The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1611 Miracle of Spirit Peach

Chapter 1611 Miracle of Spirit Peach

"I appreciate your respect." Taohua said through gritted teeth.

What are you thinking, do you still want my people to eat?

"Is it because of this Taiyin Stone Tower? The treasure of the ancient Moon Lord?" Taohua asked suspiciously.

"What are you thinking? Could the ancient Moon Lord's treasure be a simple thing?" Yinyue scolded him with a tone that said she hated iron. "Although you and I don't know what's so special about it, there must be such a special place. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many immortals fighting for it."

Ha ha.

Taohua sneered.

Can't believe it.

The Taiyin Stone Tower has been with her for two lifetimes. It has a purpose. It really does. How much use does it have? Not really.

Can she die and live a few more times?

What kind of significant contribution is this?

After she was reborn, she didn't put herself in that dangerous situation again.

"Ahem, okay, I know you don't believe me. Taiyin doesn't make a sound, and I can't force it to explain to you. By the way, I have something else to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

"Zhaotian Peach and Xueyu Peach are two immortal roots. You know that, right?"

“I got it back myself, how could I not know.

It's just that these two peaches only took advantage of me and didn't make much contribution to me at all. If you say that they provided me with some peaches, it would be considered a contribution. Well, I received some small contributions. "

Taohua's words made Yinyue laugh.

"Sister Yingui Baoshu means that the three immortal roots that you evolved in the Taiyin Stone Tower have almost completed the breakthrough, and are just short of the last step. But this last step is the easiest to fail.

Sister Yingui said that you'd better ask her to help you extract the origins of the two fairy peach trees, erase their memory of time, and directly let them degenerate back to the seedling stage.

Then you transfer the origins of these two fairy peach trees to the other three newly born fairy roots.

In this way, it may be possible to directly remove the middle-grade fairy roots from the legs of the three new fairy roots.

After all, if nothing unexpected happens, the newly born immortal roots will only be of low quality.

They are breakthroughs acquired the day after tomorrow, not innate immortal roots.

If you want to continue to break through from low-grade immortal roots to the level of high-grade immortal roots, it is probably a long way to go. "

Taohua was stunned for a moment, "Is there such a thing?"

"That's of course. Think about it, they are all peaches, why can they break through and become immortal roots?

As long as Zhaotian Tao and Xueyu Tao are around, and the domineering and exclusive power of the basic immortal roots, your three new immortal peaches will not be able to survive, even if they are all promoted to low-grade immortal roots in the end. The other two high-grade immortal roots will also secretly squeeze them out and let them die.

So the only way you can think of is to give away two high-grade immortal roots.

I think even if they degenerate into seedlings, they still know that many big forces have them, right?

Maybe you can also get great benefits from offering treasures. "

"As a treasure, to whom can we dedicate it? Should we give it to His Majesty the Dragon King first? There are already alien seed trees, so there is no need to offer treasure immortal roots again. If you give too much, it will be eye-catching and easy to gain jealousy. It is also easy to let the family In crisis.”

Her words, Yinyue thought about it, made sense.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"I have a way. You can help me seal them both suddenly and put them in a small flower pot. I need to return to the great world of Qingze."

"it is good."

Taohua did what she said, and after Yinyue prepared the two immortal roots, she returned directly to Qingze World.

She came back temporarily and didn't do anything else when she came back. She ran directly to the altar, stood at the altar and stared at it to communicate with Qingzhou Island's will.

"Look at me sacrificing two immortal roots to Qingze Great World, the second-level high-grade immortal roots, do you think it's okay?"

"What? You're crazy, that's a fairy root."

"Can you just say it's okay?" "That's because Immortal Gen is for the big world. Maybe it can restore a little bit of its origin. And Immortal Gen designs a rule of Immortal Dao. It's not the same as the rules of human Dao. Are you sure? Two immortal roots must be sacrificed.

what do you want? "

"I have three acquired spiritual peaches that are about to have lower-grade immortal roots. I hope the world can help me upgrade them to the quality of high-grade immortal roots. I see that they have almost understood the power of rules, but they lack a lot of spiritual energy. "

"If you sacrifice two immortal roots, Qingze Da Zhi said that Xu Zhen can help with the promotion of the other three.

Are you willing to do it? That is a high-grade immortal root, and you have raised it to the second level. "

"I'm willing to give up." Taohua said extremely firmly. "Then I'm going to start sacrificing. You ask Qingze to take them away quickly."

"it is good."

Peach Blossom immediately placed two small flower pots on the altar. There is a mini peach tree in each of the two small flower pots, which is still full of small peaches.

As soon as Qingze Great World took away the sacrifice, lightning crackled with thunder and dark clouds filled the sky.

The Thunder fought for about an hour. At this time, Chu Shinian took his fat son and ran back to the clan in the teleportation array.


It was raining heavily.

The sky was like the Milky Way hanging upside down, and countless heavy rain poured down.

Qingze World gently stretches its body in the rain all over the world.

Whether it is under the earth, in the sea, or in the sky filled with dark clouds.

There are strange spiritual lights that flicker on and off.

This heavy rain covered the heaven and the earth for seven days in total.

The sea of ​​Qingze World seems to have been completely filtered, and many of the black and rancid impurities have disappeared.

The entire sea also began to gradually become lighter in color.

Under the sea, many terrains have changed.

Many new islands stick out of the sea. On these islands, many spiritual peach trees grow.

Almost every island has a small patch of spiritual peach trees.

Not only on the sea, but also on the five continents and other islands, various spiritual peach trees have been born.

On various islands of the Chu family, peach trees are growing, and there are various varieties.

There are more than a hundred kinds of spiritual peach trees appearing in large areas.

There is no need for the Chu family to plant any new spiritual plants, the peach trees are all grown.

Everyone in the Chu family was speechless.

Do you know that the Chu family likes to grow peaches?

So we were given more peach trees of this variety?

Our Nanxiang Island and Qingzhou Island are almost becoming peach tree paradises.

Soon everyone stopped thinking that way.

It turned out that many islands appeared in the sea, and these islands were covered with various magical peach trees.

Well, this is nothing short of a spiritual peach tree miracle.

I heard that there are also some spiritual peach trees on the mainland.

Many families laughed. They were basically lying at home while resources fell from the sky.

The peach tree, or the whole forest. How rare this is.

(End of this chapter)

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