The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1608 Battleship Parade

Chapter 1608 Battleship Parade

Chu Shinian returned to the rift again, and the Chu family had built their own new city on the Baisha Plain.

The construction is completed smoothly, after all, the clan leader is here. Who can't move faster?

The interior of the new city is isolated from the toxic air.

Seven layers of protective formations are installed from the inside to the outside. Each formation can filter a layer of toxins.

Even so, the Chu clan members and subordinates stationed here must take an antidote pill every day.

However, taking the elixir eliminates the need for gas masks in the city, which can be regarded as improving the garrison conditions.

Not long after, an underground river was excavated beneath the White Sand Wasteland.

The water in the underground river is definitely poisonous.

However, the marine life in the underground river is extremely ancient and abundant.

The large and small fishes and sea monsters stunned everyone.

There are such creatures living in such an underground river.

Just use a basin to catch it, and you can catch most of the fish, shrimp and other items in the basin.

Unfortunately, they are all poisonous and no one dares to eat any of them. They were fished out with fishing nets and shipped back to the family in boxes for the pharmacists and doctors to study.

However, the creatures in the underground river seemed to be endless. No matter how the Chu family tried to catch them, they would always crowd the river.

This underground river has been dug out, and the water level has not risen. It has always been at that level, with a slight downward trend.

It can be seen that the world's water resources are probably on the verge of exhaustion.

There are also many mining areas in the Baisha Plain.

And they are all rich mining areas.

Now everyone discovered the mineral vein.

Because the world is different, this place is on one side of the space crack, so there is no need to dig for protection, just dig hard.

What method can be used to quickly dig out all the mineral veins here is a question that everyone needs to consider.

After Chu Shinian came back, he practiced with Taohua while supervising the progress of the project here.

Chu Shinian was actually refining the origin of the broken blessed land, but Taohua was studying the various world rules of the Time Spiritual Forbidden City and the Silver Moon Small World.

Of course, she also had to deal with some emergencies of the Chu family.

There are many hunting teams hunting Void Gray Orcas in Chu's area. This area belongs to the border area of ​​Cangqing Airspace, and there are still many Void Gray Orcas. But no matter how many Void Gray Orcas there are, they can't stop everyone's endless hunting.

Soon the group of gray orcas in this area will have to flee to other areas.

Each hunting team also knew that this was definitely not a long-term business, so they hunted more and more Void Gray Orcas, large and small, and killed them all.

People from big forces like them are hunting the Void Gray Orca.

In the large ocean inside Qingze World, there are countless small hunting teams hunting scimitar-horned manatees.

This kind of sea beast, which has been growing like a school of fish for countless years, has been hunted down by hunting teams one by one, but in fact, the overall number has not decreased much.

Although no one wants to admit it, there are too many mutated monsters in the entire Qingze Ocean.

The sea in Qingze is deep and extremely wide. Just by hunting various mutated sea beasts, I can walk through various small hunting teams and have enough to eat and drink.

The key is that the Chu family purchases all kinds of deep-sea prey skins in unlimited quantities.

There is a kind of nemesis of the scimitar-horned manatee, the super giant blue whale, which can be called a huge ocean monster.

But it can't stand up to the hunting of human hunting teams. Still being arrested one after another.

The huge body was dismantled, and the meat and bones were thrown directly into the sea to cultivate new mutant sea monsters.

The skin was taken away and given to the Chu family to sell for money.

Even the skin of a super giant blue whale can be purchased for 10,000 spiritual stones.

This shows how big this thing is!

And although it is huge in size, it has no means of attacking humans.

At most, it's just tail slapping, riding the polluted ocean to make huge waves or something.

We also have battleships, who is afraid of whom?

Some hunting teams organized by some experts can hunt a super giant blue whale in three days.

The Void Gray Orca is a behemoth of the void that knows magic. Can release terrifying innate magical powers.

In the void, it is a very dangerous existence.

It is impossible to hunt it without losing anything.

But in Qingze Sea, if you want to hunt sea beasts, as long as you are a little careful, no one in the entire team will die in a year and a half.

Therefore, even if some teams from big families wanted to recruit some cannon fodder to help them hunt the Void Gray Orca as soon as they arrived, they did not go back.

No one is stupid, now everyone has money in their pockets, and there are local families like the Chu family who can purchase various resources anytime and anywhere to support logistics.

They won't be cannon fodder for just anyone.

Wouldn’t it be nice for us to hunt sea beasts inside the big world?

Even if we make less money, we won’t die.

The teams of those big families had no choice but to recruit casual cultivators from farther away worlds to serve as cannon fodder.

As a result, as soon as they came, they figured out what was going on with you within a few days. As long as there is a chance, they will quit and leave these hunting teams directly. We don't plan to go back anyway, we might as well stay in Qingze World as local residents.

But I'm living a good life, so it's hard to see my relatives and friends at home having a bad life all the time. So those who spread the news spread the news, those who wrote letters, and those who secretly ran back to find relatives and friends to come together.

In short, there are more and more rumors circulating in the nearby world that Qingze Great World is a treasure land, and more and more mortals and casual cultivators have lost their money and sold their boat tickets and migrated to Qingze.

At this time, Qingze World is still in the most primitive stage of development.

There is a shortage of people everywhere. As long as you are a human being, there will be people vying for you. It would be too easy to survive.

So it's like a whirlpool, attracting the surrounding population to migrate over.

Four years ago, the land of Qingze was still completely silent. There were very few living creatures, let alone people. Even if there is, it is an aberration and a monster.

The big world of Qingze four years later will not be crowded with people, but it is true that traces of human activities can be seen everywhere.

You can often see flying boats, spaceships, and battleships flying around in the sky and on the earth.

Especially Chu's warships often patrol the sky.

Chu's warships are not only big, but also numerous.

If we encounter an entire battleship formation cruising, it will really block out the sky and the sun, and it will be terrifying to look at.

This also deters certain groups of casual cultivators in the Five Elements, so that they dare not easily commit crimes on Qingze.

Otherwise, in a world as big as Qingze's, it would be extremely difficult to control some troublemakers.

(End of this chapter)

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