The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1609: Family history is difficult to copy

Chapter 1609: Family history is difficult to copy

The entire Qingze world absorbs everything around it, including humans, creatures, resources, and energy.

Like a huge swirling black hole.

This is also the foundation of a grand world.

Especially after the Chu family continued to pour a large number of icebergs into the world of Qingze, Qingze was still growing up slowly.

What's even more strange is that the closer the sea in Qingze World is to the two Chu Islands, the water on the bottom of the sea is indeed clear and clean, and even the mutant sea beasts are very rare.

On the contrary, all kinds of spiritual beings, mutated spiritual beings, have become rampant.

On the contrary, the farther away you get from the two big islands occupied by the Chu family, the ocean of Qingze World becomes dirty, black and smelly, and fishy. The distorted group of sea beasts will lead to more fish groups.

At first, the fishermen near the coast did not dare to eat the spiritual creatures they caught from the sea. What if they would send people away if they ate them? I only feed my own chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep, pigs, rabbits and other spiritual animals.

But later, as the sea became clearer and clearer, there was more and more aura on the sea surface.

In addition, the Chu family built too many formation towers on the small island outside their Qingzhou Island.

Continuously expand the protective area of ​​your own formation.

This led to fishermen also starting to eat the spiritual creatures they caught.

And discovered a lot of fresh and delicious food.

Especially as a large number of large and small nine-star coral colonies continue to run towards truly polluted sea areas.

Other newly born coral creatures have no attack ability, which leads to more and more fishermen and hunting teams taking the initiative to open up wasteland in the offshore area.

Even a few mortals with strong physiques dared to form a small hunting team by themselves.

Of course, they dared to do this because of the strength of the Chu fleet. If someone was robbed or killed at sea, Chu's fleet would definitely be able to track down the murderer and avenge them. Of course, if they are still alive, they can also take the initiative to file a complaint.

They also happened to catch up with a good time when resources were abundant but people were few.

At this time, I was hanging out at sea, catching whatever I could and making money.

It's like picking up spiritual stones for free.

The daily turnover of the entire Chu family is an astronomical figure.

The spiritual stones flow like the ocean.

They flow into the family from all directions, and from the family they flow into all directions.

Especially on Nanxiang Island, which has been heavily developed by the entire Chu family, and is the area where the sub-affiliated forces have benefited the most.

The leader of the clan let go of Nanxiang Island and allowed the affiliated forces to enter.

This completely ignited the entire Chu family's affiliated forces.

They led their families on a large scale, took the replacement vouchers given to them by Chu's Lingshan, and dragged their families to the Nanxiang Island enclosure.

Several familiar families, originally just small families with dozens of acres of land, have now become neighbors with hundreds of spiritual fields, facing each other across the mountains.

Everyone laughed.

Some children and young people don't understand why their family head has to obey the Chu family's proposal to replace the family property?

My family's fields on Lingshan Mountain are all third- and fourth-level spiritual fields.

The most powerful spirit fields here are only at the second level.

After such a difference, even if the territory becomes larger due to the replacement, it is not cost-effective and unreasonable.

So a boy of fifteen or sixteen asked suspiciously.

"What do you know?" A mature man in his thirties touched his son's head and said with a smile, "Do you know what grade the spiritual field was when our family first had it?"

"It's the first level."

"Look, the spiritual fields we replaced this time are all of the second level."

"But we have raised our spiritual field to the third or fourth level." "Idiot, what nonsense are you talking about? Who raised the spiritual field on Lingshan Mountain? Our investment of resources is nothing. The spiritual field on Lingshan Mountain is nothing. The Lingtian was raised by the Chu family themselves. They cultivated Lingshan as a source of family resources in the future. The Lingtian sold to us for temporary use is a reward for our contribution.

Now Lingtian on Lingshan Mountain will continue to be promoted.

The Chu family must be planning to cultivate those places into high-end resource producing areas. Perhaps our family’s former spiritual field will be planted with sixth-level or even seventh-level spiritual plants.

But our little family is not only rewarded with land, but other ocean resources are promoted to spiritual fields, and some spiritual plants at the peak of the fifth level are used to allow them to break through and advance. None of us have.

Besides, when advancing from the peak of level 5 to level 6, do you know how many people have to die before they can be promoted to a Venerable?

It is said that one in a hundred does not save one.

Where do we have the resources to help our spiritual plants advance?

Totally unplayable. "

The mature man smiled bitterly.

His son was also stunned by what his father told him.

"Then the Chu family's wealth is so rich that it can seal many spiritual mountains together and advance?"

"To be precise, there are a total of 412 spiritual mountains that have been transformed and advanced together." The mature man said in amazement, "When I heard the news, I finally understood why everyone said that the Chu family has a profound foundation.

This is not only profound, it is simply terrifying.

Our family has lived in Lingshan for so many years. Lingshan has improved over the years, and the annual operation and maintenance costs are so high.

It is difficult for ordinary small families and medium-sized buildings to maintain.

However, the Chu family's Dingkou is at the level of an ordinary small family, but they have supported more than 400 spiritual mountains.

And they have raised two of them for more than a hundred years.

Would you say it's great? "

Since mature men took over the family business, they have realized how difficult it is to run the family business.

But look at the Chu family, it’s easy to start a business and collect money easily. Run the family with ease.

While it makes people envious, they also really don’t understand how they do it.

Many people are studying the history of the Chu family. Even the Chu family’s own internal members are studying it.

Especially those members of the Chu family who are responsible for education.

They almost completely mythologized their family leader.

Because the clan leader is at the forefront of the times every step of the way.

If someone just takes a few steps to propose marriage, it is considered luck. But she walked at least dozens of steps and hundreds of houses in advance.

While many people were just catching up with the times, she was already leading the pack.

Let's talk about the history of the Chu family's fortune. Many people know how the Chu family made their fortune step by step.

The first step in the Chu family's fortune was to open the underground waterway.

But the question is, under that kind of environment, how could you survey an underground channel in advance?

That was underground exploration in a forbidden place.

What kind of survey are you doing?

Even if you fill it with human lives, you may not be able to succeed if you fill it with tens of thousands of lives.

How did the leader of the Chu family find out?

You also established your own market and it was so successful?

Is it really possible to overcome all disasters and figure out the path just by relying on luck?

This kind of incredible luck is not something ordinary people can have, right?

(End of this chapter)

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