level.

"Thank you very much." Old Xu said sadly. "Chu Shinian, even though I am in the palace, I am still a bit old-fashioned in front of His Majesty, but this kind of thing is not something I can easily obtain. Before coming, I went to find several good friends and No one in my family had given me a Dzi Bead. As soon as they heard my request, they immediately said they didn't have one.

There was no room for relaxation on his face. "

"Master Xu, can we stop saying so many polite words? Although Cave Dzi Beads are precious, our family can still get a few of them every few years."

"Wait, what do you mean by getting a few?"

Chu Shinian looked around and looked around in detail before speaking in a suppressed voice. “We found many broken and broken fragments of small caves and small blessed lands in some areas of Qingze Great World.

If these small fragments are carefully refined by the formation masters, they will become new Cave Heaven Beads.

That's how you got the one in your hand. "

"You... your family's formation master is so powerful that he can refine Xiaodong Dzi Beads himself?" Lao Xu was shocked and shocked. I almost couldn't close my mouth.

"As far as I know, only the seventh or eighth level monks can refine the Cave Heaven Bead. I thought where did you buy the Cave Heaven Bead from?" Lao Xu said.

Chu Shinian winked at him and said, "Do you dare to use the ones you bought from outside? We made them ourselves, so they are safe and reliable. Otherwise, how do you know if there are cave beads in those bought from outside?" Is the back-up man some old monster using Cave Dzi Beads to fish or something?”

(End of this chapter)

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