The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1610 Dinner

Chapter 1610 Dinner

Taohua has been understanding the operating rules of Silver Moon's small world.

The various rules that are intertwined and opposed to each other are intertwined at the bottom of the world like an ocean.

This kind of thing is also where the Origin Sea is.

The original sea of ​​Silver Moon's small world is really a sea.

It seems boundless, but it actually has scope.

At least Taohua can sense where the bottom of this original sea is.

"How's it going? I see you've been enlightened by me for quite some time."

"It's okay, I have some experience in understanding the rules.

But this kind of enlightenment is really too brain-consuming. "

Taohua pinched her forehead.

My brain is a little swollen.

"In terms of human comprehension abilities, you are definitely among the best. Far above the average level of other human races." Silver Moon's childlike voice came back.

"Maybe it's because I was born with a stronger soul." Taohua thought for a moment before saying.

"You know? I have experienced a lot of years. According to you, I have experienced endless years. But I have to admit that until now, I still have two things that I can't figure out or understand.

One is the Taiyin Stone Tower, and the other is you. "

Taohua: Thank you, I am still one of two things.

"Wait, so you understand Qi Tianjian very well?"

"Know that I know how it was a treasure."

Taohua was very surprised after hearing this, "Wait a minute, how do you know about Qi Tianjian?"

"Do you still remember your native world?"

"Remember, I remember that it was originally a fragment of the big world. In the distant era, it was forced to be separated from the big world. It took more than 10,000 years to multiply into the human world we once had.

Later, I don’t know why the world was reshaped, so we had to work hard and struggle to survive.

Speaking of which, I have worked hard to save my Five Elements Spiritual Realm in order to fight against the resurgence of spiritual energy. "

"Then you think it's just an ordinary fragment of the world. Why does the big world have to take it back? Besides, an ordinary world is just a revival of spiritual energy, so why does it need to be reshaped?

If it doesn't work once, why not do it twice? "

"Is there any reason for this?" Taohua asked puzzledly.

"You didn't have any doubts at that time?" Yinyue asked.

"I have suspected it, but I know too little information and don't have enough clues to guess the truth of the matter." Taohua's little hand smiled helplessly.

"I suspect they are looking for the Taiyin Stone Tower. And I'm not sure if the Taiyin Stone Tower is really there.

They may think that the Taiyin Stone Tower does not exist at all. So in the end, we didn’t organize you to join the big world.

If they think that the Taiyin Stone Tower really exists, then all the creatures in your native world will not exist and will definitely be killed.

Yi Bian forced Taiyin Stone Tower to sacrifice itself.

Because the Taiyin Stone Tower will never appear, as long as it recognizes its owner, it will definitely appear with a certain living being. "

Taohua gasped.

He asked in horror, "Then we have all left the original world and that realm. Is there anyone still holding on to this matter? Is there anyone still following the Taiyin Stone Tower?"

"Fortunately you never let it out." Silver Moon said.

"Is there anyone still tracking the Taiyin Stone Tower?"

"I don't know about that. But I know that the fragment fell into a certain big world from the outside along with an immortal corpse.

That immortal corpse is the immortal fighting for the Taiyin Stone Tower. According to the fairy cocoon he left behind, the Taiyin Stone Tower has been sleeping somewhere since the ancient Moon Lord fell.

The piece of land that followed him into Habu Luo may be the resting place of the Taiyin Stone Tower. The entire continent where the Taiyin Stone Tower might have been hidden was torn apart by them, with everyone's hands on it.

He was seriously injured and fell, and his death was a foregone conclusion. If someone obtained the Taiyin Stone Tower in the future.

You can communicate with Fool Shangbalo and his family through the Taiyin Stone Tower.

He also provided contact information.

It is said that by using this method, after contacting his family, he can take the whole family to migrate to Shang Puluo. "

Yinyue continued to explain to Taohua.

"Aren't you fishing?"

Taohua's first reaction was this.

Yinyue laughed after hearing this.

"That's right, he just wanted to leave a way out for his family if he died. What if it happened? His family would have made a profit."

"This guy is quite insidious."

"No, because he left behind the fairy cocoon, when several major sects in the world discovered his body, they immediately launched local investigations to investigate the whereabouts of the Taiyin Stone Tower." Yinyue said. “In the end, I don’t know why the war broke out, and the fragment was separated at that time.

They also talked about catching up with the invasion and so on. Anyway, humans are especially good at cheating themselves with lies. "

Taohua was even more speechless.

"More than 10,000 years later, they rediscovered the fragment. This fragment was actually on the verge of promotion. As long as it triggers a revival of spiritual energy, it can be promoted.

Who knows that it has just recovered halfway, and some people feel that the recovery of this small world is not a simple matter.

He hurriedly took the sect's treasure and interrupted the world's recovery.

Then they lied and claimed that they had reshaped the world.

In fact, they just went back in time. Let it start all over again.

This way they can carefully observe the differences in the world.

The only useless thing about that world is that the Taiyin Stone Tower is reborn with you. It's incredible. "

"What do you mean, do you think I'm not worthy of the Taiyin Stone Tower?" Taohua retorted angrily.

"I just think that you are just a mortal, how can you let Taiyin Stone Tower follow you all the time." Yinyue said.

"I have also communicated with the Taiyin Stone Tower, hoping that it will stop following you and that we can go to freedom ourselves. Taiyin has been ignoring me."

"I asked you why you were so quiet when you first fell into the Taiyin Stone Tower. Did you plan to rebel against my precious stone tower and rely on it to escape?"

"Then it didn't succeed." Yin Yue said sarcastically. "If it is willing to run away with it, then for the rest of my life, won't I want to be popular, drink spicy food, and do whatever I want?"

Peach blossom:......

"What then?"

"Yin Gui Baoshu and I analyzed and analyzed together, and finally decided to hug you. It is more appropriate to follow you.

See how many magical places you have?

For example, you can actually completely dismantle a spiritual mountain.

Split into Wuyuan Mountain and Five Elements Spiritual Realm.

I've never seen anything like this.

Moreover, you did such a dangerous thing, but those two sacred mountains didn't explode yet, allowing your people to come and have a feast."

(End of this chapter)

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