The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1607 Favorite

Chapter 1607 Favorite

"If we find out that we have suffered a loss, it will be too late. What do you think?" Chu Shinian asked hurriedly.

Lao Xu nodded one after another.

"That's right, that's right, I was wrong. It's safer to make the Cave Dzi Pearl yourself."

"Yes, if you know how to do it, it's best to refine one yourself. Of course, if you don't know how to do it, then it's best to find a good and knowledgeable force to get a usable Cave Heaven Bead.

It is too hard to open up a cave by yourself.

My wife was actually frightened when she saw me carving out my own cave. When she was promoted to the sixth level, she was unwilling to carve out a small cave by herself, so she simply chose a natural small cave to merge with. "

Chu Shinian looked like I really had nothing to do with her.

Lao Xu had to laugh directly.

"How many people can advance to the sixth level and open up their own caves?

I am also a fused cave dzi bead. "

Lao Xu directly told the truth.

Chu Shinian:...

Hahaha, Lao Xu laughed.

"Speaking of it, this great world of Qingze is indeed rich in resources." He added.

"Then why don't you, Lao Xu, move your family here as well." Chu Shinian suggested. "Otherwise, the casual cultivators here will have to be paid for in vain. There are too few people in our Chu family, and the number of people in our entire family can't even catch up with the population of some mid-sized families in the big world.

There is really a shortage of people.

So we clearly know that Qingze World is really good, but we can’t control it.

Lao Xu, if you have a family and haven't occupied any good place yet, then you might as well come to Qingze. Choose from five supercontinents. "

After hearing this, Lao Xu was very moved.

"This is not good. What if His Majesty finds out..."

"Then why don't I write a note to His Majesty and say that I want to invite people from the Xu family to come and help, mainly because there are not enough manpower to manage the huge group of Qingze casual cultivators?"


"That's it. I'll go back and write the book later. When your family members come, I can feel more relaxed. Oh, by the way, you must find a capable and qualified director for your family. . I am not lying. I have been tricked by Ding Mo, the general manager of Wenlan Tianyu, since I came here.

I don't have the cleverness and intelligence that other people have, and I suffered a lot of losses one after another.

If you don't find someone smart to help me, then both of us will be treated like toys by Ding Mo. "

After hearing this, Lao Xu laughed angrily. "Is this Ding Mo so powerful?"

"Oh, that's awesome. This is what I have in my hand." Chu Shinian gestured with his little finger.

"It's just such a small thing. I can't play with others at all. Even if the crisis is resolved entirely by Your Majesty, I have less luck. If my luck is a little bit worse, I will definitely die long ago." Chu Shinian said with a frightened look. .

"You can't do this, how can a little Ding Mo scare you into this?" Lao Xu said speechlessly.

"Oh, that's not a little Ding Mo." Chu Shinian complained.

Lao Xu was even more speechless.

"Okay, I'll split my family into two blood branches, and then move one of the branches to you. Then I'll help the Chu family. Is this okay?"

"Uncle Xu, Lao Xu, thank you so much."

"You thanked me, so you called me Lao Xu?" Lao Xu rolled his eyes in anger.


Chu Shinian giggled. Although Lao Xu is fascinated by the entire Qingze world and wants a piece of the pie. But for the Chu family, the entry of the Xu family also strengthened the alliance power of themselves and others.

At least with the Xu family here, Ding Mo no longer dares to blatantly attack their family.

"Uncle Xu, when your family moves here, you must bring more mortals and casual cultivators with you. There is a huge shortage of people here, especially due to the development of the mainland." Chu Shinian said.

"I don't have that much money to give them. Wait for them to come and settle here, and then save money to recruit people." Lao Xu said.

Chu Shinian cried and looked at him.

Lao Xu's scalp was numb when he saw him, "Okay, okay, let my family migrate more mortals over."

Originally he wasn't going to agree, but who made Chu Shinian see him so penetrating?

"Oh, by the way, my godson also has a small family. When the time comes, I will move them here together."

"Okay, okay." Chu Shinian said happily.

Lao Xu:......

What should I do if I suddenly want to go back on my word?

Lao Xu will be leaving soon. He is here to issue an edict and it is not good to stay too long.

We must return to His Majesty quickly.

The Chu family's armor is well made, especially the boots, which are highly praised. Originally, the Dragon Emperor intended to list the Chu family as an armor supplier for the Royal War Bureau. It is a pity that some of the former ministers around His Majesty stood up and opposed it.

After all, His Majesty is on the battlefield. In addition to fighting, he still needs to deal with some government affairs.

Therefore, His Majesty still has at least one-third of the former ministers waiting on him.

The ministers were opposed by a large number of people, and at the critical moment when the war was about to begin, His Majesty had no choice but to give in.

For the time being, I can only feel aggrieved by Chu Shinian.

Although this matter has been suppressed for the time being, His Majesty has a very good impression of Chu Shinian.

This made many adults in the previous dynasty very dissatisfied.

Could it be that another favorite will rise next to His Majesty?

That's really not good.

Almost none of the favored ministers around His Majesty are fuel-efficient.

The whole day is spent either making trouble or on the way to making trouble.

As a result, their workload increased throughout the day, and they were not given overtime pay.

Your Majesty only talks about the good things of his favorite ministers, and does not see the hard work they put in all day long. Who would like to see a new favorite rise up?

Resolutely press him down and never let him come up to kill you.

Chu Shinian didn't know about the secret connections between the ministers, but it was difficult to avoid Lao Xu's eyes.

However, in Lao Xu's view, although Chu Shinian once again missed the opportunity to get close to His Majesty, as long as His Majesty always thinks of him, he will always enter Shenjing and go to the court in the future.

So before leaving, Lao Xu said to Chu Shinian warmly and solemnly, "You must maintain your current mentality in the future and think only about His Majesty. You must know that His Majesty has you in his heart, and that is more important than anything else."

Maybe at some point, you will go directly to Shenjing to become an official and slaughter. "

Chu Shinian pointed his finger at his nose in astonishment, "I still kill for an official? Can I?"

"What can't you do?" Lao Xu said with a look of hatred, "As long as His Majesty likes you and trusts you in his heart, then everything is possible."

After Lao Xu's spaceship left, Chu Shinian said with a smile, "This old boy is pretty good at deceiving people. He almost deceived me too."

(End of this chapter)

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